Nature and Development of HR Flashcards
Define HR
Basic entitlements and freedoms belonging to all people
Features of HR
- Inalienable
- Universal
- IndivisibleI
- nherent
Two types of HR
- Individual
- Collective
Basis for Human Rights legislation
- UDHR 1948
- ICCPR 1966
- ICESCR 1966
Define inalienable
Cannot be taken away
Define indivisible
Define inherent
Apply from birth
Define universal
Belong to everyone
Example of individual right
- right to vote
- right to education
Example of collective right
- Right to self determination
- Right to peace
What is the purpose of human rights
Form the foundation of justice and freedom and peace in the world
What documents form intl bill of rights
- UDHR 1948
- ICESCR 1966
- ICCPR 1966
what type of law is UDHR
Declaration therefore soft law
What is the purpose of the UDHR
Defined human rights and freedoms and formed basic of human rights law
Example of rights in UDHR
- Right to life
- Right to religion
What is purpose of ICCPR
Creates obligation on states to respect civil and political rights of individuals
What type of rights are ICCPR
Hands off rights. e.g. what the government can’t take way
Example of rights in ICCPR
- Right to vote
- Freedom of movement
When was ICCPR drafted
1966 came into force 1976
What type of law is ICCPR
Hard law
Who oversees ICCPR
UN Human Rights Committee
Hands on Rights e.g. what the government has to give you
What type of right are ICESCR
When was ICESCR drafted
1966, came into force 1976
Who oversees ICESCR
UN committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Define slavery
Forced labour where someone is the legal property of another
Purpose of slavery
fill certain roles in society
Why did slavery grow
Transatlantic slave trade 1600 onwards
what was the transatlantic slave trade
Trading of slaves from Africa to colonies in Europe
When did main abolitionist movement begin
18th century (1700s)
When was slavery abolished from England and its colonies
19th century (1800s)
Main Case law and legislation on abolition of slaveryR v Knowles (1772) Slave Trade Act 1807 (UK)Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (UK)
What did R v Knowles do
Outlawed slavery in England
What was purpose of the Slave Trade Act 1807
Outlawed slavery in all British empire
how is slavery outlawed now internationallyArt 4 UDHRICCPR ICESCR
What are trade unions
An organisation of workers created to preserve and further their rights and interests
When did labour law first emerge
Industrial revolution (1700s to 1800s)
How where trade unions first treated
They were criminalised
Example of trade unions criminalised
Tolpuddle martyrs 1834 sent to Australia for 7 years
What secured trade unions legal status
Trade Unions Act 1871 (UK)
How did unions protect their rights in Australia
Australian Labour Party
What Organisation protects labour rights currently
International labour organisation
How are Labour rights protected internationallyArt 23/24 of UDHRICESCR
What is the principal of democracy
That the authority of the government should be based on the political will of the people as expressed through genuine periodic elections
What is universal suffragethe right to vote by all citizens in political elections regardless of gender, race, status or creed
Who were the first group allowed to vote
Men with a higher status
When were all men allowed to vote in UKRepresentation of peoples Act 1918 (UK)
When did Australia give women the right to vote
When did UK give women suffrage
When did Aboriginal people get right to vote federally
How is right to vote outlined currently
- Art 21 of UDHR
- Art 25 ICCPR
How many countries are classified as democratic
How do trade unions protect labour rightsBargaining for better pay and working conditions
Examples of rights achieved by trade unions
Minimum wage, OHS
What is universal education
The idea that all human beings have a right to a education
Who first filled the role as the educator
The church in 1500s
What led to government providing education
How was education first made compulsory in UK
Education Act 1870 (UK)
Legislation in Australia that led to universal educationPublic Instruction Act 1880 (NSW)The Education Amendment Act 2009 (NSW), ( Previously Education Act (1990))
How is education protected internationally
Art 2 of UDHR plus millennium development goals
What is school leaving age currently in NSW
What is the collective right to self determination
The right for people belonging to a territory or national grouping to determine their own political status culture and future
When did self determination become important
Colonisation by European powers placing people under direct control of European powers
Example of self determination
1776 US declaration of independence
How is self determination outlined internationallyUN charter 1945 andArt 1 ICESCR Art 15 of UDHR
How does UN assist countries in reaching self determination
UN trusteeship council
What is a current issue of self determination domestically Indigenous people
How does UN protect Indigenous people globally
UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People 2007
What type of right is self determination
How do environmental rights differ from individual rights
They relate to many existing agreed rights e.g right to health needs an adequate environment
Main intl agreements recognising environmental rights
African charter on Human and Peoples Rights (1981)
How could environmental rights change
ICC might begin prosecuting national leaders that destroy the natural environment
When was league of nations establishedafter WW1, it failed after WW2 began
What is the primary aim of the UN
Maintaining peace and security
When was UN formed
How is right to peace outlined
- Declaration on the Rights of Peoples to peace 1984
- UN charter 1945
- Treaty of Versailles
What is the right to peace balanced againstright to self defence
What are civil rights
Civil rights are entitlements belonging to all humans and are to do with being a free citizen of a nation
What’s an example of a civil right
- Right to liberty
- Freedom of thought
What are political rights
Political rights are entitlements to do with full participation in government
Whats an example of a political right
- Right to vote
What are economic rights
Economic rights are the rights concerned with the production, development and management of material for the necessities of life
What’s an example of an economic right
- Right to work
What are cultural rights
Cultural rights are the rights which assist in preserving and enjoying one’s cultural heritage
What’s an exmaple of a cultural right
- Right to participate in cultural life
- Right to self determination
What are economic rights
Economic rights are the rights concerned with the production, development and management of material for the necessities of life
What’s an exmaple of a economic right
- Right to education
What are the main collective rights
What are the main types of HR
- Civil and political rights
What type of right was the basis for the abolition of slavery
Economic rights