NBE: Arts Section Flashcards
A general term designating a place suitable for the reception of a dead human body is a/an:
Under this condition a Veteran’s Burial Benefit can be paid directly to the funeral home:
If a funeral home can demonstrate that a veteran’s funeral bill is unpaid
The casket used in Jewish Orthodox funeral service is called a/an:
The decedent’s social security number is required to be entered on a/an:
Death Certificate
A speech about the character of a decease person at the funeral service is known as a/an:
A funeral procession is also known as a:
An unsolicited gift to a clergyman is call a/an:
A veteran’s grave marker can be obtained by making applications to the:
Veterans Administration
The proper terminology for the placing of cremated remains into a final container is:
When placing the casket on the lowering device, the casket bearers should grasp this portion of the handle:
Traditionally, the name given to a symbolic cloth covering placed over the casket is a/an:
A Protestant church designed so that the pulpit is centered in the sanctuary is called:
The United States flag that companies the body of a deceased military person should be presented to the:
Surviving spouse or next of kin
A mournful poem or song of lamentation for the dead is a/an:
The main body of the church where seating is provided is the:
An altar attendant is called a/an:
The person who presides at the funeral service for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the:
Bishop of the Ward
Embalming is usually not practiced by the:
Jewish Orthodox
A cross with the image of the body of Christ superimposed is a:
A monument which is erected to the memory of the dead, but containing no remains is a/an:
The only non-declinable fee on the General Price List is the :
Basic Service Fee
Which of the following disclosures are required on the General Price List by the FTC Funeral Rule:
Right of selection
If a consumer does not want to accept or look at the General Price List what do you have to do:
The indirect method of approach for casket selection requires:
Adequate pre-counseling