nbme Flashcards
young otherwise healthy female presents with 2 day h/o F/C, L flank pain, N/V, leukocytosis, many WBCs in urine, initial ABX?
IV 3rd gen cephalasporin (ie ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ceftazidime) for acute complicated pyelo (vomiting so must give IV not oral)
pt presents w severe substernal chest pain, worse w inspiration, she is bent over at waist to decr pain, a short harsh diastolic sound is heard, nml lung sounds, no fever, RR and pulse are both upper nml, most likely Dx?
woman in 50s presents w 2month h/o pain/swelling in knees, also has stiffness- worse in AM, nml WBC count, ESR of 50, x-ray of knees shows osteopenia and subcartliganeous cysts around the joints, joint space intact.. Dx? Tx?
RA; ibuprofen
Middle aged man presents with weight gain, incr space btwn teeth, he appears tall w big feet and frontal bossing.. measurement of what will confirm Dx?
serum IGF-1 (to confirm suspected Acromegaly)
cephalization of pulm vessels?
vessels in upper chest become more prominent d/t pulm HTN
Pt with poorly controlled HTN presents with SOB and wheezing for 2 days, has S3 gallop, 4+ pedal edema, JVD, crackles and wheezes, CXR shows cardiomegaly and cephalization of pulm vessels, SOB is due to?
pulm edema d/t CHF
middle aged alcoholic is brought to ER 1hr after being found passed out in park, lateral gaze defect, wide based ataxic gate, BAC less than 0.1 .. need to administer?
Vit B1 ie thiamine (must give thiamine before glucose!!!)
Previously healthy college student presents w productive cough and runny nose for 2 weeks, feels well btwn coughing episodes, has vomited from coughing so much, no fever, stable vitals, nml lung exam, most likely Dx?
young adult w severe Hemophilia A has received factor VIII replacement since childhood, recently his bleeding has been poorly controlled, requiring more factor VIII to stop episodes, has nml platelet count and prolonged aPTT, next to to Dx cause of incr bleeding?
test for factor VIII inhibitor (vie Bethesda assay), should suspect inhibitor when bleeding episodes are refractory to usual therapy (would not need measure factor VIII conc b/c that is already known to be low in these pts)
young adult has polyuria, blurred vision and rapid breathing for 1 day, is tachycardic and tachypneic, nml Na and K, HCO3 of 18, glucose 783, what is most likely cause of their acidosis?
accumulation of beta-hydroxybutyric acid (DKA)
baseline ECG changes in some pts make stress ECG nondiagnostic since the baseline changes interfere with Dx of MI, thus these pts need what kind of test?
stress ECHO which can detect ischemia by new wall motion abnormalities (or stress radionuclide MPI)
initial therapy of severe hypercalcemia (ie greater than 14) ?
Volume expansion w isotonic saline (0.9% saline), calcitonin and bisphosphonate (ie Zoledronic acid or pamidronate)
pt with MDD presents w nocturnal incontinence 1mo after starting amitriptyline.. on exam he has lower abd distension, moderately enlarged smooth prostate, neuro intact, Cr of 1.6 .. cause of nocturnal incontinence is likely?
BPH combined with anticholinergic effects of TCA causing overflow incontinence
midshaft fracture of humerus causes wrist drop due to injury of what n.?
Pt in 60s presents w pain in fingertips, plethora, and splenomegaly, labs: elevated Hb, WBCs, platelets, Po2 of 92, O2 sat 94.. likely Dx? next step in Mx?
Polycythemia vera;
c/b rapid onset of severe vertigo, N/V, gait instability, possible unilateral hearing loss.. possible nystagmus and falls but no other neuro S/Sxs?
Vestibular Neuritis, or if there are hearing changes- known as Labyrinthitis
rash, fever, eosinophil-ia/-uria, WBC casts, some WBCs, RBCs and protein also in urine
acute interstitial nephritis
how does hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy murmur change with valsalva?
with handgripping?
it increasese;