Naval Correspondence Flashcards
How far down does the address start?
5/8 inch
What are the margins on the seal?
1/2 inch each way
What are the 7 types of correspondence?
Standard letter, Endorsements, Memorandum, Business Letter, Position/Point/Talking paper, Email, Administrative Action Form (AA)
What is the military’s version of a business letter?
Standard Letter
What does SSIC stand for?
Standard Subject Identification Code
What style of type is the standard letter?
left justified
What order do the paragraphs/subparagraphs identified in?
1 ./ a. / (1) / (a) / ~ / ~ / (~) / (~)
How many lines of type must a signature page have?
2 lines
To begin a new paragraph at the bottom of the page, how many lines of type must you be able to fit on there?
2 lines
What does “by direction” mean?
Signature authority is delegated
What does “acting” mean?
CO is on leave, tad or such.
How far from the bottom of the page does the number go?
1/2 inch
What is an “endorsement”?
When something is transmitted “via” your command, you use an endorsement to forward comments, recommendations, or information.
What is a “memorandum”?
Provides an informal way to correspond within an activity or between DON activities
Explain what a Point/Position/Talking Paper is.
They are staff action documents that an action officer prepares. They are used to develop and recommend an official position; present key points, facts or positions; advance a point of view; or summarize action
What does the DOD use business letters for?
To correspond with agencies, businesses or individuals outside of the DOD.
What are the points to remember about email?
- Should never take the place of a phone call
- Never counsel via email
- Do not chastise via email
- Never send an email when angry
- Vital info, do not rely on email
- Email sent does not equal email received
- Follow up important email with a phone call
- Don’t put it in email unless you want everyone to see it
- Do not send PII over email
- Be respectful in tone
What is manual to find SSIC’s in?
SECNAV M-5210.2
What is the correspondence manual?
SECNAV M-5216.5
What is the MCO on AA forms?
MCO 5216.19
What is a “directive”?
Formal written communication that accomplishes one of the following:
Establishes or revises policy; Delegates or assigns responsibility; assigns a mission, function or task; issues plans or programs; directs courses of action or conduct or regulates administrative practices; establishes a procedure standard, or method of performing a duty function or task; modifies, changes, or cancels another directive
What is the Marine Corps awards manual?
What is an MCB and how long do they last?
Marine Corps Bulletin, a directive that is not of continuing authority because it must have a cancellation date of no more than 12 months.
What is a MCO?
A directive of continuing authority, the only written communication for establishing or changing Marine Corps Policy.