Nature Myths Flashcards
Garment like a shirt or gown usually worn to the knees
To fade or die away gradually
Soldier stationed to keep guard
Remnants of clouds
To answer believed to be given by a god through a priest
Fire retardant material
Rolling along, push along
Condition of sadness; low spirits
Lavish, costly, magnificent
Inspiring reverence and admiration; majestic
Singer, musician who entertains in the house of a noble
Wild emotional choral sound in honor of Dionysus
Bad-tempered, quarrelsome woman
To dwell on; in thought
Excessive love or admiration for oneself
Why did Psyche lose her castle, invisible servants, and husband?
She didn’t believe in love
How were Psyche and her sisters transported?
By Zephyrus, the west wind
Who were Phaethon’s sisters?
The heliads
What is still evidence of Phaethon’s ride?
Ice caps and volcanoes
Why did Phaethon tell Epaphus that he often visits his father Apollo?
He was being taunted
What was Orpheus famous for?
Playing the lyre
Why did hades trick Orpheus?
Orpheus showed up at Hades without invitation/ no one is supposed to leave Hades.
What deal did Hades make with Orpheus?
He can have his wife but he can’t look back
Why did Hades make this deal with Orpheus?
He didn’t want anyone leaving Hades and he knew Orpheus couldn’t do it
How does Greek Mythology explain an echo?
Hera put a curse on Echo to repeat the last few words someone said to her.
Why did Aphrodite put a curse on Psyche?
Aphrodite was jealous of Psyche’s beauty
Why did Eros want to remain invisible to Psyche?
To see if she believed in love
How does Greek Mythology explain the constellation Arion?
When Arion died, Apollo set him, his lyre, and the dolphin in the sky to shine.
What are the horses of the sun god Apollo that pull the sun chariot?
Pyroeis, Eous, Aethon, and Phlegon
What can mankind not live without?
Oppose openly and boldly; defy