NAV 6 Prelim Flashcards
– stands for Electronic Chart Display and Information System
– a computer-based navigation system that displays electronic nautical charts and provides
essential navigational information
– essentially a digital navigation tool used on ships to replace traditional paper charts
Advantages of ECDIS over Paper Charts
● Accuracy
● Efficiency
● Additional Information
● Safety
Electronic charts are updated more frequently and are generally more accurate than paper charts
Route planning navigation are faster and easier with ECDIS
ECDIS can display information from various sources, such as weather data, tidal information, and AIS (Automatic Identification System) data
Additional Information
ECDIS offers enhanced safety features like collision avoidance and grounding alarms
– digital representations of nautical charts, standardized in content, structure, and format
– also known as vector charts
– datasets to support all types of nautical navigation
– large commercial vessels originally adopted them for the sake of SOLAS compliance, efficiency, and safety benefits
Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs)
describe the characteristics of an object
define how objects are connected
Key Data Layers
● Bathymetry Layer
● Topography Layer
● Navigation Aids Layer
● Hydrography Layer
● Obstacles Layer
● Other Layers
– depicts underwater depths, contours, and seabed topography
– includes sounding data, depth curves, and seabed features like canyons and ridges
Bathymetry Layer
represents land features, including coastlines, islands, elevations, and terrain characteristics
Topography Layer
displays aids to navigation such as buoys, lighthouses, beacons, and radio navigation systems
Navigation Aids Layer
provides information about water-related features like currents, tides, and water
depths near the coast
Hydrography Layer
indicates hazards to navigation, including wrecks, obstructions, and underwater
Obstacles Layer
additional layers may include maritime boundaries, port facilities, and environmental information
Other Layers
Sources of Data Inaccuracy
● Survey Methods
● Generalization
● Data Age
● Human Error
Variations in survey techniques and equipment can affect data precision
Survey Methods
Simplifying complex features for chart representation can introduce errors
Changes in seabed topography, coastline, and navigation aids over time can render data outdated
Data Age
Mistakes in data collection, processing, or encoding can lead to inaccuracies
Human Error
Mitigating Data Risks
● ENC Quality Control
● User Verification
● Safety Margin
● Regular Updates
Hydrographic offices implement rigorous quality control measures to ensure data accuracy
ENC Quality Control
Mariners should always cross-reference ENC data with other available information (radar, visual observations, nautical publications)
User Verification
Maintain a safe distance from charted dangers and exercise caution in areas with uncertain data
Safety Margin
Stay informed about ENC updates and corrections to minimize data discrepancies
Regular Updates
– the algorithms that determine which chart information is displayed at specific scales
– essential for preventing chart clutter and ensuring optimal readability
– based on the S-57 ENC standard and IHO Presentation Library
Presentation Rules
Types of Presentation Rules
● Scale-Dependent Rules
● User-Defined Rules
● Priority-Based Rules
automatically adjust chart display based on the current scale
Scale-Dependent Rules
allow mariners to customize chart display based on their preferences and operational requirements
User-Defined Rules
assign priorities to different chart objects, ensuring critical information is always
Priority-Based Rules
Display Options & Other Data Chart Formats
● Overlay Function
● Split Screen Mode
● Zoom Function
● Rotation Function
● User-Defined Views
combine multiple data layers for comprehensive situational awareness
Overlay Function
view different chart areas or data types simultaneously
Split Screen Mode
adjust chart scale to focus on specific areas of interest
Zoom Function
align the chart with the vessel’s heading for enhanced orientation
Rotation Function