Nav Rules Flashcards
International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea
Called 72colregs Adopted 1972. Developed by IMO.
International Maritime Organization
International rules, Rules of Execution means . . .
I am doing xxx . . .
Inland rules, Rules of Intent means . . .
I Intend to do xxx . . . Advise and consent
How do we determine if Inland or International rules apply
Demarcation lines delineate whether inland or international rules comply
Watch words and phrases
According to the rule
Deemed to exist
Lights for a submarine
MAY display intermittent flashing yellow beacon
1 sec for 3 secs, 3 secs off
Rule one
A rules apply to all vessels
B these rules do not interfere with special rules
C these rules do not interfere with additional station, signal lights or whistle signals especially for fishing fleets or war vessels in a convoy
D separation scheme may be adopted
E special construction vessel must comply as close as possible, like jet skis
Rule one.
A rules apply to inland waters and great lakes and US boats on Canadian waters of grt lakes as long as don’t conflict with Canadian rules
B special rules are inland rules
C addtnl lights may be used as long as won’t be confused with international rules
D traffic separation rules may be adopted
E special construction will comply with rules as closely as possible like jet skis secretary of ?navy shall make determinations
Rule two
A Rule of good seamanship
B General Prudential Rule
A. Follow the rules or everyone can be held responsible B. unless there is immediate danger
consequences of neglect to comply with rules or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen
due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collisions and to any special circumstances, including the limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a departure from these rules necessary to avoid immediate danger
What is chart symbol for a light
Solid dot with grey exclamation mark
What is chart symbol for buoy
Open dot with open diamond
What is chart symbol for lighted Buoy
Grey o with grey halo and open diamond
NUC means
Not under command due to exceptional circumstances Like lost one or more engines, lost rudder . . .
Restricted in ability to maneuver because of its occupation or nature of its work
Laying cable, dredging, surveying, transferring cargo or persons while underway, mineclering, servicing navigation marks, launching or recovering aircraft, engaged in mineclearance operations
Towing only if severly restricted and declared
A vessel not anchored, attached to ground, or aground
Trawling and trolling
Trawling involves nets, trawls or fishing apparatus which restrict maneuverability
Have to be ENGAGED in fishing
Trolling is recreational fishing and not restricted
International only
Constrained by draft - power driven vessel because of her draft in relation to depth and width of navigable waters cannot deviate from her course
Inland all constrained so no one gets preferential treatment
Secure knot even under a load
Easy to undo if NOT under load
Tie two lines together, secure something under load
Sheet bend
To join two ropes of unequal size. Thicker is loop - the bight
Not a binding knot
Cannot be tied under load
Needs two loose ends
Square knot
Also reef knot
Intended but Not a binding knot so Never use for critical loads
Do use for Sail covers, reeling lines,
Clove hitch
It slips and can bind
Hang fenders
Mooring to post if not great strain
Figure 8
Line stopper
Chart = sign
Joins exactly to another chart
Rule 3
Name types of vessels
Non displacement means hover craft
WIG means wing in ground international only
Sailing under sail no power on
Engaged in fishing means nets, lines, trawls, which restrict maneuverability Not trolling
NUC not under command
RAM nature of work restricts ability to maneuver and so is unable to keep out of way of other vessels according to rules
Seaplane should have Captains license
CBD constrained by draft international only
Rule 3.
In sight
Can see each other.
Restricted visibility is by fog, rain, snow, but not night
Western rivers
Mississippi and its tributaries
Not Hudson river
Great lakes and inland waters
Great Lakes and connecting tributaries - Calumet to Obrien locks, Chicago river to Ashland ave
Inland waters is navigable waters of US shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers, and other inland waters
Rule 5
Look out
Every vessel shall maintain at all times a proper look out by sight and hearing as well as by any other means appropriate for conditions and circumstances to make a full appraisal of risk of collision
Rule 6
Safe speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so can take proper and effective action to avoid a collision and be able to stop within a distance appropriate to circustances and conditions
Safe speed involves visibility, traffic, maneuverability of vessel, state of water like wind, waves, current, debris in water, at night the confusion of other lights and proximity of navigational hazards, draft in relation to available water
plus with operational radar within limits of radar equipment, range of scale, conditions and how radar interprets, the more exact assessment of visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine range of vessels and other objects.
Rule 7
Risk of collision
Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to circumstances to determine if risk of collision exists.
If in doubt risk is deemed to exist
Use radar if available, including long range, radar plotting
Risk is deemed to exist if compass bearing of approaching vessel does not change appreciably
Even so, risk may exist with very large vessels, or when approaching vessels at very close range or a Tow
Rule 7
Constant Bearing Decreasing Range
shows risk of collision
even with bearing change, large ships, tows or very close may still pose risk
Rule 8
Action to avoid collision
Action taken to avoid collision shall be positive, done in ample time and in observance of good seamanship
Means large enough to be apparent, not many small corrections
Alteration of course may be all thats needed and most effective action if done large enough and soon enuf
Passing at safe distance until other vessel is past and clear
shall slaken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing propultion if needed to avoid or assess
Don’t make the other vessel alter his course
obligation to do everything possible to avoid collision in spite of right of way
Rule 9
Narrow channels International
Keep to starboard outer limit of channel as is safe and practical
boats 20 meter or less, fishing and sailing vessels cannot impede other vessels which can only safely travel in narrow channel or fairway
CROSSING vessel shall not impede other which MAY sound danger signal 5 short blasts
OVERTAKING requires advise and consent if requires action from vessel being passed
Blind bend with obstruction requires sound signal 1 blast 4 to 6 sec
No anchoring unless necessary
Rule 9
Narrow channel inland
same except
POWER DRIVEN Down bound vessel with following current has right of way over up bound vessel, propose manner and place of passing, initiate signals.
Upbound vessel against the current shall hold as necessary to permit safe passing
CROSSING situation the danger signal SHALL be sounded if in doubt five or more short blasts
OVERTAKING power driven vessel overtaking another power driven vessel shall signal intention, overtakEN vessel shall answer
Doubt or Danger signal
Five or more short blasts
mean lower low water
charts plot – means lower than normal low tide
Notice to Marines
dayly broadcast, weekly and monthly published can get online but expected to be on board
Inland Association for Light Houses
red right return western hemisphere
green right return eastern hemisphere
1 degree equals x nautical miles
1 degee = 60 nm
60 minutes per degree
we use tenths of minutes
true compass reading ie charts
variance from chart
deviation from boat - chart ie magnets, metal, electronics
compass magnetic
going down add whiskey for west
per steering compass
per magnetic compass
ships heading
steering a course of …
dead reckoning
deduce reckoning
point on chart that you believe you are
speed made good
actual overall speed
ships log
entry every 2 hour or whenever something changes
Rule 10
Traffic separation scheme
stay in own lane going with traffic flow
stay out of traffic separation line or separation zone except for fishing and to avoid immediate danger
join at beginning or end, but if joining mid go at slight angle as possible
dont cross but if have to go right angle
vessels should not use inshore traffic zone if can safely use TSS or when going to port, or to avoid danger
less than 20 meters, sailing and vessels fishing may use inshore traffic zone.
no anchoring in TSS or near its terminations
-fishing shall not impede the passage of any vesel. -Less than 20 meter, fishing and sailing cannot impede power driven vessels using lanes -RAM when maintaining safety navigation or laying and servicing submarine cable are exempted
Rule 12
Sailing vessels hierarchy
wind on different side - port tack gives way to starboard vesse;
wind on same side - windward vessel gives way to leeward vessel
if vessel on port tack sees a vessel and cannot determine her tack, other vessel has right of way
windward side is deemed to be side opposite where mainsail is carried or largest fore-and-aft sail for square rigger
POW - port, overtaking, windward give way
Rule 13
any over taking vessel keeps out of way of overtaken vessel
overtaking is coming from behind within 22.5 degrees abaft of beam. At night can only see white stern light and not sidelights
If in doubt, assume overtaking
overtaken vessel shall not have to change course or speed if overtaking vessel wants to cross, PAST AND CLEAR
rule 14
Head on situation international
two power driven vessels meeting shall both alter course to starboard so both pass on port side
if in doubt assume risk exists
Rule 14
Head on Inland
same: both alter course to starboard, deemed to exist if in doubt
unless otherwise agreed, by means of radio, semaphore, etc downbound with following current vessels have right of way over upbound against current vessels, and shall initiate maneuvering signals
Rule 15
stop light rule - Give way boat will see starboard boat’s Port RED light
When two POWER DRIVEN vessels crossing and at risk of collision, starboard vessel has right of way,
port vessel shall avoid crossing in front
INLAND Two Power Driven Vessels crossing river starboard vessel is stand on vessel
HOWEVER vessel crossing a river shall keep out of the way of a power driven vessel ascending or descending the river
Rule 16
Action by give way vessel
take early and substantial action to keep out of the way of other vessel
Rule 17
Action of stand on vessel
shall maintain course and speed but may take action to avoid collisoin as soon as it becomes apparent that the other vessel is not taking appropriate action
if action by give way vessel alone will not avoid collision, vessel SHALL take action (in extremis)
power driven vessel crossing with power driven vessel should not go to port if there is a vessel on the port side if you can help it
rule 18
Responsibilities between vessels
only new reels catch fish so purchase some worms
not under command
restricted in ability to maneuver
constrained by draft (international only)
seaplane (then wig for international only)
Rule 19
Restricted visibility
vessels in or near restricted visibility shall proceed at safe speed with due regard to circumstances and conditions.
power vessel shall have engines ready for immediate maneuver
if radar detects risk, vessel shall take action but avoid going to port if other vessel forward of beam other than overtaking and avoid a course towards vessel abeam or abaft of beam
Unless KNOW no risk, any vessel which hears a ship forward of her beam by fog horn or in close quarters shall SLOW DOWN to minimum speed to keep course or even go to neutral (bare steerage)
Rule 20
Light and shapes displayed when
rules complied with in all weather
lights displayed sunset to sunrise
or sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility
no other lights displayed should confuse
Day shapes in day
Rule 21
Definitions of lights
tow light
all-round light
flashing light
masthead white 225 degrees (goes to 22.5 degrees abaft of beam) INLAND masthd<12 meters may be off centerline
sidelight red port, green starboard, 112.5 degrees INLAND <20m may be combined
sternlight white 135 degrees up to 22.5 degrees abaft of beam, 67.5 degrees each side
tow - yellow light like stern light
all-round - 360 degrees white,red,green,yellow
flashing - 120 flashes per minute or more
INLAND- special flashing yellow 50 - 70 flashes per min showing 180 - 225 degrees from front, not from stern. Visibility varies according to what’s being towed
Prolonged Short Short
Fog for
fog signal for power driven vessel
4 to 6 secs
prolonged short short short
Fog signal
issued from manned towed vessel after
towing vessel sound prolonged short short
Sound Rule 33
Vessels shall carry . . .
12 meters or more - whistle
20 meters or more - bell
100 meters or more - gong
may use electronic equipment that makes the sounds, provided that manual sound shall always be possible
smaller vessels not obliged to carry, but must have a way of making efficiet sound signal
INLAND - Only 12 and 100 meter requirements
Sound Rule 34
Maneuvering and Warning Signals INLAND
When two power driven vessels are meeting or crossing at a distance within half a mile of each other:
One blast - I intend to leave you on my port side
Two blasts - I intend to leave you on my starboard side
Three blasts - I am operating stern propulsion
upon hearing signals if in agreement shall sound same signal and take steps to effect safe passing
If in doubt, sound 5 short blasts and take appropriate cautionary action until agreement is made
Lights may be used in addition to sound - 1, 2 and 3 flashes of 1 second relating to sounds, white or yellow all around light if fitted, synchronized with whistle
May use light due to windy, choppy conditions that might blow away sound or confuse sound
Sound Rule 34
Maneuvering and Warning Signals - International
When vessels are in sight of each other, a power driven vessel shall
one blast - I am altering course to starboard
two blasts - I am altering course to port
three blasts - I am operating astern propulsion
May supplement with light signals - 1, 2 and 3 light flashes of 1 sec each corresponding to sound
all around white light visible at range of 5 miles
Rule 35
Sound Signal in Restricuted Visibility International
in or near restricted visibility
power driven - 1 prolonged blast every 2 minutes
power driven underway but stopped - 2 prolonged blasts with 1 second between every 2 minutes
Sailing, NUC, RAM, CBD, engaged in fishing, towing, or pushing - 1 prolonged short short every 2 minutes
Fishing boat at anchor, RAM at anchor while working - also 1 prolonged short short every 2 minutes
Rule 34
Sound Signals continued
In narrow channel or fairway
A vessel overtaking another shall indicate her intention by
Long Long Short - meaning I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
Long Long Short Short - meaning I intend to overtake you on your port side
Vessel being overtaken shall show agreement by Long Short Long Short
Doubt or Danger used if needed
Blind Bend - Prolonged - given and should be answered if a vessel is there