NAVOSH Flashcards
Whats is the OPNAVINST 5100.19F
Navy occupational safety and health (NAVOSH)
What is the purpose of the occupational safety and health act ?
Directing the head of each federal deparment and agency to stablish an occupational safety & health program
What year was the OSHACT initiated ?
For who was the OSHACT originally intended for?
The department of labor
What federal agencies were implemented by OSHACT?
What date was OSHA established?
28 april 1971
What are the 2 jobs of NIOSH?
- Engage in research to eliminate on the job hazards
2. Technical assistance to OSHA
Department of the Navy policy for safety mishap prevention, occupational health and fire protection programs instruction
SECNAV 5100.10
What instruction covers afloat and ashore, the navy and marines?
Navy occupational safety and health program manual ?
Navy occupational safety and health program manual for forces afloat
Which manual covers 30 topics/programs and applies to shore facilities ?
What are the 4 sections of OPNAVINST 5100.19?
A) SOH program administration
B) Major hazard specific chapters
C) surface ship safety standars
D) submarines safety standars
What section of the OPNAVINST 5100.19 refers to hearing and hazardos programs ?
Section B Major Hazards specific chapters
Prevention of heat and cold stress injuries ashore, afloat, and ground forces.
NAVMED P-5010-3 REV 2, chapter 3
Safety and environmental health manual
COMDTINST M5100.47 series
Which instruction covers thermal stress injury or illness for the coast guard ?
What is the science that deals with recognition, evaluation and control of potential health hazards in the work environment?
Industrial Hygiene
Which are the major disciplines of Occupational Health?
Occupational medicine Occupational health nursing Epidemiology Toxicology Industrial hygiene Health physics
Who is the designated occupational safety and health official for the DON?
Assistant secretary of the Navy
Who is in charged of budgeting, stuffing and policies in the NAVOSH
The Chief of Naval operations
Who oversight the subordinate commands OSHA programs and conducts an aggressive program ?
TYCOMS fleet commanders
how often does the TYCOM oversights OSHA subordinate commands
every 3 years
Who does actually conducts OSHA inspections and assist afloat commands to ensure that afloat workplace safety and occupational
ISIC (Immediate superior in command)
Who supervises, validates, inspects equipment that will go on board of ships?
NAVSEASYCOM (commander naval sea systems command)
What is the role of the Chief of Bureau of medicine and surgery
To support the CNO and CMC in all aspects of occupational health, industrial hygiene and environmental health
Who is the designated safety officer at commands
Commanding Officer
How often are safety inspections at Command level ?
They are conducted annually
Who can be a command safety officer and what are the conditions ?
Commissioned Officer: Must have experience at least a DH
Chief Petty Officer: Must have a waiver by the TYCOM
Primary duty safety officer shall be assigned to the following platforms?
The safety Officer will maintain and analyze NAVOSH records to include:
injury reports
mishap statistic
Who submits safety hazard reports?
The division safety petty officer
Which are the committee and councils within the commands?
Safety council
Enlisted safety committee
Who is the only member that can be part of the safety council and safety committee
The safety Officer
Who are the chairs in the Safety council and in what roles
XO admin related meetings
CO in mishap, serious injuries or death related meetings
How often does the Safety council and enlisted safety committee meet?
Type of workplace inspection that most be done at least annually and shall also be kept for ?
Safety inspections
kept for 2 years
Who are the authorities that conduct a command walk through ?
CO, XO, DH, DIVO, Work center supervisor
What is AOSA
Afloat operations safety assessment
How often are AOSA conducted ?
every 6 years
Who is the last stop of the AOSA in the chain of command
Commanding Officer
What is the purpose of the Surveillance program?
To monitor health of individuals expose to hazards in the fleet
What is the hazard abatement program ?
Process by which identified hazards that are not able to be immediately corrected are recorded and track to completion
What is RAC?
Risk assessment code
Who assigns risk assessment codes and for what ?
by the safety officer to identify hazards
What is hazard severity?
An assessment of the worst reasonable expected consequence, define by degree of injury, illness or physical damage which likely to occur as a result of the hazard
Which are the hazard severity categories ?
I. Catastrophic; death, grave damage to national interest , lost of facility
II. Critical; severe injury, illness, property damage, damage to national interest
III. Marginal minor
IV. Negligible minimal
what are the mishap probability levels
A. likely to occur
B. Provably will occur
C. May occur in time
D. Unlike to occur
What are the 3 methods of controlling hazards ?
- Prevent the hazard ( training, inspections
- Identify and eliminate hazards
- Reduce likelihood of hazards that cant be eliminated
Which are the Principals of hazard control
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Personal protective equipment
What are the 2 types of engineering controls ?
What is ventilation
The control of potentially hazardous airborne substances through the movement of air