nbme 7 Flashcards
47 F
Why does she have postural hypotension?
Intravascular volume depletion
52 F
Personality changes since the death of her friend x 2 weeks
hx of depressive episodes
presenting with flight of ideas and pressured speech
9 y/o M low back pain x 4 months Most severe in the morning tenderness over SI joint Decreased waist flexion Elevated ESR ABN lumbar Xray
Ankylosing spondylitis
15 y/o F low back pain x 2 months dull ache present all day and night Has required prolonged course of po prednisone for asthma Cushingoid and hirsute TTP over T11-L2
Compression fx
42 y/o M severe flank pain x 6hr CVA tenderness Pain responds to morphine How do you manage him?
Discharge to home and encourage po fluid intake
26 M SOB x 3wk, bumps on legs x 1 wk Red tender nodules over anterior leg CXR - b/l hilar fullness What sr abn would you expect?
Increased calcium
42 F
Weakness, lethargy, double vision x 2wks
CXR - upper anterior mediastinal mass
82 F Metastatic breast cancer on home care Severe back pain that responds to 5 mg Morphine q4h However, pain returns after 2-3 hours How do you manage her pain?
Increase morphine frequency to q3h
66 M Homeless jaundice x 1 wk 20 lb weight loss Alcoholic Wasting, scleral icterus Signs of cirrhosis Mag - 0.8 Other sr abnormality?
Decreased calcium
23 M PPD 16mm CXR - WNL Negative sputum Management?
Tx latent TB
27 M
unable to conceive with his wife who has kids from a previous relationship
Exam - ill-defined soft masses palpated b/l high in the scrotum
B/l varicoceles
24 M
SOB 2 days s/p reduction of a femoral fx
Petechial hemorrhage over the chest and UE
Fat embolism
4 M
fever, cough, runny nose x 3 days
Heart murmur
24 F
amenorrhea x 7 years
anorexia x 8 years
Compared to other women her age, she is at increased risk for?
22 F
Presents in labor at term
Why did she have frequent UTIs during pregnancy?
Urinary stasis
foodborne illness
n/v 3-4 hrs after eating egg salad
How does the food become contaminated?
Inadequate refrigeration
17 F
severe acne x 4 months
What structure is involved?
pilosebaceous follicles
62 M 6hr s/p CABG SBP drops to 100mmHg decreased UO Wide mediastinum What is the next step?
Surgical exploration of the mediastinum
37 F
Malaise, muscle aches, painful vulval blisters, vaginal discharge, dysuria x 3 days
New sexual partner 7 days ago
Vesicles and ulcers over labia, perineum, vulva, mons
How do you dx?
Culture for herpes simplex
4 F Cough, 5lb weight loss x 2 months Crackles over RML PPD - Gastric aspirate has M. TB How?
She has T lymphocyte dysfunction
82 F Visual loss in the L eye on awakening PMH HTN Fundoscopy - dilated retinal v. and widespread retinal hemorrhages intermixed w/ patches of white exudate Dx?
Central retinal v. occlusion
62 F
difficulty swallowing solids, liquids x 3 months
Foul smelling breath
Next step in dx?
Barium swallow
14 M
BP 150/90
Never been high before
Next step?
Repeat BP in 4 wks
50 F SOB x 8 hrs JVD, distant heart sounds EKG alternating amplitude of QRS Next?
Pericardial window
42 F 1 day s/p removal of meningioma now comatose Na - 155 Dx?
Diabetes insipidus
32 F
abdominal pain, n/v x 6 hrs
Amylase - 1022
Next step in identifying the cause?
Measure Triglycerides
52 M
excruciating pain in the great toe, 10 days s/o LCC
14m M WCC Not walking on his own Stands for several seconds unassisted before falling to the floor Next step?
4m seizure poor feeding, sleep x 2 days tense anterior fontanele b/l retinal hemorrhages dx?
Child abuse
16 F
Mom wants contraception for daughter
Daughter has been staying out late and texting boys
daughter admits she doesn’t know why she is behaving the way she is.
Next step?
Family therapy
6 M
Cramping abdominal pain and R scrotal pain x 4 hours
R hemiscrotum is discolored with tenderness and swelling
Next step?
Operative procedure
NOT u/s
24 F
Intermittent double vision, ptosis x 3 wks
Difficulty chewing, swallowing x 1 week
Decreased Acetylcholine receptors
37 M Progressive weakness x 5 days Started at ankles and has migrated to proximal muscles URI 2 weeks ago pathophys
Demyelination of axons
62 F
SOB x 12 hrs
She is treated for PNA and 4 days later her Sr Cr 3.6
What would have prevented her acute renal failure
4 M Fatigue after viral illness 3wks ago Pale x 1 wk Gums bled when he brushed his teeth Pancytopenic Next step in management?
Bone marrow aspiration
72 M
difficulty climbing stairs, rising from chair, combing hair x 3 months
Where is the abnormality?
27 F HA, diffuse abdominal pain, n/v x 5 days Worse with eating, relieved by vomiting Febrile Abdomen distended, diffusely tender, tympanitic Decreased bowel sounds NL amylase lipase Dx?
18 F
Fatigue and jaundice x 3 days
Spherocytes on blood smear
Best way to prevent her syx?
6m M
diaper rash x 3 days
2 cm honey crysted papular lesion
Mupirocin ointment
47 F
ACTH therapy for MS x 2 days
Angry, irritated, pulling out lines, walking around
18 F 37 wks gestation Outbreak of Herpes 6 wks ago No syx since No ulcers on exam Management?
Amniotomy and vag delivery
NOT c-section, intrapartum acyclovir
47 F MVA Slightly widened mediastinum C5 fx What structure has the most threatening injury?
Thoracic aorta
19 M
Found standing in his neighbors house in the middle of the night
b/l nystagmus, constricted pupils, hypertonia, decreased sensation
What’s he on?
67 M
rectal bleeding x 1 mo
Colonoscopy - large ulcerating rectal mass
Bx - rectal cancer
what is the best research to find his treatment options?
47 F fever, n/v, severe HA x 24 hrs T - 102.2 Weak RUE, nystagmus, Kernig sign Next step?
Head CT
72 F Indigestion while walking uphill or briskly Improves with rest Does not respond to anti acids Next step?
Exercise stress test
22 F
Concerned about her risk for ovarian cancer d/t family hx
What is the best recommendation?
57 M Flank pain, hematuria x 3days CVA tenderness Ca - 10.9 Phos - 2.3 PTH - 1020 What is the most likely cause of his renal stone?
Increased urinary excretion of calcium
25 F 27 wks gestation in labor 2 cm dilated, 70% effaced GBS + Next step?
IM betamethasone
MDD, sensation of insects under his skin x 2wks
Exoriations all over his body
Tox screen would show?
75 F 2hrs s/p perforated gastric ulcer reapir Multifocal premature ventricular contractions Meds - dig and diuretics What electrolyte abnormality?
Decreased K
55 F metastatic breast cancer Confused, obtunded Barely arousable Electrolyte abn?
Increase Ca
17 F MVA Facial trauma, fx maxilla and mandible Gurgling when she breathes Next step?
NOT elevate head of bed
ETT was not an option
24 M
New sexual partner, painful ulcers on his penis
Genital Herpes
67 F 4 days s/p R hemicolectomy Serosanguineous fluid leakage from her incision afebrile Dx?
Wound dehiscence
12m M 105 F x 4 hours In the last 8 months: pneumococcal bacteremia, periorbital cellulitis (H. Flu) Immunizied Strep meningitis on LP today He has an abn in which immune cell type?
B lymph
12m M 3 major lifetime infections: skin abscesses d/t Staph aureus PNA and empyema Today skin abscess w/ Staph aureus Likely has a defect in which immune cell?
57 F
n/v diarrhea, abd pain, weakness x 8 hours
32 hrs ago she was at a party with pork, shrimp, rice, canned jam
PE - muscle weakness
37 F, EtOH severe alcohol pancreatitis Required intubation CI WNL, elevated CVP CXR - b/l diffuse hazy densities w/ cephalization of the pulm vasculature and perihilar fullness Dx?
57 F Pain in left groin and thigh over past year 20 degree hip flexion contracture ROM intact but produces pain Xray - narrowing of joint space Dx?
43 M PNA syx x 3 days smoker Increased tactile fremitus and dullness to percusion over L lung base CXR consistent with LLL consolidation Sputum - Small Gram - bacilli Etiology?
Haemophilus influenza
42 F Intermittent loss of urine x 3 weeks Only occurs after voiding 3cm midline cystic tender mass in the midthird of the vagina UA - WNL post void volume - 50 mL Dx?
Urethral diverticulum
NOT Vesicovaginal fistula, urethral syndrome, incontinence, neurogenic bladder
15 M
changes in behavior since transfering to a new school 4 months ago
withdrawn, sleeping poorly, 10lb weight loss, failing classes
Cooperative, flat affect.
Major depressive disorder
32 F 16 wks gestation fever, waxing/waning consciousness x 6hrs HCT 11% PLT 52K Cr - 3.5 Blood smear - schistocytes
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
ADAMTS-13, defieciency in vWF cleaving enzyme
platelet microthrombi -> fragmented RBC’s -> microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Five syx:
- Low platelet count
- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (schistocytes)
- Neurologic changes (AMS)
- Impaired renal fxn
- Fever
Tx - plasma exchange
50 F
Megaloblastic anemia
Giving IF corrects her anemia
What caused her syx?
atrophic gastritis
32 F
PCOS, unable to conceive x 3 years
Appropriate pharma?
52F abd pain, nausea, decreased appetite x 5 days 10 days s/p LCC Jaundice, RUQ pain Alk Phos - 251 NL U/s Next step?
8hr M Jaundice, respiratory distress hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae Hgb - 4 T bili - 15 Direct bili - 0.3 Dx?
Rh incompatibility
7 M
about to have a dental cleaning
Aortic valve replacement 1 year ago
At risk for bacterial endocarditis d/t?
Viridians streptococcus
32 M
burning substernal chest pain and sour taste x 3 months
Next step?
Trial of omeprazole
47 M Progressive weakness x 6 months Mild dysphagia atrophy of quads, deltoid fasciculations Babinsky + b/l EMG and NCS likely to reveal?
fibrillation potentials in multiple muscles of multiple extremities
32 F
abd pain, watery diarrhea x 4 days
Most likely Etiology?
11 F
new onset of body odor, irritibility
Tanner 2
Next step?
Education about puberty for kid and parents
22 M
exposed to unk gas
vomitting/diarrhea, miosis, copisous oral secretions, rhinorrhea, fasiculations
Clothing is being removed and skin washed.
Next step?
32 F HA, joint pain, fatigue, fever x 2 weeks Rash on calf 3 weeks ago Serology + for berrelia burgodrferi Next step?
Doxy was not a choice (ASA, metronidazole, prednisone, propanolol)
57 F
Factor XI and IgA deficiency
Receives pRBCs and develops SOB, uticaria
Anaphylactic transfusion rxn
62 F s/p resection of ovarian tumor BUN -80 Cr - 5.7 Next step in identifying cause of ARF?
Renal U/S
27 F, HIV + Wants to know about immunizations Had childhood vax MMR vax - 4 yrs ago Tetanus - 6 yrs ago HBV Ab + CD4 count is 450 What is appropriate for her to receive today?
Pneumococcal vax
HAV vax, HBV vax, MMR vax, Td vax, None necessary
75 M confusion, lethargy x 2 days Gardening in 100F weather prior to syx onset T - 106.7 Creatine kinase - 8000 AST - 400 Dx?
Heat stroke
32 M syncope while jogging 3/6 systolic murmur at LSB Intensity increases when he stands from squatting position Dx?
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
54 M
90% stenosis of R ICA
Next step to prevent stroke?
Carotid endartectomy
36 F postpartum hemorrhage after placental delivery Fundus - 3 cm above umbilicus placenta is torn but intact Dx?
Uterine atony
17 M
Unresponsive after using heroine at a party
rr - 6
Next step?
72 M SOB x 3 days PMH - HTN, CAD b/l crackles and wheezes CI - 2 pulm a. occlusion pressure - 28 pH - 7.49 PCO2 - 30 PO2 - 58 Next step?
67 M difficulty walking 25 py smoker 3EtOH's QD wide based gait, reel from side to side No more than 3 steps heel to toe What could have prevented this?
EtOH abstinence
27 M doc stuck by a needle on pt + for HBV doc was vax for HBV 2 years ago serology shows adequate levels of antiHBV Ab Next step?
No tx necessary
NO revax, NO IVIG, etc
67 M uncontrollable nosebleed x 6 hours 220/120 w/ abdominal bruit Given ACEI to drop BP Why did he respond?
No cleaving of C term peptide on angiotensin I
37 M SOB, fatigue x 6 m sleep apnea syx, BMI 59 pH - 7.32 PCO2 - 56 PO2 - 70 What explains his hypoxemia?
Alveolar hypoventilation
4 M
Not using his L arm
Holds his LUE with elbow flexed, forearm pronated
Next step?
Supination of the forearm with elbow in slight flexion
dont image
10d M 6h s/p L toracotomy restless while on vent Given sedative Next step?
Analgesic therapy
27 M LOC x 1 min, pulse 45 occurred while at the morgue ID'ing his brother that died in a MVA Seems fine now Dx?
Vasovagal syncope
37 M end stage Duchenne MD Requests DNR with no further abx Mental status seems fine Next step?
Ask if the patient wants to discuss his decision with anyone else
(NO ethics committee, scheduling family meeting, transfer to SNF, or psych assessment)
67 M
aching in his calves while walking
this is caused by significant narrowing of which vessels?
Femoropopliteal a.
25 F 20 wk gestation severe epigastric pain radiating to the back x 12 hours Vitals are stable T - 100 Next step?
Measure Sr amylase
21 F 37 wk gestation mild epigastric pain, HA x 24 hrs 150/98 DTR 3+ Urine protein 3+ Next step?
Measure PLT count
37 F
progressive dysphagia x 6 months
Esophageal manometry - achlasia (Bird beak)
What does this mean for esophageal peristalsis and Lower esophageal sphincter tone
Peristalsis - decreased
Lower Esophageal sphincter tone - increased
23 M
auditory hallucinations since his wife was killed x 1 wk
Keeps hearing his brothers voice even though he lives in another state
Brief psychotic disorder
NOT Bereavement, PTSD, Schizoaffective disorder, Schizophrenia
32 M
admitted for EtOH w/d
Day 2 - unable to move eyes laterally, wide based ataxic gate, b/l rectus palsies, horizontal nystagmus
Received dextrose and chlordiazepoxide during hospitalization
What is causing his syx?
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Always B1 before glucose
21 F
hospitalized for Guillain-Barre
Develops PNA w/ Gram + cocci, Gram - coccie, and Gram - bacilli
What could have prevented this?
Elevation of the head of the bed
14 M L knee pain x 6 mo exacerbated by jumping Recent growth spurt TTP over L tibial tubercle Underlying mechanism?
Repeated microfracture of the tendon insertion
62 M painless rectal bleeding Anoscopy - 5 cm ulcerated mass bx - adenocarcinoma Next step?
Colonoscopy to cecum
NOT radiation or resection
62 M tearing sensation in midchest BP 180/100, 104 bpm CXR - wide mediastinum Next step?
IV labetalol
18 F fever, obtunded x 12 hours at summer camp Meets SIRS WBC elevated w/ L shift Skin lesions over legs, chest abdomen big macular patches Dx?
37 M
hand/foot numbness x 10 months
Renovates houses
Pale MM
PE - weakness of dorsiflexion and loss of sensation in a stocking/glove pattern
Early tx with ? could have prevented this?
Calcium disodium edetate
34 F L hemithorax pain x 2 days after movign heavy furniture Worse w/ inspiration TTP Lateral to the sternum on the L Dx?
NOT 10th rib fx
37 F Sicle Cell Dz RUQ pain, post prandial nausea Scleral icterus T - 100.8 U/s - cholelithiasis, pericholecystic fluid, NL CBD Dx?
Acute cholecystitis
NOT cholangitis
67 M fatigue, weakness x 3 mo Sr Ur electrophoresis - monoclonal spike Bx of Bone marrow - >50% plasma cells CXR - radiolucency of ribs More susceptible to infection with which organisms?
Strep pneumo
NOT Aspergillus, E. coli, HZV, M tb, PCP
18 F
B syx x 5 weeks
exudative pharyngitis, splenomegaly
EBV infection
63 F
3 days s/p fixation of femoral fx
TTP over L calf
Next step?
Duplex scan
72 F
increasing abdominal girth, 8lb weight gain x 2 months
Abd exam - fluid wave
Pelvic exam - 8 cm fixed nontender mass in cul-de-sac
Next step?
Exp Lap
NOT Therapeutic paracentesis
72 M 4 wks s/p 10 day course of quinolone therapy for UTI PMH - schizoaffective disorder Drinks 12-15 glasses of water/day Dry MM NA 122 Ur OsMo - 200 Why is he hyponatremic?
Psychogenic polydipsia
42 M Pruritic rash on his back x 4 days plumber, crawls under houses a lot multiple erythematous serpinginous tracks on his back Elevated WBC Dx?
Cutaneous larva migrans
37 F irregular menses x 1 yr BMI 24 Visual field testing shows outer field deficits b/l MRI - pituitary micradenoma Next step?
72 F 3hrs s/p AAA repair CI - 1.2 MAP - 55 (L) PCWP - 30 (H) CVP - 28 (HH) Pul a. pressure - 55/35 (H) Dx?
Cardiogenic shock
27 M Rash on neck, face, torse x 2 months Flesh colored papules w/ central umbilication over the face etc Molluscum conatgiosum In addition to tx, Next step?
HIV testing
NO CBC, syphilis serology, viral culture
47 M
constipation x 9 mo
Blood in stool x 2mo
Next step?
37 F
3cm nontender fluctuant mass on L posterior vulva underlying the mucosa of the vestibule and external hymenal ring
Bartholin duct cyst
8 M sudden onset facial swelliing \+ FHx of same voice is hoarse vitals stable edema of lips and tongue, stridor What is likely to be abnormal?
C1 esterase inhibitor
57 F 5 days s/p splenectomy for ITP sudden SOB Breath sounds decreased at L lung base Next step?
50 M 3 days s/p hip replacement Unable to move legs and is incontinent Started right after removal of epidural catheter Dx?
Epidural hematoma
32 M Behavioral changes x 2 wks Saw his friend die vivid dreams difficulty concentrating Dx?
Acute stress disorder
42 M
scheduled for MRI
Freaks out, SOB, tunnel vision during MRI
Next step
82 F Concerns for parkinsons Difficult w/ word finding Difficult to distinguish smells Slowed in postural changes Rotary nystagmus High frequency hearing loss What is the most concerning finding?
Brisk rotary nystagmus on lateral gaze
77 M Progressive forgetfulness x 2 yrs 2+ pitting edema DTRs 1+ Na - 130 Uninterested, responds slowly MMSE 20/30 Most likely dx?
DTR’s, hyponatremia
72 M 2 days s/p tx for cholecystitis UO -15mL/3hr Gram - bacteremia, DIC Tx - cefoxitin, gentamicin BP 90/64, 110 bpm Sr Cr - 3 Most likely to have?
Brown muddy casts
Low BP makes ATN more likely than AIN
15 F finger pain, swelling x 6 months Erythema over cheeks Low C3 ANA + Urine: 1+ RBC, 4+ protein Dx?
32 F Progressive cough x 3 months Occasionally tinged with sputum PMH - asthma Meds - albuterol, budesonide End expiratory wheezing Serum IgE - 1250 CXR - linear atelectasis at lung bases and thickened airways, irregular cystic opacities primarily in central distribution Dx?
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
72 M progressive SOB x 4 days JVD 6cm b.l crackles diminised carotid upsrokes 4/6 systolic murmur throughout the precordium w/ radiation to carotids liver span 13 cm Dx
Aortic stenosis
16 F Suicide attempt Dolls eye reflex present AG - 20 pH - 7.32 PCO2 - 12 PO2 - 92 What is the substance?
27 F 39 wks gestation 3cm dilated, vertex -1 FHR - 130, late decels Next step?
Cesarean delivery
70 F
Peeling, scaling, cracking of R nipple x 2 mo
Paget dz of the breast
40 F
yellow discharge from L nipple
Can be expressed, no spontaneous d/c
Physiologic discharge
14 M Sickle cell trait severe pain in L thigh and knee x 1 day Unable to bear weight NO joint line tenderness, effusion L hip ROM limited by pain NL knee xray 6 days ago Next step?
Xray of the hip
42 F Lift eye red on awakening Like a burst blood vessel No trauma No change in vision Next step?
For a screening test 2 questions are considered a +ve
If it were changed so that 1 question was required What would happen to sensitivity and specificity?
Sensitivity would increase
Specificity would decrease
72 M
Dyspnea x 6 wks
PMH DVT, PE/JVD, ascites, pitting edema LE
CXR - mild cardiomegaly, no pulmonary edema
What is the cause of his worsening condition?
Cor pulmonale
NOT ischemic heart dz, AS, MR, viral cardiomyopathy
19 M African American 6-12 hr episodes of watery diarrhea x 9 mo abd cramps, bloating diarrhea after meals since the age of 12 Dx?
Digestive enzyme deficiency
24F 38 wks gestation Tx for GBS at 20 wks 2cm dilated, 80% effaced, vertex -1 What is the best way to prevent GBS for this pt?
IV penicillin G
17 M severe pain on swallowing x 4d IBU intermittently x 3 mo smoker no GERD syx Dx?
Pill induced esophagitis
10 F Fever, joint pain x 5 d T 103F Cardiac exam - gallop, 3/6 holosystolic murmur in 4th intercostal space and mid clavicular line Throat swab grows step pyogenes What explains her cardiac findings?
Mitral valve incompetence
42 F Fatigue, palpitations, anxiety x 3 mo 7lb weight loss, heat intolerance, increased BM's lid lag, exophtalmos TSH 0.1 T4 - 16 Diffuse uptake on thyroid scan Next step?
po propythiouracil
72 F hyponatremia x 3 days admitted for cerebral infarction On appropriate IVF Na+ - 120 Sr Osmo - 255 Urine: Na - 50, Osmo - 358 Dx?
60 M
2 mo f/u for upper GI bleeding
EGD shows a sliding hiatal hernia (type 1)
Next step?
2mo F born at 34 weeks Development is appropriate for corrected age Has a cough, snot T 100F today What is the plan for her vax?
Give all recommended immunizations for age
Do NOT delay until URI resolves
37 M low back pain x 3 mo pain increases w/ hyperextension strength 5/5 Xray shows anterior displacement Dx?
18 F
Lump in neck x 1 month
3cm LN, spleen palpable
Abn lab finding?
Increased serum lactate dehydrogenase
Not decreased K, increased RBC, Increased Ca, Increased TSH
82 M
CHF on f/u exam
meds - furosemide, lisinopril
BUN/Cr have increased since increasing furosemide at his appt 1 month ago. Why?
Decreased renal blood flow
NOT interstitial inflammation, ATN, or obstruction
57 M Joint pain x 1 mo purple rash on legs x 3 days ALT - 156 Cryoglobulins + HCV + Tx?
Interferon - alpha
27 M MVA remains tachy, hypotensive after 3 L of crystalloid LOC Next?
Transfuse O- pRBCs
65 M
episodes where he could not speak and transient blindess of the L eye
R handed
Where is the arterial stenosis?
20 M auditory hallucinations, odd behaviors x 12 mo secluding himself flat affect Dx?
4 M
gets chickenpox 8 hrs after visiting a newborn nursery
all the moms had chickenpox prior to pregnancy
Next step?
No intervention needed
32 F vomiting, diarrhea, R sided pelvic pain x 2 days T - 102.2 RLQ tenderness WBC - 15K w/ L shift US - no adnexal masses Dx?
56 F
PMH - short bowel syndrome
Maculopapular rash, hair loss after hospital stay requiring TPN
What is the deficiency?
study compares outcomes for hip fx at 2 horpitals
pts matched based on age and gender
Physicial fxn at 1 yr s/p much worse at one hospital
What is concerning?
Results are not adjusted for comorbidities
67 M burning/achin in lower extremities x 3 wks exacerbated by walking improved with feet elevation finger clubbing Dx?
Bronchogenic carcinoma
62 F
Increasingly sever upper back pain x 4 days
progressive leg weakness, tinging, urinary incontinence
6 mo s/p radical b/l mastectomy
Babinski b/l
Next step?
Radiation therapy
47 M
n/v burning epigastric pain x 3 days
90/50, 128 bpm
What is causing his vitals?
M newborn b/l clubfoot did not move lower extremities or cry during needle stick bladder is full Dx?
Spinal dysraphism
21 F sudden R sided chest pain x 1 day worse with deep inspiration Recent travel to the Andes T - 100.4 Faint erythematous macular non pruritic rash over cheeks and trunk dullness to percussion at RL base w/ inspiratory rub Dx?
Viral pleurisy
27 F African American 34 wks gestation lower abd pain x 6 hr, vag bleeding x 1 hr FHR - 160 U/s - anterior placenta Dx?
Abruptio placentae
25 F tremulousness, fatigue x 1 mo Thyroid detectable by palp and nontender Iodine uptake is decreased Dx?
Surreptitious administration of thyroxine
55 M fever, neck pain, fatigue x 2wks 7lb weight loss began 4 days s/p viral URI Thyroid is diffusely enlarged and exquisitely TTP ESR 110 Dx?
Viral infection
87 M difficulty starting urinary stream, post void dribble x 1 yr Enlarged prostate on exam Orthostatic hypotension Tx?
doxazosin would be contra d/t bp
52 F
T2DM controlled with metformin
A1C 6.9
best way to prevent nephropathy?
Add lisinopril
52 F progressive DOE x 2 wks PMH - breast cancer s/p mastectomy x 8yrs dullness to percusion over R lung base Dx?
Pleural metastasis
6w M
Forceps delivery
Head is rotated to the L with chin deviated to the R
2cm hard nontender oval mass on R side of neck
Fibrosis of the SCM (torticolis)
32 F 28 wks gestation contractions x 4 hrs cervix partially effaced Tx?
Magnesium sulfate
NOT desmopressin, egonovine, mifepristone, misoprostal, oxytocin
68 M
sudden onset of chest pain radiating to the arm x 3 hrs
ST elevations V2-V5
Acute MI
70 F
chest pain and weakness
Vtach on EKG
16 F abdominal pain x 2 days RLQ, high risk sex Cervical motion tenderness, L sided adnexal tenderness Dx?
7m M persistnet fever x 4 days prolonged bleeding after cicumcision eczema, frequent thrus, OM, pneumococcal bacteriemia Plt - 35 k IGA - 100 IgG - 400 IgM - 15 IgE - 60
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Xlinked recessive
Characterized by 1. eczema, 2. thrombocytopenia, 3. immune difficiency, 4. bloody diarrhea
Study is designed to include prison population who will be rewarded with consideration for early parole. What is the problem?
Coercion of a vulnerable population
51 F acute R sided chest pain, SOB x 15m after placement of subclavian catheter CXR - 10% apical PTX Vitals stable Next step?
NO chest tube
62 M
fever, general muscle pain x 12 hours
On chemo with subclavian catheter in place
SIRS criteria
gram stain of blood - gram + cocci in clusters
Remove the catheter and give which abx?
22 M difficulty sleeping, paranoia x 1 month Odd paranoias Utox - Tx?
Olanzapine (only antipsychotic option)
77 M
cough productive of blood tinged sputum x 15 m
Tachycardic, but vitals stable
Broncophony R lung
CXR - thin walled cystic spaces in RLL with some air fluid levels
Destruction and dilation of distal airways
3 F father found her unconcious in gargae running space heater all day, peeling paint On arrival - cyanotic, diaphoretic, unresponsive T - 99F, 100/60, 80, rr 48 rhinorrhea and drooling Poor air entry, diffuse wheezing DTR's absent What was she exposed to?
NOT CO, ethylene glycol, hydrocarbon, lead
27 F
Pap - high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
no previous hx
Next step?
42 F L eye pain, decreasing vision x 2 days severe vertigo, L arm clumsiness, difficulty walking 4 years ago that resolved spontaneously after 3 wks Decreased visual acuity on L Central scotoma and afferent pupillary defect, pallor L optic disc Finger nose testing shows dysmetria R pronator drift, R ankle clonus Babinski b/l What's causing her visual syx?
Optic neuritis
32 M sudden onset confusion, agitation Started new medication for schizoaffective disorder 5 days ago d/t auditory hallucinations T 103.1, 160/100, 110, 28 Muscle rigidity WBC - 15k pCreatinine kinase - 950 Which NT is responsible?
10 F
mild itchy rash spread from face to arms x 2 days
URI 1 wk ago
Rash - symmetric, maculopapular, reticular, erythematous, nonconfluent on face, arms and legs
Next step?
No tx is needed (Parvo)
22 M
10 min tonic clonic seizure while running a marathon
T - 105
Foley yields red brown urine, 4+ hemoglobin, 4+ myoglibin, 2+ RBCs
Next step?
67 M Ulcer on anterior surface of leg x 2 wks PMH - CHF, T2DM 5 cm ulcer w/ 3 mm red border moderate edema from toes to midcalf b/l lung crackles dx?
Stasis dermatitis w/ ulcer