Nature of God Flashcards
What does omnipotent mean?
Unlimited power or great power
What is a quote to show God as omnipotent?
“For nothing will be impossible with God”- Luke 1:37
What is Aquinas’ view on God as omnipotent?
He believes God can do anything logically possible & which does not limit his power. Also believes God can’t act in a way that contradicts he’s nature
A quote by Mavrodes…
“Can God create a stone too heavy for him to lift?”
What is Mavrodes view on God as omnipotent?
Can God create a stone too heavy for him to lift? If no , God cannot create the stone. If yes, God cannot lift the stone. Either way God cannot do something= GOD IS NOT OMNIPOTENT
What is Savage’s counter argument about God as omnipotent?
Savage DISAGREES = he explains why would God create a stone too heavy for him to lift. (It doesn’t make sense). There is no limit to God’s power.
What does omniscient mean?
Knowledge of everything
What is a quote to show God as omniscient?
“Even before a word is on my tongue, oh Lord you know it completely.”
A quote by Anslem…
“You are supremely perceptive, in the sense that you know supremely all things & not in the sense in which an animals know through a body sense-faculty.”
What is Anslem’s view on God as omniscient?
God does not rely on sense reception in the same way as human/ animals. (e.g. he don’t need a body to know it’s cold, he just know.)
A quote by William Craig…
” God would have foreknown that he would refrain… Go’s foreknowledge logically follows Jone’s action like a shadow.”
What is Craig’s view on God as omniscient?
He believes God’s foreknowledge enables freedom. God knows what Jones will do no matter what.
What is Kretzmann’s objection?
As long as we think God cannot change, that God is ‘immutable’ then God cannot be omniscient. Kretzmann rejects the idea that Gods knowledge doesn’t change, which mean GOD CHANGES! God cannot be transcendent & immutable.
What is Kenny’s objection?
Freedom is an illusion. There cannot be a timeless, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent all good being. For God to remain omniscient raises concerns for free will & God as omnibenevolent. God cannot be omniscient as it means changing the past.
What is Boethius’ counter argument
God for sees our free thoughts & actions. God lives in the external present= knows past, present, and future at same time.
A Boethius quote is…
“Everything is known, not according to itself, but according to the capacity of the knower.”
What does omnibenevolent mean?
Perfect or unlimited goodness
What the three things God has to be?
Moral, perfect and good
What is the Euthyphro dilemma quote?
“Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it it is loved by the gods?”
What does the Euthyphro dilemma quote mean?
Are right actions right because God commands them or are right action commanded by God because they are right?
What are the three issues?
If God was all-powerful, wouldn’t he stop natural disaster?
If God was all-loving, wouldn’t he stop suffering?
If God was all-knowing, wouldn’t he stop people who will do evil?
What is the first horn?
God’s commands are good simply because they come from God.
What is the second horn?
God’s commands are good because they come from an eternal moral authority
A quote from the story of Job is…
“He destroys the blameless and the wicked, he mocks the despair of the innocent” - Job 9: 22-23
“Of a truth, God will not do wickedly, and the almighty will not pervert justice.” - Job 34: 10-12