NBME Questions Flashcards
- part of cycle?
- tender or painless?
luteal (so close to time for period)
will be small, usually younger woman
What test evaluates “Rh antibody status”?
anti-globulin, coombs test
Initial symptoms of HELLP syndrome
viral like illness (late) in pregnancy
- nausea, vomiting etc
- some Pre-E symptoms possible (H/A vision changes)
- RUQ pain
Labs/signs assc with HELLP syndrome
low Hb
low platelets elevated liver enzymes
lower blood pressure
high liver enzymes
high bilirubin
high LDH
Labs assc with intrahepatic cholestasis
- high bile acids
- mildly high bilirubin and AST/ALT
Most serious sequelae of any cellulitis?
necrotizing fasciitis
Possible preventative measure against UTIs?
voiding after coitus
Treatment of CIN
cone biopsy/ LEEP
Most common cause endometritis/chorioamnionitis?
polymicrobial infection
“Fetal small parts above the fundus” should be a buzz word for ______.
uterine rupture
Most common type of cervical cancer?
vaginal cancer?
cervix + vagina: squamous cell (HPV induced)
endometrial: adenocarcinoma
42 year old with amenorrhea + mood changes + night sweats: first test
pregnancy test before diagnosing climacteric
Exquisitively tender ulcer on the labia should be a buzz word for”:
Apnea, cyanosis, hypotension, DIC following placental delivery suggests ______.
amniotic fluid embolism
All multifetal gestations are at risk for ______
preterm labor
Atypical (glandular) cells on pap smear + normal colposcopy warrants ______.
endometrial biopsy
Scarred cervical os + enlarged tender uterus suggests _____
cervical stenosis
Test of choice for hyperemesis gravidarum
urinary ketones + electrolytes (BMP)
Polyhydramnios, fetal ascites, skin thickening are suggestive of what infection?
Parvovirus B12 (hydrops fetalis)
If a fetal presenting part is not felt during intrapartum care, what test should be done?
What is the use of amnioinfusion?
variable decels, relieves cord compression
When are low amniotic fluids relatively common and what do they mean? what is the treatment in this case?
postterm pregnancy (42+ weeks) represent declining placental function treat by delivering baby
**not treated with amnioinfusion if baby isn’t symptomatic
What medication dilates the cervix to induce labor?
What is a normal post-void bladder volume?
What does an increased value mean?
What are these patients at risk of?
20-25 mL
increased value suggestive of atonic bladder
at risk of UTI
First step in evaluation of abnormal AFP levels
ultrasound to verify dating
What lab values are expected to be increased during menopause
Erbs palsy is caused by injury to which nerve roots?
Following hysterectomy for leiomyomata, how often should pap smears be done?
not. don’t.
Microcytic anemia + alcohol abuse suggests what deficiency?
Treatment of steroid induced osteoporosis
Best birth control for woman taking chemo/AED/other medications that change liver metabolism?
cooper IUD
Macrosomia + pulmonary disease in newborn may be related to increased serum levels of _____
What are the normal pH findings in bacterial vaginosis vs trich vs candida
BV + trich: higher than 4.5
candida: 4.5 or less
Which of the three vaginal infections (BV, trich, candida) has a negative “whiff test”?
Trich and BV both have 4.5+++ pH and + whiff test, how are they distinguished?
trich: motile organisms, green frothy discharge
BV: white discharge, clue cells
What medication treats both BV and trich?
Treatment of suspected appendicitis?
surgical exploration
What type of endometrium is present during the follicular vs luteal phases of the menstrual cycle?
follicular: proliferative
luteal: secretory
What determines the risk of fetal demise in case of IUGR?
US of the umbilical artery
Ovarian failure in young woman with previous history of normal menstruation + normal FSH/LH/TSH is caused by?
autoimmune ovarian destruction
12.5 year old with abnormal menstrual cycles: cause
normal development.
abnormal menstrual patterns normal up to age 15
MCC fetal tachycardia?
infection/ maternal fever
Fluctuant mass during breast feeding- DDx
galactocele: afebrile, no erythema
mastitis/abscess: fever, erythma, warmth
Basic way to normalize menstrual cycles
cyclic progesterone therapy
Evaluation for primary amenorrhea:
karyotype analysis
Sexually active patients under 25 get what screening?
G&C, pap if age 21+
Most appropriate therapy to induce ovulation in PCOS patients
clomiphene, estrogen antagonist at the hypothalamus
Fetal hydrops + ascites think ______
parvovirus B19
Drug associated with placental abruption
bHCG 1500+ with no fetus on U/S of uterus = _____
fluctuant mass of labium majus =
Bartholin duct abscess
Preterm breech presentation in the vagina without contractions or bleeding:
incompetent cervix
Ovarian mass + endometrial hyperplasia suggests that the ovarian mass is what type?
granulosa cell tumor – estrogen producing
+ Qtip test + stress incontinence suggests what cause?
“echogenic structures in the uterus” = buzzword for
hydatidiform mole
snowstorm pattern
amnorrhea + tanner stage four breast and hair development is suggestive of?
imperforate hymen
if hair were absent, androgen insensitivity syndrome
How long does it take herpes lesions to spontaneously resolve?
1 week
The following symptoms are suggestive of what disease process:
- suprapubic tenderness
- urinary urgency
- anterior vaginal wall tenderness
interstitial cystitis
Renal anomalies are associated with what other anatomic anomalies?
Protracted labor in a patient with DM is likely due to ______
cephalopelvic disproportion
head too big for pelvis
Treatment of hydatidiform mole
suction and curettage
Risk factor for persistent yeast infection
DM (poor healing)
HELLP syndrome is a severe _______
(look for severe pre-E if HELLP is not answer choice, damn tricksters)
**Note that BP will NOT be in severe range despite being considered a “severe variant of Pre-E.
“Fundal placenta” rules out what cause of bleeding in pregnancy?
placenta previa, painless bleeding not caused by previa if US shows “fundal placenta”
causes of painless bleeding may include cervical cancer, cervical trauma, etc. (cervical cancer rare in YOUNG women, bimodal…. 30s-60s)
Treatment of breast engorgement/ cysts caused by estrogen replacement therapy
stop the replacement therapy
How to distinguish mastitis vs abscess
key buzzwords:
abscess: fluctuant
mastitis: nonfluctuant
both may have LOCALIZED swelling and fever, abscess less likely to respond to typical abx, needs draining
Cause of oligohydramnios in lupus patients:
uteroplacental insufficiency due to clotting
Tinnitus + metallic taste following administration of epidural suggests…
accidental intravascular injection
bicornuate uterus puts woman at risk of …..
preterm labor
Ddx abdominal organs outside of cavity in fetus
gastroschisis: not covered
omphalocele: covered
Why no combination OCPs in breast feeding?
decreased milk protein content
Labs needed to diagnose pyelonephritis
pyuria + bacteruria
**NOTE: may get systemic edema with pyelo/nephritic syndrome.
U/A findings in appendicitis
mild pyuria, proteinuria and hematuria
What abx is typically given for UTI px
Strongest risk factor for endometrial hyperplasia/cancer
DOC for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
What hormone level is expected to be elevated in turners?
Normal post op pain assc with cesarean
pulling/tugging near lateral areas of wound
Treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum
admission to hospital for IV hydration + antiemetics
PID + rash is suggestive of ….
TSS (staph aureus)
Presence of new pubic hair suggests….
imminent menarche
Treatment of 5 cm simple ovarian cyst in a 25 year old
OCP therapy and re-examine
Active labor with no palpable presenting part:
first step in management
Microcytic anemia + normal iron levels warrants ____.
hemoglobin electrophoresis
MC ADR of suction curettage
amenorrhea (ashermans)