Naturalism (radicalization of Realism) Flashcards
Characteristics (6)
- Focused on bleak, squalid realities (poverty, addiction, prostitution, “degeneration”)
- “Poetic”, “dramatic” character + mixture of fascination and disgust.
- Broke thematic taboos
- Deterministic
- Reaction against the evasive, nostalgic nature of realism.
- Attempt to portray an environment in rapid change. - Reflects end-of-the-century pessimism.
- Feeling of decline
- Era of social conflict= economic crisis
- Generalized political corruption exposed by the “muckrakers”
- Upton Sinclair “The Jungle”
- Robert Hunter ” The Children who Tail”
- Lincoln Steffens “The Shame of Cities”
- David Graham Phillips “The Treason of the Senate”
General ethos (5)
- Lost of faith in the centrality of individuals
- Dominant forces are no longer human but supra-human
- Charles Darwin+Karl Marx
- Mechanistic view of nature.
- Overwhelming city environment.
Naturalism literature
- Origins
- Settings
- Conflicts
- Interests, views
- Style
European origins: Emile Zola’s “Le Roman expérimental” + phisiology and positivism +novel as a experiment
Interests and views
- Studies influence of milieu and heredity on human action.
- Deterministic view of humans
- Interest in decay and generation.
- Literature should derive from “brute fact”
Settings: urban and contemporary (low dephts of cities, factories, working class milieu
Conflicts: idealism vs material circumstances/ individual will vs social and natural sources.
Style: direct, simple, descriptive, journalistic.
Authors (5) and works
- Upton Sinclair
“The Jungle”
“Oil!” - Theodor Dreiser
“Sister Carrie”
“Jeannie Gerhardt”
“An American Tragedy” - Stephen Crane
“Red Bage of Courage”
“Maggie” - Frank Norris
“The Octopus”
“The Pit”
“McTeague” - Jack London
“White Fang”
“Call of the Wild”