Nature of the US constitution Flashcards
How long did it take to write? When was it published?
4 months, 1787
What was the Conneticut compromise?
Smaller states wanted equal representations, larger states wanted it based on population - agreed on bicameral nature
What was the 3/5th compromise
southern states had large slave populations and so would have much representation - decided a slave was equal to 3/5ths of a person
How many articles?
What do the first 3 articles lay out?
the roles, composition, powers and elections of legislative branch (1), President (2) and Judiciary (3)
What do the last 4 articles lay out?
4 - relationship between states and central government, 5 - process for amending constitution, 6 provisions and 7 ratification of the constitution
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments. 1- freedom of press, speech and petition, 2 - right to bear arms, 10- which powers are owned by the states
how many amendments have there been
27 (10 in the Bill of Rights)
key amendments
13 - abolition of slavery
16 - income tax/levying powers
19 - rights for women
22 - presidential term limits
most recent amendment
1992 - representatives can’t increase own pay until next election
How is it codified?
written down in one place so institutions derive authority from the constitution - supremacy law: constitution is higher law
requires supermajorites and consent of multiple parts of the government to change it - only 27 amendments
Amendment process? (proposal)
Proposal - 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress OR through a 2/3 vote in a national convention called by 2/3 of state legislatures (latter never used)
Amendment process? (ratification)
majority in 3/4 of states or majority vote in 3/4 of special state conventions (only used once)
Income tax amendment
1894 had tried to introduce income tax but was struck down by S.C as it needed to be apportionate among states, 16th amendment bases in 1909 for levying tax powers without apportioning it
22nd amendment?
Prior to Roosevelt there had been a convetion of two terms (Washington and Jefferson had decided not to serve a third term), R. re-elected in 1940 and 1944 - 1947 proposal of 22nd amendment
How many amendments have been proposed?
Equal Rights Amendment (failure)
Successfully proposed (both house and senate approval) but failed to be ratified by 3/4s of states and Phyllis Schlafly mobilised movement against it - 5 more dropped out
Balanced Budget Amendment (failure)
numerous attempts to pass which would force federal government to balance its budget in every given year but failed to receive 2/3 vote
Flag Desecration Amendment (failure)
aimed to give Congress the power to prohibit desecration of the American flag - introduced multiple times with the closet in 2006 with one vote away from state majority - needed as S.C had ruled it was fine under free speech
Interpretative amendments
amendments through Judicial review e.g. Roe v. Wade - 14th amendment had been interpreted (right to privacy) to include abortion but in 2022 S.C disagreed