Navi review perakim 23-26 COPY COPY Flashcards
How many people are with Dovid when he goes to Adulam?
How many people were with Dovid later on in the journey when he is going to קעילה (perek 23)?
What action does Dovid take that a king of Yisrael is supposed to do? (think back to what the 2 purposes of a king are)
He goes to קעילה to fight the Pelishtim as a king is supposed to
What does Shaul say that he is convinced that finding Dovid is the most important task. Passuk 7, 8, and 23
נכר אתו אלהים it is clear Hashem has given Dovid to me, כל עם למלחמה - The entire army I will bring to find him, וחפשתי אותו בכל אלפי יהודה - I will search every city in Yehuda
What saves Dovid from Shaul? Who did Dovid get this from?
He asks the Urim V’tumim if Keilah will hand him over to SHaul. Dovid received this from Aviyatar the last remaining Kohen who lived
Who does Dovid surprisingly meet up with again in perek 23?
Yohonatan to make another Covenant
What are the names of the two cities of people that betray Dovid?
קעילה וזיף
What dilemma does Shaul face at the end of perek 23? What does he decide to do?
If he should chase down Dovid or help the Jews fight the Pelishtim. He decides to go and fight the Pelishtim
What is the place that Shaul made this decision called? Why is it called this?
סלע המחלקות –The rock of division (since Shaul was unsure what to do)
Name the three places that Dovid runs to in perek 23
קעילה, נדבר זיף, מדבר מעון
Where does Dovid flee to at the beginning of perek 24
עין גדי
What is the vulnerable situation that Shaul puts himself in in Perek 24?
He goes to the bathroom alone in a cave
What does Dovid do to Shaul in perek 24?
He cuts off the corner of his coat
How does Dovid feel about cutting Shaul’s coat?
He feels intense guilt and his heart hurts
Who else cuts the coat of Shaul? Why is it ok when this individual did it but not when Dovid did it?
Shmuel also did this to Shaul. Dovid is going to become king and he cannot give messages to Shaul in such a manipulative way. Shmuel was Shaul’s mentor so it was acceptable. Also according to Rashi Shaul tore SHmuel’s coat, while here Dovid tore the coat.
What does Dovid say to show he didn’t kill BOTH the king and the individual Shaul?
Since he is still the ’משיח ה’ - king over Israel, Shaul was very modest and Dovid had mercy on him.
Who does Dovid say Shaul is actually fighting? What does Dovid say to prove this?
SHaul is fighting himself against Hashem. Dovid proves this by saying that Shaul is chasing a flea - a nobody. This has nothing to do with Dovid.
Who does Dovid say “why do you keep on listening to the words of a man?” Who is influencing Shaul?
דואג and Avner
How does Shaul respond to Dovid when he finds out that Dovid didn’t kill him?
Shaul calls Dovid his son and cries. He says Dovid is correct and swears he will never harm Dovid again
Perek 24: What two things that Shaul shows he sees the truth: Passuk 17 and Passuk 21
he calls Dovid his son - the boy who played music for him, he tells Dovid that he will be king and he asks Dovid to protect him
In Perek 25, What 3 examples that made Dovid believe that the malchut is his now:What happens at the beginning of this perek, Who joined Dovid? (midrash), and what does he attempt to do
Shmuel dies, Many other שבטים - not only Yehuda joined Dovid, He attempts to build friendships as part of his מלכות
What is the name of Dovid’s distant relative who he tries to make friendship with?
What is the two connection Dovid to Naval?
Dovid helped shepard and protect His many sheep. He is a distant relative of Dovid and someone who Dovid wants to become close to.
How does this relative respond to Dovid?
He mocks his attempts at getting the kingship and gives him no sheep or food.
What was the potentially grave mistake that Dovid was about to make?
He was going to kill נבל
What was Dovid’s justification for wanting to kill Naval?
נבל was being מרד במלכות- defying the kingship
Who saved Dovid from making killing Naval? What type of person was she?
אביגיל the wife of נבל. She was a נביאה.
Why was Avigail person exceptionally brave?
She was going to meet Dovid in the middle of the night alone when he was going to kill her entire family
Who was Avigail trying to protect?
The מלכות of Dovid
Who did Avigail say should take the blame for Naval’s mistake?
She takes the blame for Naval’s rudeness
What does she say to Dovid to convince him that he should not kill Naval?
She tells Dovid that if he kills people out of revenge because of his personal relationships then he will turn out like Shaul and lose the מלכות
What does this tell us about מלכות?
That מלכות ישראל to last forever it has to come and the king has to wait for it.
How does Dovid respond to Avigail’s plea?
He is shocked by the mistake he almost made and blesses אביגיל for saving the מלכות
What similar situation did Shaul find himself in as Dovid did with Naval? How did Dovid respond differently?
Shaul takes the mistake of אחימלך in נוב the city of Kohanim personally and kills all the Kohanim. Dovid does not take the mistake of נבל personally and does not kill him
When Avigail goes home what does she see Naval doing? What does this tell us about Naval?
נבל is drunk. This tells us נבל was מרד במלכות because he doesn’t care that he went against the king’s command.
What happens to Naval and Avigail at the end of the perek? How long after Dovid and Avigail’s encounter did these events happen.
At the end נבל dies after 10 days where he did not do teshuva. אביגיל shows her commitment to מלכות and marries Dovid
Who tells Shaul where Dovid is again in Perek 26?
The זיפים. For a second time.
Who responds the same and who responds differently in the Shaul-Dovid chase in perek 26?
Shaul responds the same and chases Dovid. Dovid responds differently and does not run away from Shaul.
What does Dovid do this time differently with Shaul chasing him?
He spies on Shaul 2 - He runs TO instead of AWAY from Shaul
Who is Dovid’s lead general and his brother who joins him to go to Shaul?
Lead General - יואב, Brother of the lead general – אבישי
What is Dovid’s plan exactly when going towards and not away from Shaul?
To sneak into Shaul’s camp when they are sleeping and take his sword and water pitcher
Rashi says Dovid swore that he would not kill Shaul again. What are his twoשבועה’s (promises) to assure this doesn’t happen:
Swears if אבישי kills Shaul then he will kill אבישי to protect the משיח ה: Swears to himself that he will not kill Shaul because he wants to kill Shaul so badly
Who else does Dovid attack verbally when he confronts Shaul?
He attacks אבנר for not protecting Shaul enough
Who does Dovid allude to that he is joining because of Shaul?
The פלישתים since Shaul is destroying the Jewish people
Which two phrases tell us that Dovid is going to make this wild, unexpected move of joining the Pelisthim?
Passuk 15 -כִּי בָא אַחַד הָעָם לְהַשְׁחִית אֶת הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲדֹנֶיךָ - one person from the nation (of the pelishtim) was going to destroy the king Passuk 19 - לֵךְ עֲבֹד אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים - you are causing me to worship other gods by joining the pelishtim
How does Shaul respond - again - to Dovid’s foil (meaning that Dovid shows that he could have killed him)
He calls Dovid his son and asks him to come back to his kingdom