navi exam Flashcards
Who ruled after Amatzya and what was their relationship?
Azarya, he was his son.
How old was Azarya when he became king and how many years did he rule for?
He was 16 and ruled for 52 years.
Was Azarya a good king?
yes, he did good in the eyes of Hashem.
What did Azarya not destroy in his reign?
The Bomos.
What was Azarya stricken with and why?
leprosy because he went into the heichal to sacrifice ketores.
who reigned after Azarya?
in the northern kingdom, who ruled after Yerovom?
Was Zecharyohu good or bad?
He was a bad king.
Who murdered Zecharyohu and why?
Shalum ben Yovesh
How long did Shalum ben Yovesh reign for and who murdered him?
He ruled for 1 month and Menachem ben Godi murdered him.
What cruel act did Menachem do?
He didn’t leave a wall open during war for woman and children to escape and he kicked open pregnant woman.
Who did Hashem send as an enemy to attack bnei Yisrael now?
pul, king of Ashur.
Where did Menachem get the money to bribe Pul?
he got it from the geborei chail.
Who succeeded Menachem and was he good or bad?
Pekachya{his son} and he was bad.
who killed Pekachya?
Pekach ben Ramalya
During Pekach ben Ramalya’s reign, which exile took place?
galus, pileser, king of Ashur.
Who killed Pekach?
Hoshea ben Eyla
During Hoshea’s reign, who became king of Yehuda and was he good or bad?
Yosom ben Uziel and he was a good king.
What was still not removed during Hoshea’s reign?
The bomos
Who succeeded Yosom ben Uziel?
Achaz ben Yosom