Natural Theology Defs Flashcards
Natural theology
Attempts to discover truths about the existence + nature of god by using human reason + existence
Psalm 46
Part of Bible that supports idea we can see god in creation
Teleological argument
Use order, design + complexity to argue the existence of god
Qua regularity argument (Aquinas)
Things have regular pattern and motion and can’t be arranging themselves —> god
Qua purpose argument (paley)
Object seem to have specific purposes they have been designed for —> designer must be god
Nature as a point of contact (Calvin)
Can’t properly contemplate god so require nature as a point of contact to make it possible, nature is the vehicle
Epistemic distance
A distance in knowledge or awareness between god and humans caused by our sinful natures
Principle of accommodation
God wants human to know him and so shows himself through nature in a non intimidating way
Fibonacci sequence
A mathematical pattern that appears throughout the natural world that can be used as an example of intelligent design (god)
Sensus divinitas (Calvin)
The awareness of divinity within the human mind, by natural instinct, allows us to ‘see’ god or develop a conscience or an inner morality
Universal consent argument
People from all cultures, time periods, all nationalities have all held a belief in god so the instinct to believe in god must be universally and naturally present within humans
The unknown god (st Paul)
God a polyistic society had altar to - shows they are naturally aware of gods presence even though can’t name or describe + against culture
Natural moral law
The moral law of god within human nature that is discoverable through use of reason
Your ability to recognise what’s right and wrong and use it in decisions - could be from god