Nature or nurture debate
an assessment of the extent to which behaviour is a result of innate biological factors ( nature) or environmental learning experiences ( nurture).
representative of the nature viewpoint, where behaviour and mental capacities are seen as innate rather than acquired by learning.
representative of the nurture viewpoint, where behaviour and mental capacities are seen to be acquired by learning rather than innate processes.
interactionist approach
view point that behaviour results from combination of nature and nurture.
- ability determined by genes like the secondary sexual characteristics, which appear at puberty or condition like huntingtons disease which is only apparent in adulthood.
- environmental influences are acquired through the interaction with the environment.
example of nature influence
genetic explanation and evolutionary explanation
lerner identified different levels of environment ranging from pre natal experiences ( physical and psychological stage during pregnancy) to post natal experiences (the context in which the child grew in).
tabula rasa
locke - the view that mind is a blank state upon which experience is written up which is more of an empiricist approach.
genetic explanations
family, twin and adoption studies shows that the more closely related two individuals are, the more likely they will share the same behaviours. example the concordance rate for a mental disorder like schizophrenia is found to be 40% in monozygotic twins and 7% in dizygotic twins which suggests that nature contributes a role in disorders whereas the concordance rate is not 100% which suggests that nurture also plays a significant role
examples of influence of nature
genetic explanations and evolutionary explanations
evolutionary explanations
as explained by the theory of natural selection, it is based on the principle that behaviours which promotes survival and increased reproductive rate of success like running away from fire and deep water are more likely to be naturally selected. these behaviours are adaptive so individuals are more likely to adapt and survive.
- bowlby proposed that attatchment was adaptive because infants are more likely to be protected because they display social releasers ( innate cute behaviours activating adult mammalian system) and infant care giver interactions. as a result infant are more likely to survive and reproduce
ao3 evaluation strength
twin studies and concordance rate,
- link in para = by having research to support nature side, it could lead to useful practical applications like drug treatments etc which specifically targets the biological issue.
other explanations
example : the double bind theory of schizophrenia by bateson et al, 1956 suggests that schizophrenia develops more commonly in children who receive contradictory messages from their parents and these conflicting message prevents childrens from developing an internal consistent construction of reality.when they behave incorrectly they are punished by the withdrawal of love from parents which result them in thinking that the world is dangerous, reflected in paranoid delusions and confusing, reflected in disorganised thinking.