Nautical Rules of the Road Flashcards
What are COLREGS 72?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Collision Regulations.
The International rules were formalized in 1972 at the Convention of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
How do International and Inland Rules differ?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Inland and International rules are the same except where distinctions are pointed out within the rule.
What is the purpose of a COLREGS Demarcation Line?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Delineate those waters upon which a mariner will comply with either the Inland Rules or the International Rules
Inland Rules are codified at:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
33 CFR 83
Where do the International Rules apply?
Rule 1(a)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels.
Where do the Inland Rules apply?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
ALL vessels on the inland waters of the United States and to vessels of the United States on the Canadian waters of the Great Lakes (as long as there is no conflict with Canadian law)
Where would you find rules pertaining to additional signals used by a fleet of fishing vessels?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Annex II to the COLREGS and the inland rules
What kind of additional light may submarines on the surface display?
Rule 1 Footnote
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
an intermittent flashing amber / yellow beacon with a sequence of one flash per second for three seconds followed by a three second off period
Inland Rules: an operator of a vessel ______ meters or more in length shall carry a copy of the rules onboard for ready reference.
Inland Rule # 1
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
12 meters or more in length
Rule # 02 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
**International and Inland Rule # 2 are the same
More than \_\_\_\_ vessels crossing would be a special circumstance. Rule 2(a)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
When may you depart from the Rules of the Road?
Rule 2 (b)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
When you are in immediate danger
Due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances which may make a departure from these rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.
In complying with the rules, what must the mariner take due regard of?
Rule 2 (b)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
**the limited backing power of his vessel
**radar information about other vessels
**the occupation of the other vessel if known
Rule # 2 is often referred to as:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
The Rule of Good Seamanship
Use good seamanship to supplement the rules. You must take action to avoid collision or immediate danger—even if it conflicts with the rules. No vessel has the right of way THROUGH another vessel!
Rule # 03 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Definition: Vessels include:
Rule 3(a)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Every description of watercraft, including:
** non self-propelled rafts
** seaplanes
** hovercraft
Rule 3(a)
Definition: Power driven vessel:
Rule 3(b)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Any vessel propelled by machinery
Rule 3(b)
Definition: Sailing vessel:
Rule 3(c)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
any vessel under sail (can not be using propelling machinery—if it is, then it is a power driven vessel)
Rule 3(c)
Definition: Vessel Engaged in Fishing
Rule 3(d)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
**any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls or other fishing apparatus that restricts maneuverability.
**Does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other apparatus that does not restrict maneuverability.
Rule 3(d)
Definition: Seaplane
Rule 3(e)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
any aircraft designed to maneuver on the water.
Rule 3(e)
Definition: Vessel Not Under Command (NUC)
Rule 3(f)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
a vessel through some EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE unable to maneuver as required by the rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
Rule 3(f)
Memory Aid:
Rule 3(f)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
**Not Under Command
**By Exceptional Circumstances
Rule 3(f)
Definition: Vessel Restricted in Her Ability to Maneuver (RAM)
Rule 3(g)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
a vessel that, from the NATURE OF HER WORK, is restricted in her ability to maneuver as required by the rules, and therefore is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
Rule 3(g)
Vessels Restricted in their Ability to Maneuver (RAM) include (part 1):
Rule 3(g)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** laying, servicing, or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline
** engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations
Rule 3(g)
Vessels Restricted in their Ability to Maneuver (RAM) include (part 2):
Rule 3(g)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** engaged in underway replenishment
** engaged in launching or recovering aircraft
Rule 3(g)
Vessels Restricted in their Ability to Maneuver (RAM) include (part 3):
Rule 3(g)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** engaged in mine clearance operations
** engaged in towing operation that severely restricts ability to deviate from their course
Rule 3(g)
Rule 3(g)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
A Vessel
** Restricted in Ability to Maneuver
** Nature Of her Work
Definition: Vessel Constrained by her Draft (CBD)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
a power driven vessel, which because of her DRAFT in relation to the AVAILABLE DEPTH AND WIDTH OF NAVIGABLE WATER is SEVERELY RESTRICTED IN HER ABILITY TO DEVIATE from the course she is following.
Definition: Underway
Rule 3(i)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
A vessel that is NOT:
** at anchor
** made fast to shore
** aground
Rule 3 (i)
Definition: In Sight
Rule 3(k)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
One vessel can be visually observed from another vessel.
Rule 3(k)
Definition: Restricted Visibility
Rule 3(l)
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
any condition that causes restricted visibility (fog, snow, mist, heavy rain, etc).
Rule 3(l)
Definition: Inland Waters
Inland Rules
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
the navigable waters of the US shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from the inland waters of the US and the waters of the Great Lakes on the US side of the international boundary
Inland Rules
Part A of the Rules are known as:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** The General Rules
** Rules 01-03
Part B of the Rules are known as:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** Steering and Sailing Rules
** Rules 04-19
Part B of the Rules are divided into _____ sections
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Part B, Section 1 of the Rules pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** Any Condition of Visibility
** Rules 04-10
Part B, Section 2 of the Rules pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** Vessels in Sight of Each Other
** Rules 11-18
Part B, Section 3 of the Rules pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** Vessels Operating in Restricted Visibility
** Rule 19
The risk of collision can be considered to exist if:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
The bearing of an approaching vessel does not change appreciably
If there is any doubt about the possibility of a collision, you must:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Assume that a collision is possible and take proper action to avoid it
Rule # 04 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
** Application of the rules in section 1 (Rules 04-10)
** Apply in any condition of visibility
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. What is a light signal authorized by the Secretary of the Navy as an additional navigational light for a ship of war?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
Flashing amber beacon for submarines.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The International Rues of the Road apply:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the Rules when:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
necessary to avoid immediate danger
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. One “special circumstance” under the rules may be:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
more than two vessels meeting
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The word “vessel” in the Rules includes:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
** sailing ships
** nondisplacement craft
** seaplanes
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel is being propelled by both sail and engines. Under the rules, this vessel is:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
a power driven vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. True / False: all of the following vessels are power driven vessels under the Rules:
- a sailing vessel using her engine;
- a canoe propelled by a small outboard motor;
- a trawler on her way to the fishing grounds
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Which of the following vessels are not engaged in fishing:
- trawling
- trolling
- using a dredge net
- setting nets
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
A vessel “engaged in fishing” may be using nets, lines or trawls.
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The rules define a “vessel not under command” as a vessel which:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
through some exceptional circumstance, is unable to maneuver as required by the rules.
NUC BEC: Not Under Command By Exceptional Circumstances
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel “restricted in her ability to maneuver” is one which:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
from the nature of her work, is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
RAM NOW: Restricted Ability to Maneuver, Nature Of Work
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. TRUE / FALSE: Under the rules, a vessel drifting with its engine off is underway.
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. TRUE / FALSE: Under the rules, the following vessels are underway:
- vessel at anchor with the engine running
- vessel with a line led to a tree onshore
- vessel aground
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
Underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, made fast to the shore or aground.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel is “in sight” of another when she:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
can be observed visually from the other vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Under the rules, the term “restricted visibility” refers to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 7
any condition where visibility is restricted.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. “Safe speed” is defined as that speed where:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. Those factors include:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
** state of wind, sea and current
** proximity of navigational hazards
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. You are approaching another vessel and are not sure whether the danger of collision exists. You must assume:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
there is a risk of collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The rules state that risk of collision shall be deemed to exist:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
if the bearing of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. When taking action to avoid collision, you should:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
make sure the action is taken in enough time.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. When action to avoid a close quarters situation is taken, a course change alone may be the most effective action provided that:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
It is a large course change
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Under the rules, any vessel may slacken her speed, stop, or reverse her engines to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Allow more time to assess the situation
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Keep as near as safe and practicable to the limit of the channel on her starboard side.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Keep as near as safe and practicable to the limit of the channel on her starboard side.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. In narrow channels, vessels of less than what length shall not impede the safe passage of vessels that can navigate only inside that channel?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
20 meters (or a sailing vessel or a vessel engaged in fishing)
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. What types of vessels are NOT to impede the passage of a vessel that can only navigate safely within a narrow channel?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
** Any vessel less than 20 meters in length
** Any sailing vessel
** A vessel engaged in fishing
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A sailing vessel is proceeding along a narrow channel and can safely navigate ONLY inside the channel. The sailing vessel approaches a vessel engaged in fishing. What should the fishing vessel do?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
The fishing vessel should not impede the passage of the sailing vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel approaching a narrow channel shall:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Avoid crossing the channel if it impedes another vessel navigating in the channel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Systems of inbound and outbound lanes to promote the safe flow of vessel traffic in certain areas around the world are known as:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Traffic separation schemes
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall NOT:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
Proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 23
At as small an angle as possible
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
The one to windward.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tell whether the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side, she shall:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
Keep out of the way of the other vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Power driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
When the sailing vessel is overtaking
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel is overtaking when she approaches another from more than how many degrees abaft the beam?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
22.5 degrees
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel is overtaking when at night, she can see which light(s) of a vessel ahead?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
Only the stern light of the vessel. At night, the overtaking vessel would be able to see only the stern light of the vessel ahead. She would not be able to see the overtaken vessel’s side lights until both vessels are beside each other.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. The rules state that a vessel overtaking another vessel is relieved of her duty to keep clear when:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
She is past and clear of the other vessel.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
Both vessels should alter course to starboard
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. When do the rules require both vessels to change course?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
When two power driven vessels are meeting head on.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Rule 14 describes the action to be taken by vessels meeting head on. What 3 conditions must exist in order for this rule to apply?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
** Both vessels must be power driven.
** They must be meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses.
** The situation must involve the risk of collision.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. When two power driven vessels are crossing, the vessel that has the other to starboard must keep out of the way if:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
The situation involves a risk of collision
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. Underway at night, you see the red sidelight of a vessel well off your port bow. What action should you take?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
You may maintain course and speed.
Since the sidelight is red and is well off your port bow, the vessel is travelling away from you.
If the sidelight was green and off your port bow, the vessel is travelling towards you.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. In order for a stand on vessel to take action in a situation, she must determine that the other vessel:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
Is not taking appropriate action
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. You are in charge of a stand on vessel in a crossing situation. The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port. You believe that a risk of collision exists. You should:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
Take avoiding action only after providing the give way vessel time to take action, and determining that her action is not appropriate.
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A power driven vessel is underway and fishing with trolling lines. This vessel must keep out of the way of:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
- Not Under Command
- Restricted in Ability to Maneuver
- Constrained by Draft (International Only)
- Fishing vessels
- Sailing vessels
Memory Aid: New Reels Catch Fish So Purchase Some
BOTH INTERNATIONAL AND INLAND. A vessel underway and fishing shall keep out of the way of:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016) Quiz pg. 37
- Not Under Command
- Restricted in Ability to Maneuver
- Constrained by Draft (International Only)
Memory Aid: New Reels Catch Fish So Purchase Some
Rule # 05 pertains to
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Any condition of visibility
Every vessel shall maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
At all times.
Rule # 05
When can the boat operator serve as the lookout on recreational vessels, fishing boats, and towing vessels?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
When there is nothing that will interfere with the performance of his / her duties as a lookout.
Rule # 05
What factors must be taken into account for a lookout assignment?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
- Weather
- Visibility
- Traffic density
- Engine noise
- Proximity to navigational hazards
Rule # 05
Where should the lookout be stationed in thick fog or restricted visibility?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
As low down and far forward as possible.
Rule # 05
Rule # 06 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Safe Speed
Any condition of visibility.
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so she can:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Take proper and effective action to avoid collision and stop within an appropriate distance
In determining safe speed, all vessels shall take into account:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
- Visibility
- Traffic density
- Maneuverability, especially stopping distance and turning ability
- Background light / backscatter
- wind, sea, current and proximity to hazards
- *draft in relation to the available depth of water
What factors should vessels with operational radar take into account when determining safe speed?
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
- characteristics, efficiency, and limitations of her radar equipment
- sea state, weather, and other sources of radar interference
- number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar
Rule # 07 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Risk of Collision
Rule # 07
Every vessel shall use ______ ________ _______ appropriate to the prevailing circumstances to determine if a risk of collision exists.
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
All available means
Rule # 07
If there is ANY doubt about the risk of collision:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Such risk shall be deemed to exist.
Rule # 07
Use all available means to determine if a risk of collision exists, including:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
- your eyes
- stationing lookouts
- electronic devices (VHF radio and radar)
- taking frequent bearings
Rule # 07
Proper use shall be made of _________ ___________ if fitted and operational to obtain early warning of a risk of collision.
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Radar equipment
Rule # 07
Regarding the risk of collision, assumptions shall not be made on the basis of:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Scanty information—especially scanty radar information.
Rule # 07
The bearing of an approaching vessel should be determined and monitored by:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Frequent visual observation.
Rule # 07
A risk of collision shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Does not change appreciably.
Rule # 07
A risk of collision may sometimes exist when an appreciable change is evident, particularly when:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Approaching a vessel at close range.
Rule # 07
Rule # 08 pertains to:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Action to Avoid Collision
Any action taken to avoid collision shall be positive, made in ample time, and with due regard to the:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Observance of good seamanship.
Rule # 08
Any alteration of course and speed to avoid collision shall be __________ __________ to be readily apparent to another vessel observing visually or by radar.
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Large enough
Rule # 08
A succession of small alterations of course and / or speed:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Should be avoided.
Rule # 08
Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such to result in passing at a:
Source: Mariners Learning System (UPV 2016)
Safe distance.
Rule # 08
The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is:
Source: Mariners Learning
System (UPV 2016)
Past and clear
Rule # 08
If necessary to avoid collision or to allow more time to assess the situation, a vessel shall:
Source: Mariners Learning
System (UPV 2016)
Slacken her speed or take all the way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.
Rule # 08