nature of human life Flashcards
What is atman?
The eternal self which transmigrates after death or becomes part of Brahman
- manifestation of Brahman in all living things.
qualities include
- part of every form of matter
- eternal
- part of or same as Brahman, comes from Brahman
- reincarnated
Give scripture about Atman reincarnating
“as a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.” - B.G
Give scripture about Atman being eternal
“That which pervades the entire body is indestructible”
- B.G
“Atman, the spirit of vision, is never born and never dies”
Explain whether Atman and Brahman are identical
- Advaita Vedanta Hindus are monists, non dualists
They see the soul as in unity with God in every way. All the gods and goddesses are just appearances, representing aspects of Brahman, which is impersonal. Brahman is nirguna (without qualities). - Dvaita Vedanta Hindus are dualists.
They see a separation between atman and Brahman. These Hindus usually see different aspects of the Ultimate Reality in the various gods and goddesses. In this view, Brahman is saguna (has qualities such as personality and form).
Give scripture about Atman and Brahman
“He who inhabits the mind, yet is within the mind, whom the mind does not know, whose body the mind is and who controls the mind from within, He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal.”
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3.7)
What is Samsara?
The cycle of life and death
- the soul is born into a particular place in society, with duties to fulfil
- Good or bad karma attaches to the soul, depending on a person’s choices.
- At death, the soul is released from the body.
- After death, the soul is reincarnated. This reincarnation is considered good or bad, depending on karma
What is karma?
actions, and the direct consequences of actions, that governs all life
What is Moksha?
The last stage of the four purusharthas, the breaking free of the cycle of samsara and liberation
- realisation of one’s relationship w God
- achievment of mental peace
- detachment from worldly concerns
Give scripture about Samsara
“One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge of your duty, you should not lament “
(Bhagavad Gita 2.27)
Give scripture about Moksha
” Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace”
- B.G
What are the three kinds of Karma?
- sanchita karma, sum total of all karma
- prarabdha karma, portion of sanchita karma scheduled to be experienced in present life
- kriyamana karma, karma you’re presently creating, can be experienced in this life or future ones
Give scripture about Karma
“Those whose conduct on earth has been given pleasure can hope to enter a pleasant womb, that is the womb of a Brahmin, or woman of the princely caste but those whose conduct on earth has been foul can expect to enter a foul and stinking womb, that is the womb of a bitch or a pig or an outcaste”
Chandogya Upanishad
What is transmigration
the movement of the atman from one body to another
what are the seven different paths to liberation
> gaining knowledge of the true self
observance of the personal duties
sticking to Ashramas ( stages of life )
meditation to cultivate deep concentration
studies of the religious texts
what are the four yogas
jnana yoga - way of knowledge
bhakti yoga - way of loving devotion to God
Karma yoga - way of works + good deeds
raja yoga - way of contemplation + meditation
What is dharma?
religious and moral duties, virtues, conduct, natural laws that guide the act and create the result to prevent chaos in the world
What is sanatana dharma?
eternal truth, doing what’s right, way of life
what are the seven parts of sanatana dharma?
> considering what’s right and wrong
remembering God in your heart and mind
learning more about God and dharma from holy scripture
trying to reach moksha
offering worship to God either in the temple or at home
feeding animals and birds and caring for plants and trees
showing respect for elders and caring for the needy
what are the purusharthas?
the four aims of hindu life > dharma - righteousness, moral value > artha - prosperity, economic value > kama - pleasure, love, psychological values > moksha - liberation
what is varnashramadharmas?
varna - hindu social group
ashrama - stage in life
dharma - duty
specific duties and responsibilities dependant on caste and the stage of life you’re at
Give scripture about dharma
“Far better to do one’s duty ill than do another’s duty well”
- B.G
What are the four varnas
- justified in the rig veda, describe the creation of the cosmic man and the 4 varnas are from the body
- brahmins
- kshatriya
- vaisyas
- shudras
what are the four ashramas
- Brahmacharya - student
- Grihash - householder
- Vanaprastha - retirement
- sannyasin - renunciation
Give a scripture about Moksha maya karma and dharma
“When a man knows God he is free”