Navigation lights and Shapes Flashcards
What does Underway mean?
Not at anchor or made fast to the shore or aground.
What is “Making Way’?
Actually means moving through the water
Power-driven vessel under way, less than 50 meters in length.
White light on mast, green and red side lights

Power-driven vessel under way of any length, but vessle of 50 meters in length
Must carry a second white mast light.

Power driven vessel less than 7 meters.
Must show white light.

Tug towing with length of tow 200 meters or less. Tug is less than 50 meters.
Two white mast lights.

Towing vessel seen from astern.
Has a stern light and yellow light.

Tug towing with length of tow greater than 200 meters.
Three white mast lights.

What shape does a tug and tow by day have?
Black Diamonds

What lights do sailing vessels have under way.
Red and Green side lights and optional mast red and green.

What shape of navigation does a sailing vessel under sail and power exhibit by day?
Inverted triangle

A vessel not under command, not making way at night has what navigation lights.
Two red mast lights.

A vessel not under command, but making way.
3 red mast lights.

A vessel not under command by day.
2 black balls

A vessel at night restricted by her ability to manoeuvre making way.
Same as if she is at anchor
Red, white, red.

A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre by day.
Ball, diamond, ball.

A vessel at night constrained by her draught.
3 red vertical balls.

A vessel constrained by her draught by day.
Square on mast.

Pilot vessel on duty, under way - at night.
White light over red.

Pilot vessel on duty, at anchor at night.
Whtie over red plus 2 more lights on bow and stern.

Vessel at anchor, if less than 50 meters in length.
Only one all-arond white light is required.

Vessel at anchor by day
Black ball on bow of boat.

Vessel at night aground.
Two red vertical lights

Vessel aground during the day.
3 black balls on mast in vertical line.