NCERT Biology- 1 Flashcards
Fibre, fabric, yarn
Fibre -> Yarn -> Fabrics
Wool, silk obtained from
Cotton, jute obtained from
Example of natural fibre
Fibre obtained from plants and animals
Flax Wool silk etc
Fibre are obtained from:
silk fibre
fleece of sheep or goat/ hairs of rabbit camel yak
Cocoon of silkworm (Malbari plant)
3 example of plyster
polyester, nylon and acrylic
ginning of cotton
from cotton balls, cottons is usually picked by seeds by combing, and process is k/a ginning of cotton
cotton is grown in 2 condition
black soil and
Warm climate
Gujrat, odisha, T.N. Karnatka, Andhra pradesh
cotton bolls
fruits of cotton plant,
After maturing bolls brust open and seeds covered with cotton fibre can be seen.
Jute is found from which part of the plant
cultivated in which season?
how is it created?
Rainy season
then it is immersed in water for a few days and the stem rot and fibre are seperated by hands
the process of amking yarn from fibres
mass of cotton wool are drawn out and twisted which brings the fibres together to form a yarn
hand spindle
simple device used for spinning is a hand spindle or takli
to popularise and promote khadi, GOI constituted a body
comes under
Khadi and Village Industries Commission (1956)
Constitutional body
to plan promote and facilitate organise and help in establishment and development of khadi and village industries in the rural areas in cordination with other agemcies
two main processes to make fabrics from yarn
arrange 2 sets of yarns together to make fabrics
a single yarn is used to make a piece of fabrics
types of plants based on stem and branches
herbs: less branch
shrubs: more branches
trees: most branches and strogest.
Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright but spread on the ground
part of leaf by which it is attached to the stem is called petiole
The broad, green part of the leaf is called Lamina
First oxygen was generated by?
not tree
Mid rib
leaf venation
parallel venation
Lines on the leaf is called veins. prominent line in the mid is called midrib
the design made by veins is called leaf venation
if this design is net-like on both side of midrib, the venation is called reticulate.
if veins are parallel to one another then called as parallel venation
Transpiration is done by
Small opening in leaves for exchange of gases.
process is called as necessary evil.
2 types of root systems are
Tap-root system: there is one tap(main) root while others smaller root called lateral root
Fibrous root system: All roots are of same type.
Roots that we eat:
Carrot, raddish, sweetpotato, turnip,
flowers are reproductive structure of a plant
flower con
tepal: Petals Sepal: Green covering Stamen: Male reproductive organ Pistil: female reproductive organ
male reproductive parts
Stamens has Anther which contain pollen grains in it.
Pollen grains from stamens go to pistil.
female reproductive organ
Pistil has ovary
contains ovules.
part of a flower that gets pollen from pollinators such as bees. The stigma is part of the female reproductive part of a flower, the pistil.
style is a structure found within the flower. It is a long, slender stalk that connects the stigma and the ovary. The stigma is at the top of the style and is a sticky platform where pollen is deposited
Number of bones in body
206 bones
ball and joint joint
type of movement
allows circular motion
Most movement
Arms and shoulder joint
pivotal joint
where neck joins head
Movement: forward-backward, left-right
hinge joint
elbow joint
restricted movement
Fixed joint
no movement
Skull joints
Vertebrae number
33 vertebrae
Rib cage is joint to these bones
bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot.
56 in number
bones of the palm
8 carpel
number of ribs
12 ribs
cockroach outer skeleton is made up of:
type of bones bird have:
Hollow bones that help them in flight
wings are modified forelimbs
Head and tail of fish is smaller than middle portion, so that water can move around it.
snake movement
less than bone more than muscle