Navi- People and Places Flashcards
Anointed Shaul
Anointed Dovid
Shaul ben Kish (family info)
His daughter Michal married Dovid He’s from Benyamin His father is Kish He’s wife is Achinoam His sons are Yonaton, Ishboshet, Malkishua, and Yishvi His daughters are Michal and Meirav
Nachash king of Amon
He was the king who threatened to kill the people of יביש גלעד
Married to Shaul
Shauls son Dovids best friend Head of the Beit Din A great Torah scholar Died on har gilboah
Son of Shaul
He was killed in har gilboah in the war of the Pelishtim
People of יביש גלעד
They were very loyal to Shaul
The brought Shaul and his sons body’s to burial at great risk to their lives
Dovid praised them for chessed and emet
Son of Shaul
Died on har gilboah
Shauls daughter
Daughter of Shaul
Married to Dovid
Avner ben Ner
Shauls general He wanted Ishboshet to be king He suggested to have a duel between his soldiers and Yoavs soldiers He killed Asael He didn’t accept Dovid as king
King of Amalek
Shaul didn’t kill him
Dovids father
A great man
His parents were Yoshai and Nitzevet
He never does anything without consulting Hashem
His 3 wives are- Achinoam HaYizraelit, Avigail Aishet Naval, and Michal
He ruled for 40 years- 7 in chevron
He hid in the Pelishtim land to escape from Shaul
He killed Goliat
Even though Shaul tried to kill him, Dovid never tried to kill Shaul
Achinoam HaYizraelit
Dovids wife
Came with Dovid to Chevron
The giant who Dovid killed
Enemy’s of the Jews
The Jews battled with them
They killed Shaul
Dovid hid there when Shaul was looking for him
Shauls son He was king for 2 years He was 40 when he started his rule He didn’t want to rule He was a Torah scholar who just wanted to learn in peace He ruled from Machaniym
Avigail Eishet Naval
Dovids wife
Came with Dovid yo chevron
Dovids general
He has two brothers- Asael & Avishai
Yoavs brother
Extremely fast runner
He tried to kill Avner so Avner killed him back
Yoavs brother
Amaleki messenger
He claimed to kill Shaul
He brought Shauls teffillin as proof
Dovid killed him
Shmuel anointed Shaul as king here
Beit Lechem
Shmuel anointed Dovid as king here
Dovid was waiting here for news of what happened to Shaul
Har Hagilboah
Shaul was killed here
Dovid ruled here for 7 years
Chelkat Hatzurim
24 soldiers were killed here
Ishboshet ruled here
The two groups of soldiers met each other here
Shaul ben Kish (general info)
He rescued the people of יביש גלעד
He was a good king
He failed to kill the king of Amalek and was obsessed with killing Dovid
The Amaleki servant claimed Shaul asked him to kill him
He killed him self on הר הגלבוע
He was the most excellent and handsome man