Nature of government Flashcards
What type of regime was the Weimar government and what was its constitution called?
Democratic regime
Weimar Constitution, which included the Bill of Rights that upheld freedom and equality for all Germans
What system was used by the WG to elect representatives into the Reichstag?
Proportional representation
Who had the most political power in the weimar republic?
When was the president elected and wha powers did he have in WG?
Every 7 years
Could select dismiss chancellor
Use Article 48 in times of emergency
What role did the chancellor have in WG?
Was head of government and proposed laws to Reichstag
What were the Länders like in WG
18 local regions who had own parliament
Aims of those in power of WG
League of Nations to encourage diplomacy
Fix economy through Dawes and Young pan
What type of regime was the Nazi gov.
A dictatorship with absolute power to Adolf Hitler as Füher
How many parties were there in Nazi Germany
July 1933 law passed that banned all political parties and prevented new parties forming
How was the role of chancellor and president different in Nazi than WG
August 2 1934 Hitler merged role of Chancellor and president when Hindenburg died declaring himself Füher
Länders of Nazi compared to WG
Centralised control in Nazi Germany
in March 1934 Länders abolished
WG had 18 local Länders
What was kept the same with WG and Nazi Germany
Weimar government bodies and ministers still remained but their powers were reduced by developments of Reich’s Chancellery
Aims of Nazi Germany
Create Lebensraum
Overturn TOV
Create a Volksgemeinschaff (peoples community)
What type of regime was the FRG and what was its constitution called?
Democratic regime
Constitution called Basic Law created on May 23 1949
Similar to Weimar gov. however adapted to solve WG problems
When was Baisc Law created
May 23 1949
How did Basic Law solve EG problems
Need 5% of votes to gain seats in Bundestag
Article 21 abolished all undemocratic parties such as KPD in 1956
When was president selected in FRG
Every 5 years
Who did power lie with in FRG
Bundestag representatives
How much power did president have in FRG
could not appoint/dismiss chancellor at will
Aims of FRG
De-Nazify Germany year 0 policy
Improve relations with West
Keep a democratic regime
How many länders in FRG