Nav Aids Flashcards
Point No Point
On point, Fl (3) 10s 27ft 14M
Scatchet Head Buoy
095 @83mm, G “1” Fl G 6s Gong
Possession Pt Buoy
100 @134mm, G “1” Fl G 4s Bell
“SF” Buoy
343 @ 103mm, Y “SF” Fl Y 2.5s, Racon–. 4mm magenta circle
Meadow Pt Buoy
311 @ 5mm, G “1” Fl G 4s
Shilshole Breakwater Light
OFF N. End of Brkwater, Fl R 2.5s 28ft 5M “2”
Shilshole #1 Buoy
202 @ 21mm, G “1” Fl G 2.5s
Shilshole #2 Buoy
202 @ 24mm, R Fl R 2.5s
Shilshole #3 light
Just off end of pier, in line with #1 and bank
Fl G 4s 29ft 5M “3”
Agate Pass #6 Light
271 @ 159mm, Fl R 2.5s 15ft 4M “6”
Agate Pass #4 Buoy
277 @ 155mm, R “4” Fl R 4s
Agate Pass #2 Light
285 @ 146mm, Fl R 4s 20ft 5M “2”
Kingston Cove Light
2mm off brkwtr, Fl R 4s 4M “2”
Apple Cove Pt. Light
On south tip, Fl 4s 18ft 6M
Port Gamble #2 Light
Due North from west pt @ 10mm, Fl R 2.5s 16ft 4M “2”
Port Gamble #1 Light
2mm across from #2, Fl G 2.5s 16ft 4M “1”
Port Gamble #4 Light
6mm south of #2, Fl R 4s 16ft 4M “4”
Port Gamble #3 Light
2mm across from #4, Fl G 4s 16ft 4M “3”
Everett Aero Lt
091.5 @ 238mm, Aero Rot W & G