Nature of Companies and Choice of Medium Flashcards
What is the cornerstone of company law?
In limited companies, shareholders are not usually personally liable for debts of the company, however the law imposes numerous controls to prevent abuse.
What are the features of a registered company?
Separate legal personality from its owners
Perpetual succession regardless of ownership changes
All assets owned by the company itself
Enters its own contracts and is fully liable for all its debts.
Salamon v Salomon & Co Ltd 1897
Company was held to be a separate entity to the owner, and the veil of incorporation was upheld.
Macaura v Northern Assurance 1925
Macaura sold his timber to a company he owned, but the insurance was in his name. Insurance company did not have to pay because he didn’t own the timber.
What is the Veil of Incorporation?
The veil is a hypothetical ‘curtain’ between the company and its shareholders. It can only be lifted in exceptional circumstances where there is wrongdoing.
Gilford Motor Co v Horne 1933
In this case, the veil was lifted as the company was set up purely to perpetrate a fraud.
Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre and Rubber Co Ltd 1916
In this case, the Continental Tyre Co was known to be owned by Germans, even though it was an English company. The court upheld that this constituted trading with the enemy in wartime due to the ‘identification theory’.
What is the identification theory?
Where the court attributes the intention or knowledge of a person identified with the company as the intention of the company.
What are Limited by Shares companies?
The liability of the members for debts of the company is limited to any sums unpaid on shares owned - therefore they only lose their investment.
What are Limited by Guarantee companies?
The liability of the members is limited to an agreed fixed amount (usually for schools and charities)
Differences between public and private companies
Public must have 2 directors; Private just 1
Public must have £50,000 share capital; Private just £1
Public min. 2 members; Private min. 1
Tight financial and audit control; Much less control
Outside shareholders; Cannot sell shares on open market
What are general partnerships?
Partnerships under Partnership Act 1890, there is no limited liability for partners.
What are LLP’s?
Partnerships under LLP Act 2000, there is limited liability up to the amount of contributed capital.
Features of a sole trader:
Liable for all debts
Taxed as self-employed
Business ceases when owner dies or retires
Features of a partnership:
Partners can be owners and managers
No incorporation formalities
Cannot buy and sell partnership
Can have formal agreements instead of PA 1890
Not a separate legal entity
Partners are liable for business and other partners.
What is apparent or ostensible authority?
Where the partner is not authorised but seems to be and indicates that he is and the creditor reasonably believes that he is authorised to enter into the contract.
Features of an LLP:
No limit on members
Pay Income Tax still instead of corporation
Have to disclose accounts
Limited Liability for partners
Why is it easier for companies to raise finance?
As creditors usually require security on loans, it is easier for companies to give fixed charges on assets than partnerships. Partnerships can also not give floating charges.