Nav Comm Section 1 part3 Flashcards
What is the purpose of the audio panel?
Switches microphones and speakers for multiple nav comm radios
What is the purpose of the Automatic Direction Finder?
Navigation points to station
What type of antenna is required for the ADF?
Loop- directional
Sense- cancel out the wall
What is the purpose of the VHF Omni Range system?
Between ADF & VOR, which will give you the magnetic direction to or from a tuned radio station?
An ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) will provide you with the magnetic direction to or from a tuned radio station
Between the ADF & VOR, which will give you the direction of a tuned radio station in relation to the aircraft, but not weather you are heading toward or away from the station?
VOR- antenna
What is the purpose of the DME?
Distance measuring
What is Area Navigation?
RNAV, radio interprets multiple stations to give a direct route to destination
Besides VOR, what other system must be used for the RNAV?
What is Long Range Navigation?
Loran- has one master station and 2 slaves stations sends signals in timed sequence
What is Global Positioning System used for?
Precise navigation
What is an Internal Navigation System?
Uses gyros accelerometer and a navigation computer to sense movement
What is the advantage of the INS system over the other types of navigation systems?
Completely self contained
What is the purpose of the Instrument Landing System?
To land in poor visibility
What is the purpose of the localizer portion of the ILS?
Provides directional guidance
What is the purpose of the glideslope portion of the ILS?
To provide elevation guidance
What is the purpose of the marker beacon portion of the ILS?
Provides distance information from airport
How does an aircraft know that it is to the left or the right of the runway centerline?
The needle swings to the right of left and it will pick up either 150hz (blue) or 90hz (yellow) and calculate differences
How does the ILS know that an aircraft is above or below the glideslope?
The needle shows higher or lower than reference line will pick up either 150hz (blue) or 90 hz (yellow) and calculates differences
What are the three marker beacons used & approximately how far are they from the runway?
Outer marker- 5 miles (blue light)
Middle marker- 1/2 mile (amber)
Inner marker- runway (white light)