Nature and attributes of science and technology Flashcards
Who said this phrase “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” ?
Sir Isaac Newton
This encompasses the knowledge of nature and universe
Making stuff, including stuff used by society, and in the production and dissemination of science
The sum total of our interactions as humans, including the interactions that we engage in to figure things out and to make things
True or False:
Science, technology, and society are deeply interconnected
Includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic explanations and
Science as an idea
Involves systematic observation and experimentation
Science as an intellectual activity
Referred as school science; deals with the process of learning about the natural and physical world
Science as a body of knowledge
It explains that science is both knowledge and
activities done by human beings to understand the world around them and a way to improve life
Science as a personal and social activity
It was the period of enlightenment when the developments in the fields of mathematics,
physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature.
Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution develops as an offshoot of the ________
The only authorities accepted as truth before 1500
the Bible and Aristotle
He taught that the Earth was the
center of the universe
Ptolemy’s geocentric model of the solar system:
- Earth
- Moon
- Mercury
- Venus
- Sun
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
Three scientists who challenged traditional theories about the universe and the Greco-Roman idea that the Earth
was the center of the universe
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Copernicus two conclusions on his book “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”
- The universe is heliocentric, or sun-centered.
- The Earth is merely one of several planets revolving around the sun.
Copernicus’ model of the solar system
- Sun
- Moon
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
Danish astronomer who provided evidence that supported Copernicus’ heliocentric
Tycho Brahe
Every night for years he carefully observed the sky, accumulating data about the movement of the stars and planets.
Tycho Brahe
Assistant of Tycho Brahe who used Brahe’s data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun
Johannes Kepler