Nature vs Nurture Flashcards
our genes determine our behaviour. Our personality traits, preferences, and abilities are in our inherent nature. We genetically inherit physical traits, personality traits, intelligencce, and preferences from our parents
Our environment, upbringing, and life experience determines our behaviour, we are nurtured to behave in certain ways
The view that many skills are native or hardwired into the brain at birth. Infants are born with hardwired knowledge because such knowledge confers an advantage to survival
The view that humans are not built in with core knowledge or mental content, instead all knowledge and mental content results from learning - tabula rosa
How much of the variation of a specific trait in a particular population is the result of genetic variation among individuals in that population
How much variation of a specific trait in a particular population is the result of the environment
The interaction of genetic and environmental factors that result in a person’s physical appearance, traits, and behaviour
What is the nature nurture debate
To what extent are our abilities and attributes a reflection of nature and nurture
What is the classic nurture theory
Explain the degree of maturity
In various species the young differ in their degree of maturity when they are born
What are precocial species
The young are physically mobile from birth or hatching
What are altricial species
The young are more helpless and are not mobile from birth or hatching. They are dependent o their parents for food and safety
What cognitive skills do infants have early in development
- Imitate
- Look longer at surprising events
Show early communicative behaviours
What is face preference
Fantz - very young infant prefer to look at faces compared to non faces
Infants are known to look around the edge or periphery of an object more
Faces contain a lot of information around the periphery so infants may look longer at faces because there is more to look at
Could be innate or developed by building attachment to caregiver
Reid study
Reid recruited 39 expectant mums and fetuses in 28-40 weeks of pregnancy
Lights were moved along the uterus to test whether the foetus could follow them
Lights were in two configurations; face like (inverted triangle) and non-face like (upright triangle)
Researchers used 4d scans to assess infants turning their head around
Foetuses turn their head towards face like stimuli significantly more than non-face stimuli