What does the date at the top of the chart represents?
The date when ALL relevant information was checked against official documentation.
On the top right hand side of the chart we see the Airport name, what format is used by NavBLUE
Country - ICAO / IATA
Then below
Airport the CITY name.
What does ARP mean:
Airport Reference coordinates
What does RFF means?
Rescue and Fire Fighting
ATS means?
Action training system for fire fighting
In the Runway and lighting table we can see RWY, the slope, TORA, LDA and the ALS, what does the ALS information have?
Approach light a=type and its intensity
Does NB publishes ALL holding points in its Aerodrome Overview chart (10-2)?
Does Jeppessen?
Not sure
Where can we find an RNV SID within NB charts?
RNV will be in the title and RNV SIDs will be among the first in the batch.
What does it mean when a radio aid is depicted as a circle with a dot inside in an SID?
The radio aid is NOT part of the procedure
What are the differences in Radio Aid representation between NB and Jeppessen?
Add picture (Already on gallery)
NV depicts the MSA with a radius of…
25 NM and in the center shows the Radio Aid or Airport Reference Point in which the MSA is based on.
When no minimum gradient is shown in a NavBlue SID, means?
The gradient is less than the standard 3.3%
All NB charts are whenever possible drawn to scale, usually the scale is shown at the bottom of the charts and to aid in spatial orientation…
Features like rivers are drawn and other aerodromes in the vicinity are depicted with their ICAO codes.
What is the basic NB APP Chart layout?
The approach minima is depicted in order of…
Accuracy from left to right.
In the lower right corner of a NB APP Chart is the Runway Lighting Box, what is the meaning of a G when shown?
What is the information contained in the Runway - Lighting BOX in an NB approach chart?
Landing Distance LDA in meters and feet Additional visual AIDS Minimum height over Threshold (MEHT) Runway symbol ?? Approach Light Classification?? And G if grooved