Navy FCPO 1,2 Flashcards
An element that enables a seadependent
nation to project its
political, economic, and military
strengths seaward is known as
sea control
The true strength of sea power can
only be measured in terms of a
nation’s ability to use the sea to
further its
national objectives
It is more feasible to send naval
forces, in comparison to other
military f o r c e s , into crisis areas
for which of the following reasons
The cost is low 2 . N a v a l f o r c e s c a n s t a y o n station indefinitely 3. Naval forces leave behind no physical reminders of their presence
To continue to exist as we know it
today, the United States must have
a policy that recognizes its
worldwide commitments
What are the three fundamental
pillars on which United States
military strategy rests?
Deterrence, forward defense,
and alliance solidarity
Which of the following responses
could the United States take in the
event of aggression by a potential
- Meet force with force
- Control the duration of the
fighting - Increase the intensity of the
c o n f l i c t
The Navy has the ability to outlast
any aggressor with
secure sea-lanes
time of emergency the Navy must be
able to venture into harm’s way
What is the most flexible element
of the TRIAD?
Intercontinental ballistic
m i s s i l e s
What is the sole mission and
fundamental reason for the
existence of the fleet ballistic
missile submarine?
To deter war
The TRIAD has been developed and
maintained for which of the
following purposes?
To deter nuclear attack
Ships of the Second Fleet patrol some of the world’s most important trade routes. In what area of the world does the Second Fleet normally patrol?
Western Atlantic
Which of the following fleets would
you find in the Western Pacific and
Indian Ocean regions?
Which of the following terms
describes an attack that is
intended to inflict damage to,
seize, or destroy an objective
Which of the following
characteristics of a strike force
is one of its greatest assets?
Which of the following types of
task forces is/are organized
primarily for strike force
- Carrier
- Surface
- Submarine
The primary mission of our
submarine force is to destroy which
of the following types of enemy
The first fleet ballistic missile
submarine was launched in what
When the term is understood the following “TRIDENT” is used, it to include which of elements?
- The base
- The missile
- The submarine
Trident I missiles have a multiple
warhead capability and a maximum
range of how many nautical miles?
The destruction or neutralization
of enemy targets ashore through the
use of conventional or nuclear
The destruction or neutralization
of enemy surface combatants and
merchant ships.
anti surface ship
Naval operations generally accepted
as being nonconventional in nature.
This type of warfare prevents the
effective use of cargo-carrying
vessels by the enemy
anti surface ship
Correctly interpreted, this type of warfare permits military decisions to be based on accurate knowledge of the enemy’s and c a p a b i l i t i e s .
Which of the following types of warfare assists in detecting and targeting hostile forces and making it more difficult for the enemy to detect and target friendly forces?
Antiship missiles can be launched several hundred miles from the t a r g e t . From which of the following platforms can they be launched?
- A i r c r a f t
- Submarines
- Surface ships
The Aegis installed weapons system is on which of the following platforms?
Capable of simultaneously tracking
24 hostile air targets and
launching 6 missiles against 6
d i f f e r e n t t a r g e t s .
Has a very small cross section and
flies at low altitude; radar
detection is difficult.
Fires 20-mm, high-density
penetrating projectiles at 3,000
rounds per minute.
has a 500-lb high-explosive warhead and
contact fuse.
Provides defense against close-in,
sea-skimming cruise missiles.
If your ship is assigned to the
Second Fleet, it would probably
conduct refresher training at which
of the following locations?
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Routine drills are based on ship’s
bills and stem from basic bills
outlined in which of the following
Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy
What inspection is conducted to
test the operational ability of the
crew and ship in wartime
Operational Readiness
What inspection is scheduled by higher authority, without the knowledge of the commanding officer, to determine if the ship is fit for continued naval service?
Through the various treaties with
other countries in the world, what
portion of the land area are we
committed to defend?
Our naval forces conduct various
exercises with allied forces for
which of the following reasons?
To professionally operate as
one unit
To ensure your work center meets the deadlines set for the completion of tasks, which of the following factors must you properly manage?
Personnel, material, and time
Which of the following resources
within your division are the most
important in accomplishing a task?
Personnel and materials
A little time should be spent in your office in the morning and afternoon, then the rest of your time should be spent in the work area.
As a minimum, how often should you
assess your division’s personnel
and material readiness?
When you assess your workers’ job
performance, you should look at
which of the following areas?
Attitude, knowledge, and work
h a b i t s
To keep abreast of the knowledge
and experience of your personnel,
you should randomly review each
training record
At a minimum, how often should you
take inventory so that you will
know when to order additional
Which of the following logs is used
by your division or department to
maintain its supply inventory?
Each command should ensure all hand
and power tools are assigned serial
The equipment deficiency list
contains all of the following
information except
the PMS requirements
What is the work center’s most
valuable resource?
The Enlisted Distribution Verification Report can better enable your division to fulfill which of the following requirements without an adverse effect?
Temporary additional duty
Based on the ship’s overall
manpower, how are TAD requirements
usually allocated?
By department
Which of the following schedules
allows for losses in manpower,
logistic problems, work stoppages,
and personnel training?
Work center schedule
From the annual employment
schedule, all other schedules are
Jobs on your work center schedule
are listed by what order of
P r i o r i t y
What writing instrument should be
used to fill out a work center
schedule and time line?
After your schedule is approved,
which of the following requirements
should be met?
Including your junior petty
officers in the planning process
prevents which of the following
problems from occurring?
How many goal setting elements
should you consider when setting
goals within the work center?
Keeping abreast of changes prevents
crisis management from occurring
When you attend department
meetings, remember to check which
of the following factors before the
Work progress
As major job completion dates near,
you should never allow which of the
following situations to happen?
Neglect minor jobs
Assigning your junior petty
officers challenging jobs will
increase which of the following
s k i l l s ?
The work center supervisor has the
complete responsibility for the
completion of a job.
When delegating authority, you
should delegate to which of the
following competent levels
to develop your subordinates?
Who generates letters of
instruction and command counseling
- D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r
3. Division chief
Counseling sheets and letters of
instruction are entered in a
member’s service record.
A page 13 entry reflects which of
the following types of job
- Good
3 . B a d
If you use a facsimile stamp of
someone’s signature, what should
appear next to the signature to
authenticate the facsimile?
Your initials
A naval message should be used
instead of a NAVGRAM under which of
the following circumstances?
The communication is urgent and
speed is of primary importance
If a command is the “information addressee” on a message, which of the following actions, if any, should the command take concerning the message?
Whatever action is required
within the command
After a naval message has been
prepared and signed by the drafter,
which of the following persons
releases the message?
The delegated releasing officer
Who is responsible for the
validation of the contents of a
Who is responsible for the selection of a
message precedence?
Who is responsible for the proper
addressing of messages?
When assigning precedence to a message,
which of the following factors should you
- Importance of the subject
2. Desired delivery time
What is the highest precedence normally
authorized for administrative messages?
What precedence is identified by the
prosign 0?
A message is released at 1930 hours
Greenwich mean time on 2 January 1991.
What is the correctly stated date-time group
(DTG) assisgned to the message?
021930Z JAN 91
Naval messages may have a total of (a)
how many originators and (b) how many
action and information addresses?
(a) One (b) unlimited
Messages addressed to address indicating
groups (AIGs) would most likely contain
which of the following types of
Destructive storm warnings
When a message is unclassified, what word
or abbreviation should appear on the
classification line?
A message readdressal refers to what kind
of message?
One transmitted to an activity that is
not an addressee on the original draft
Unless otherwise directed, all naval
message directives are automatically
canceled after what maximum period of
90 days
Minimize requires message drafters and
releasers to make which of the following
Is electrical transmission essential
A rough draft of naval correspondence to
be reviewed by a drafting officer should
contain which of the following types of
One subject, clearly and concisely
What should be your first concern in
drafting correspondence?
When organizing a naval letter, what
information should you include in the first
Purpose of the letter
You are assigned the task of writing a piece
of naval correspondence. Which of the
following steps should be your first?
Determining the target date
When preparing the rough draft of a naval
letter, you should concentrate on which of
the following aspects?
The necessary information
When reviewing the rough draft of your
correspondence for the first time, which of
the following procedures should you
Make brief notes at points where the
text can be improved
Before presenting smooth
correspondence for signature, you
should check for accuracy in which of
the following areas.
1.Standard subject identification codes
2. Properly labeled and attached
3.Correct titles of all addressees
The security classification you assign to naval correspondence is determined by
which of the following factors?
The information contained in the
An endorsement may be placed on the
signature page of a naval letter under which
of the following circumstances?
The space on the signature page of the
basic letter is sufficient to
accommodate the entire endorsement
Correspondence that is used as informal communication between subordinates within the same activity can be accomplished by using which of the following methods?
“From-To” memorandum
What is the purpose of a NAVGRAM?
Urgent communications between DOD