Navigating the Literature Flashcards
What is evidence-based practice?
recommendations based on scientific studies that document effectiveness
Evidence Pyramid (increasing evidence strength)
Invitro “test tube” research>Animal Research> Ideas, opinions, editorials> case reports and series> cross sectional> case control> cohort> RCT (randomized controlled trial) > SR/MA (systematic review/meta-analysis)
Systematic Review (SR)
comprehensive summary of high-quality studies examining a given topic
Meta-Analysis (MA)
A type of systematic review where results from available high-quality studies are statistically combined to compute a net overall effect. There is a combined data analysis in this type of study
Randomized Controlled Trial (RTC)
participants are randomly assigned to receive a given exposure and then followed to examine the effects of the exposure on outcomes
Double blind placebo controlled RTC
Single blind or open label
Cross-over design
What is the gold standard for a research trial?
Double blind, placebo controlled RTC
(3) Epidemiological Trials
Cohort and Case Control and Cross-Sectional
Cohort Study
one or more population group (Called cohorts) are classified according to their level of exposure to a give agent/risk factor and followed over time to determine if this exposure is related to the occurrence of a disease or outcome of interest
Case Control
Compares individuals who have a disease or outcome of interest (cases) w/ those who do not (controls). Researchers look retrospectively to evaluate how frequently exposure to a risk factor/agent is present in each group to identify the relationship between the risk factor and the disease or outcome of interest
observes the relationship between a characteristic/risk factor (the exposure) and the prevalence of the disease or outcome of interest in a specific population at a single point of time
AKA observational study
Case Series
Summary of a small group of individuals experience with a similar disease or outcome of interest
case reports
summary of one individual’s experience with a disease or outcome of interest
ideas, editorials, opinions
put forth by experts in the field often in the from of a review
Animal research studies
studies conducted using animals as subjects
In Vitro Studies
studies isolated cells “test tube research”