Nature vs Nurture Flashcards
What is ‘nature’ concerned with in psychology.
Behaviours that are innate due to being biological.
What is ‘nurture’ concerned with in psychology.
Behaviours that are shaped by the environment.
What do nativists argue causes behaviour?
Genetics, hormones, brain activity, and other biological factors.
What do empiricists argue causes behaviour?
They argue the mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa) at birth and knowledge and behaviour is a result of the environment.
What are the implications for behaviour being a result of nature?
- Unethical to treat if it is due to genetics as it would involve eugenics
- Has some implications for predicting who might show future behaviours as a result
What are the implications for behaviour being a result of nurture?
- Easier to change the environment
- Preventable and treatable
Identify a few methods that focus on nature.
- Brain scans
- Lab experiments
- Twin/adoption studies
- Psychometric testing
Identify a few methods that focus on nurture.
- Observations
- Case studies
- Cross-cultural studies
- Interviews
What is the widely accepted view of the relationship between nature and nurture.
The combination of both nature and nurture are essential to explaining human behaviours.
Give an example of a model which combines nature and nurture.
Diathesis-stress model.
What are the key assumptions of Cognitive Psychology?
- The human brain functions like a computer
- The brain processes info in a linear fashion
- Nature and nurture interact
List 5 areas of Cognitive Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Multi-Store Model
2) Working Memory Model
3) Tulving’s theory
4) Schematic theory
5) Brain damage
Describe how the Multi-Store Model in Cognitive Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Memory is universal process that takes place in the brain
- Rehearsal is a process governed by the environment
Describe how the Working Memory Model in Cognitive Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Memory is universal process that takes place in the brain
- Memory impairment happens when two pieces of info using the same type of encoding occur from the environment
Describe how Tulving’s theory in Cognitive Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Memory is universal process that takes place in the brain
- Episodic memories are cued by things from the environment
Describe how Schematic theory in Cognitive Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Reconstruction of past events is a process that involves cognition and takes place in our brain
- Schemas are formed based on experiences from our environment
Describe how brain damage in Cognitive Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Impairment of memory can be a result of damage to areas of the brain that is involved in memory (e.g. hippocampus)
- Brain damage can be caused by the environment, such as an accident
Describe how Baddeley (1966) can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Memory is universal
- Therefore encoding in the STM being acoustic and encoding in the LTM being semantic will be the same for everyone
- Acoustically and semantically similar words differ between cultures and their languages
- And so the differing sounds are caused by environment
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Cognitive Psychology.
C - Low task validity when operationalising memory as recalling word lists doesn’t reflect how memory works in real life and results have low credibility
R - It reduces memory down to a measurable concept of words accurately recalled from a list making it more scientific
I - Memory being universal means it is hard to change however factors from the environment that cause impairment are easily treatable
M - Lab experiments have standardised procedures making them replicable and easy to compare to test for consistency and they also have high control allowing cause and effect to be established between memory being nature/nurture
E - Bartlett’s (1932) study showed that there were inaccuracies in recalling an American Folk story due to schemas influencing details that weren’t familiar such as someone dying at sunset instead of sunrise which shows that nurture influences memory
What are the key assumptions of Social Psychology?
- Our roles in society influences our behaviour
- The group we are a part of influences our behaviour
- The situation we are in influences our behaviour
List 4 areas of Social Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Agency Theory
2) Social Impact Theory
3) Social Identity Theory
4) Realistic Conflict Theory
Describe how Agency Theory in Social Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Tendency to obey due to evolution in that it aids survival
- Authority figures present in the environment determines our autonomy
Describe how Social Impact Theory in Social Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Being out-numbered or of lower status causes submission through obeying to aid survival
- Number of people, proximity of authority figure, and power of a person are all social factors
Describe how Social Identity Theory in Social Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- The want to belong to a group due to aiding survival in evolution forms a social identity
- The presence of another group in a social situation causes prejudice
Describe how Realistic Conflict Theory in Social Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- People from groups to survive
- Competition causing prejudice rises as a result from limited resources in the environment
Describe how Sherif (1954) can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Natural tendency to form groups as it aids our survival
- Sherif changed the environment in stages through introduction of competition with games like baseball
- Changing in friendship levels as a measure of prejudice is a social factor
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Social Psychology.
C - Field experiments (e.g. Sherif 1954) which are high in ecological validity in which behaviour will reflect real life and so is more credible at explaining behaviour as nature/nurture
R - Lab experiments (e.g. Milgram 1963) operationalise abstract concepts (e.g. obedience) as things like an increase in voltage of electric shock administered which is highly scientific but lacks the detail necessary for understanding the complexity of behaviour
I - Social’s key assumptions being mainly to do with nurture implies that undesirable behaviours can be changed
M - Field experiments have high ecological validity but low internal, lab experiments have high reliability but low task validity
E - Milgram’s ‘Ordinary Man’ variation found that 80% of ppts left the experiment once the confederate suggested they increase the shock level showing obedience can be influenced by nurture
What are the key assumptions of Biological Psychology?
- The central nervous system and brain governs behaviour
- Evolution and natural selection play a huge role in human behaviour
List 4 areas of Biological Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Evolution
2) Brain structure
3) Neurotransmitters
4) Hormones
Describe how evolution in Biological Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Behaviour like aggression is innate due to natural selection from evolution favouring aggressive genes that aid survival being passed on to offspring
- Changes in the environment causes changes in behaviours
Describe how brain structure in Biological Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Abnormalities in the brain cause differences in behaviour such as becoming more aggressive
- Damage can be caused by the environment
Describe how neurotransmitters in Biological Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- They are electrical messengers in the brain that can cause changes in behaviours, such as an increase in dopamine increasing aggression
- Neurotransmission can get disrupted by things from the environment such as drugs
Describe how hormones in Biological Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- They are chemical messengers in the body that can cause changes in behaviours, such as an increase in testosterone increasing aggression
- Hormone levels can get disrupted by things from the environment such as drugs and stress
Describe how Raine (1997) can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Used PET scans to investigate difference in the brain between murderers pleading NGRI compared to non-murderers
- These focus on activity and structure of the brain that causes behaviour such as criminality
- Events from the environment cause an aggressive response
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Biological Psychology.
C - PET scans looking at activity in the brain are objective due to quantitative data making them more reliable and easy to analyse which increases credibility
R - It ignores factors from the environment causing behaviours such as aggression meaning the explanations are inadequate due to complexity
I - Focuses mainly on the nature argument causing behaviour which means it reduces likelihood of getting rid of the behaviour however it allows us to predict who might be at risk and find prevention treatments
M - Lab experiments have low ecological validity due to the setting being artificial and unnatural to the ppt meaning their behaviours may be prone to DCs and won’t reflect real life
E - Case study of Charles Whitman killed 16 people and himself and his autopsy showed he had a tumor pressing against his amygdala which supports aggression being due to nature
What are the key assumptions of Learning Psychology?
- We are born a blank slate (tabula rasa)
- We are shaped exclusively by the environment through stimulus response
- No free will due to behaviours being determined by events we experience
List 4 areas of Learning Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Classical Conditioning
2) Operant Conditioning
3) Social Learning Theory
4) Phobias
Describe how classical conditioning in Learning Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Reflexes as a response to things in the environment are biological such as salivation at the sight of food
- Association with things in the environment conditions behaviours such as associating a rat with fear due to hearing a loud noise every time it appears
Describe how operant conditioning in Learning Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Reflexes as a response to things in the environment are biological such as salivation at the sight of food
- Reinforcers that reward/punish certain behaviours from the environment such as an anorexic patient receiving money for gaining weight
Describe how social learning theory in Learning Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Behaviours are learned through observing things from the environment such as learning aggression through observing someone else being aggressive
Describe how phobias in Learning Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Some phobias can be innate due to being developed from evolution as they aided the survival of ancestors such as a fear response to a loud noise
- Mechanisms of learning phobias come from the environment such as fear of spiders due to observing other people being scared in their presence
Describe how Watson and Rayner (1920) can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Little Albert showed the reflexive fear response of jumping at a loud sudden noise which is a biological innate reaction
- Conditioned a phobia into Little Albert through associating neutral stimuli of a rat with the unconditioned stimulus of a loud noise that came from the environment
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Learning Psychology.
C - Lab experiments have high control over EVs and so can establish cause and effect between a behaviour being learned as a result of conditioning
R - Operationalising learnt aggression as the amount of verbally and physically violent actions towards a Bobo doll allows the complex process of learning behaviours to be measurable and so is more scientific
I - Behaviour being largely nurture has implications of undesirable behaviours being easily changed such as changing the role models children see on TV with the Watershed having violent programs on after 9pm
M - Observations (e.g. Bandura 1961) have low validity due to subjectivity in interpretation of behaviours, but also high inter-rater reliability (Watson and Rayner 1920) if there are multiple researchers to remove subjectivity
E - Bandura (1961) found that children who observed role models acting aggressively towards a bobo doll reproduced the same behaviours suggesting nurture
List 4 areas of Criminal Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Biological explanations for criminality
2) Hormone treatment
3) Social explanations for criminality
4) Cognitive Behaviour Treatment
Describe how biological explanations for criminality in Criminal Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- XYY syndrome involves an extra Y chromosome causing criminality which is purple biology due to occurring at conception
- Brain abnormalities causing criminality focuses on biological areas such as the prefrontal cortex and amygdala
- Eysenck’s personality theory states that certain personality traits that are biological (e.g. extroversion caused by the ARAS favouring inhibition of stimulation) causes criminality
- Brain injury can be caused by the environment such as having an accident
- Personality can be influenced by family and friends
Describe how hormone treatment in Criminal Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Hormones are a biological process of chemical messengers in the body that cause a change in behaviour such as high testosterone levels causing aggression and so hormone treatment is the biological process that treats it
- The treatment is in the form of drugs intervention that was made from the environment
Describe how environmental explanations of criminality in Criminal Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Labels may be formed by behaviour that someone is predisposed to and is biological
- Humans have an innate tendency to categorise things as it aids survival due to helping people understand
- Labels given to people based on their behaviour are from the environment
- Social Learning Theory states that we learn behaviours through observing role models from the environment
Describe how cognitive behavioural treatment in Criminal Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Cognition is an innate, biological process which this therapy aims to change such as changing thoughts on anger
- Uses methods such as counting to 10 to reduce physiological symptoms such as elevated heart rate when experiencing anger
- It also focuses on triggers from the environment that cause a behavioural response such as aggression
- Methods to reduce undesirable behaviours are from the environment such as counting to 10
Describe how Loftus and Palmer (1974) can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Impairment in memory recall was caused by leading questions in which the verb suggested the speed of a car that are factors from the environment
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Criminal Psychology.
C - XYY syndrome only applies to males and so lacks credibility in explaining whether criminality in females is a result of nature or nurture
R - Causes of criminality being reduced to injuries in certain areas of the brain (e.g. prefrontal cortex) reduces the behaviour to certain biological elements that can be measured scientifically with brain scanning
I - It argues both sides of the debate with some causes being nature and so having little chance for change and some being nurture meaning it can be treated
M - Case studies into why criminals offend have high validity due to their complex and in-depth procedure providing detail and understanding, but lack reliability as they are hard to replicate and test for consistency
E - Federoff (1992) found that only 15% of criminals re-offended when taking MPA compared to 68% of those not taking MPA supporting criminality being nature
List 4 areas of Clinical Psychology that can be associated with nature and nurture.
1) Biological explanation for disorders
2) Drug treatments
3) Social explanations for disorders
4) Social treatments for disorders
Describe how biological explanation for disorders in Clinical Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Dopamine hypothesis for SZ states an imbalance of the neurotransmitter dopamine which is a biological electrical message causes the disorder
- Neurodevelopmental hypothesis for SZ states abnormalities in the brain such as enlarged ventricles causes the disorder
- Genes (e.g. EPHX2 which is responsible for cholesterol and depression) for AN that are inherited causes the disorder
- Abnormal brain functioning and imbalanced neurotransmitters can be a result of things from the environment such as an accident or drugs
Describe how drug treatments in Clinical Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- SZ is caused by excess dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can be regulated through biological means of chemicals binding to the receptors
- AN having co-morbid symptoms that may cause the disorder can be changed through drugs that alter brain chemistry with biological components from things like SSRIs that change serotonin levels
- Intervention in the form of drug therapy is made from the environment
Describe how social explanations for disorders in Clinical Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- Social causation hypothesis states that SZ develops as a result of stress from the environment from these main factors: lower social class, social adversity, immigration which are factors from the environment
- Socio-cultural explanation states that AN develops as a result of influence from things in the environment such as cultural norms and the media presenting models who are skinny
Describe how social treatments for disorders in Clinical Psychology can be argued as nature or nurture.
- ACT as a treatment for SZ is often paired with drug treatments due to being insufficient on his own which looks at treating a disorder with biological methods
- ACT treats SZ by using environmental factors such as the community to aid people’s functioning to assist with recovery
- Token economy treats AN by using environmental reinforcers (such as money) when desirable behaviour of gaining weight is shown
Using the acronym ‘CRIM’, evaluate the nature/nurture debate of Clinical Psychology.
C - Low validity in social explanations as they can’t be tested in a lab limiting a cause and effect relationship being established and so lacks credibility
R - Reducing the cause of a disorder down to one factor lacks important detail that may lead to better treatment and so is inadequate compared to theories such as the diathesis-stress model
I - Nature causing disorders means there is little chance of curing but their symptoms can be treated whereas nurture causing a disorder is easier to treat
M - Twin studies never have a 100% concordance rate which suggests interactions between nature and nurture, animal studies are not generalisable
E - Paul and Lentz (1977) found that 11% of patients needed drug therapy alongside token economy to treat AN suggesting the cause may have nature element too
Which 2 areas of psychology are focused on nature?
1) Biological
2) Cognitive
Which 2 areas of psychology are focused on nurture?
1) Learning
2) Social