Nazi Economic, Social and Racial Policy Flashcards
What was the National Service Corps? (Reichsarbeitsdienst, RAD)
. It was a scheme to provide young men with manual labour jobs.
. From 1935, it was made compulsory for all men aged 18-25 to serve for 6 months.
How did Hitler try to reduce unemployment?
. Job Creation Schemes
. The National Labour Service Corps.
. Invisible unemployment.
. Rearmament.
What was invisible unemployment?
. A method to keep down the unemployment figures used by the Nazis.
. Opponents of the Nazis, Jews and women dismissed from their jobs and men under 25 who were pushed into RAD didn’t count towards the total.
What was Rearmament?
. Hitler sent young men to the army to reduce employment and get the armed forces ready for the future war.
. Conscription was introduced in 1935. In 1933 there were 100,000 men but by 1939 there were 1,400,000.
. Heavy industry expanded.
What was the German Labour Front?
. In 1933, the Nazis banned all Trade Unions to avoid potential strikes.
. The German Labour Front was introduced with Robert Ley as the leader.
. By 1939, it has 22 million members.
Describe the terms of the German Labour Front, DAF?
. All strikes were banned and wages were decided.
. Workers were given relatively high wages, job security and social and leisure programmes.
. Workers were given work books which recorded their employment history.
. It was voluntary but workers found it difficult to get a job if they were not a member.
What was the Volkswagen scheme?
. In 1938, the German Labour Front organised the Volkswagen scheme.
. By the end of 1938, more than 150,000 people had ordered a car and they would expect a delivery in 1940.
What was the Strength through Joy (KDF) programme?
. An organisation set up by the German Labour Front to replace trade unions.
. It improved the leisure time of many Germans.
. It was set up in 1938.
. In 1938, there were around 10 million people on KDF holidays.
What was the Beauty of Work (Schonheit der arbeit)?
. It was a department of the KDF that tried to improve working conditions.
. It organised the building of canteens, swimming pools and sports facilities.
Describe how women had made Political Progress during the 1920s
.Women over the age of 20 had the vote and took an increasing interest in politics.
. By 1933, one-tenth of the Reichstag were female.
Describe how women had made economic Progress during the 1920s
. Many women took up careers in the professions, especially the civil service, law, medicine and teaching.
. Most women earned the same as men.
. By 1933, there were 100,000 women teachers and 3,000 doctors.
Describe how women had made Social Progress during the 1920s
. Women went out unescorted, drank and smoked in public.
. They often wore relatively short skirts, had their hair cut short and wore make-up.
What made the ideal Nazi women?
. Did not wear make-up . Was blonde, heavy hipped and athletic . Wore flat shoes and a full skirt. . Did not smoke. . Did not go out to work. . Took no interest in politics. . Dud all the household duties, especially cooking and bringing up pure, German children.
Describe the measures, brought by the Nazis, to change the role of women.
. A massive propaganda campaign was launched to promote motherhood and large families.
. In 1933, the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage was introduced.
. The aim was to give couples loans to help marry, if the wife left her job.
. In 1938, the Nazis changed the divorce law - a divorce was possible if a husband or wife couldn’t have children.
. The Lebensborn (Life springs) programme where specially chosen unmarried women could “donate a baby to the Fuhrer”.
What was the principal of the three K’s?
. kinder, kuche, kirche - Children, kitchen, church.
. Demoralising for many German women.
What changes were made by the Nazis involving women and work?
. Women doctors, civil servants and teachers were forced to leave jobs.
. School girls were trained for work at home.
. From 1937, the Nazis had to reverse these policies.