Navy Music SOP Flashcards
Navy Bands SOP Document Name
Provides overall Navy Music community management
Director, FBA in agreement with CO Navy Band and PERS-4
USNAB funding comes from?
Superintendant, USNA (not USNB)
Fleet Band funding comes from?
Are Navy Bands deployable?
Small Fleet Band minimum ensembles (7)
Concert Band
Parade Band
Contemporary Brass Band
Large Fleet Band minimum ensembles (7)
Wind Ensemble
Contemporary Brass Band
NAVEUR NAVAF Band Ensembles
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Contemporary Brass Band
CB (capable of two large events at the same time)
USNAB Ensembles
Parade Band
USNB Ensembles
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble
Mixed Chorus
When is a band allowed to perform outside their AOR
(1) The performance is authorized under references (d), (e), or (f).
(2) No other local performances will be cancelled as a result.
(3) The band in the AOR cannot support the requested performance.
(4) The respective operational commander approves the out-of-area performance. (5) DFBA approves the out-of-area performance
USNB Support Priority
(1) White House events, Arlington National Cemetery, and other funeral support.
(2) Ceremonial and protocol missions in the National Capital Region.
(3) National tours.
(4) Special concerts; e.g., Navy Birthday, national holidays, and International Saxophone Symposium concerts.
(5) Public concerts.
(6) Performances at professional music conferences, conventions, and clinics
(7) Supplement to USNA
(8) Recordings
USNA Support Priority
(1) Musical support for the Brigade of Midshipmen, and for official functions of the United States Naval Academy.
(2) Military ceremonies, ceremonies incidental to patriotic occasions, and official occasions attended by officers of the government and/or the Department of the Navy (DON) in their official capacities.
(3) Fund drives for recognized Armed Forces relief agencies and/or consolidated programs recognized by the Federal Services Fundraising Program.
(4) Athletic contests in which one or more Armed Forces teams are participating. (5) Broadcasts and telecasts.
(6) Special events and music programs in support of Navy recruiting.
(7) Public concerts and events of national or international significance
Fleet Bands Support Priority
(1) OPCOM-directed ceremonies, missions, and engagements.
(2) Other military ceremonies, ceremonies incidental to patriotic occasions, and official occasions attended by officers of the government and/or DON in their official capacities.
(3) NAVCO-directed community outreach, coordinated through Navy Chief of Information.
(4) Fund drives for recognized Armed Forces relief agencies and/or consolidated programs recognized by the Federal Services Fundraising Program.
(5) Athletic contests in which one or more Armed Forces teams are participating.
(6) Broadcasts and telecasts.
(7) Special events and music programs in support of Navy recruiting. (8) Public concerts and events of national or international significance.
Preferred Full CB
22 pieces plus conductor or larger
Minimum CB
14 members plus conductor
3 percussionists
11 other instrumentalists including:
Low Brass (one must be a tuba)
Minimum CB recommendations
4 woodwinds
3 trumpets
2 trombones
1 euphonium (or addition trombone)
1 tuba
BQ can render honors? T/F
WWQ can render honors? T/F
WWQ can perform anthems? T/F
T, indoors only
Combos/PMG/Jazz Units can perform National anthem/render honors? T/F
Minimum parade band size
22 member CB plus DM/conductor
4 column/6 rank
rank 6 is 2 tubas
Approved units for SSB
Concert Band
Vocal Ensemble with 4-part harmony
Solo Vocalist
Solo Piano
WWQ (indoors only)
On-site SSB rehearsal protocol
Sounds and hold a chord in lieu of performing entire SSB, unless all in ceremonial area are prepared to stop and come to attention while being played
Civilian clothes or non-uniform items policy
command shirts, jackets are not normally authorized for unit wear when performing for public events or other commands or activities. On occasion, the wearing of civilian attire may be deemed more appropriate by the operational commander and bandmaster. Additionally, the bandmaster may authorize civilian clothes or unit apparel for parent command informal social events
Costume Policy
Changes into costumes as a part of an overall concert used to enhance the presentation of show material or skits are authorized. The presence of costumes should be for a purpose readily apparent to the audience, short in duration, and worn by spotlighted performers only. These items are to be worn as costume changes; not in lieu of appropriate uniforms. Costume examples include, but not limited to, period uniforms to enhance patriotic presentations and props/outfits associated with 1940s/1950s-era presentations.
Bandmaster Designation
Enlisted Bandleader NEC
Flute/Piccolo NEC
Oboe NEC
Clarinet NEC
Bassoon NEC
Saxophone NEC
Trumpet NEC
Horn NEC
Euphonium NEC
Trombone NEC
Tuba NEC
Guitar NEC
Percussion NEC
Keyboard NEC
Electric/String Bass NEC
Vocalist NEC
Sound Reinforcement NEC
Small Band Instrument Manning
35 total
1 Bandmaster
2 Enlisted Bandleader
1 Flute
1 Oboe
3 Clarinets
1 Bassoon
3 Sax
5 Trumpet
2 Horns
1 Euph
4 Trombones
2 Tuba
1 Guitar
2 Percussion
2 Keyboard
2 Basses
1 Vocalist
1 Sound Tech
7th Fleet Band Instrument Manning
35 Total
1 Bandmaster
2 Enlisted Bandleader
1 Flute
3 Clarinets
3 Sax
6 Trumpet
2 Horns
1 Euph
4 Trombones
2 Tuba
1 Guitar
2 Percussion
2 Keyboard
2 Basses
2 Vocalist
1 Sound Tech
Large Band Instrument Manning
45 Total
1 Bandmaster (2 @ PAC/FF)
2 Enlisted Bandleader
2 Flute
2 Oboe
4 Clarinets
2 Bassoons
4 Sax
7 Trumpet
2 Horns
1 Euph
5 Trombones
2 Tuba
2 Guitar
2 Percussion
2 Keyboard
2 Basses
2 Vocalist
1 Sound Tech
NAVEUR NAVAF Band Instrument Manning
52 Total
2 Bandmaster
2 Enlisted Bandleader
1 Unit Leader
2 Flute
2 Oboe
4 Clarinets
2 Bassoons
5 Sax
8 Trumpet
3 Horns
1 Euph
5 Trombones
3 Tuba
2 Guitar
3 Percussion
2 Keyboard
2 Basses
2 Vocalist
1 Sound Tech
Unit Leader NEC
USNA Instrument Manning
35 Total
2 Flute
1 Oboe
5 Clarinets
1 Bassoons
2 Sax
5 Trumpet
2 Horns
1 Euph
4 Trombones
2 Tuba
1 Guitar
4 Percussion
1 Keyboard
1 Basses
1 Vocalist
1 Sound Tech