Nature of Science Flashcards
What type of society has the largest ecological footprint?
Modern, industrial society
What’s the main idea behind the Tragedy of the Commons?
Resources should be managed carefully because they are limited
An orderly and systematic way to search for the answer to a question or the solution to a problem is the _____
Scientific Method
What is the primary reason for scientists across the world working as community rather than individually ?
Experimental results must be repeatable; Peer review checks for bias and accuracy.
What is the purpose of a control group in an experiment?
It is the primary method of communicating results to the scientific community
All science is based on _______
Pseudoscience is when..
The claim can’t be repeated, The claim has no experimental evidence to support it, has no alternative explanations have been offered.
What is the difference between a hypothesis to a theory
It is a specific prediction that can be tested with a single experiment
Spontaneous generation is pseudoscience because
Has no alternative explanations were considered, and no controlled experiments were conducted to test it
Four elements theory proposed all matter was composed of __________
fire, air, water, and earth
The four major concepts pursuit of science are ________
Facts, Hypotheses, Theories, and Laws
Alchemy is _______
when people studied ways to transform common substances into gold through manipulation of the four elements
Scientific process in order is _______
Test/Experiment, Is it working?, Analysis/Conclusion,Repeat
Peer review is __________
When the results are published and reviewed by others to check for error, bias, or other issues
Margin of error is _______
An estimate of the amount of random sampling error in a set of data due to errors in measurement, experimental design, or other factors