Natural Law Flashcards
Review: What are the 4 causes?
Think MEFF Material - what it’s made of Efficient - how it’s made Formal - what its characteristics are Final - what its purpose for being made is
Who is the key thinker of Natural Law
But he bases his theory on Aristotle who believed that our purpose is to seek happiness in life through a general all round well being - Eudaimonia
What are secondary precepts
These are rules that can be worked out based on one of the five primary precepts.
For example:
Primary precept -> preserve life
Secondary Precept-> do not kill
How can humans discover what is right and wrong?
Through our purpose. If we can work out what we are here for, we can work our whether or not we are good.
What is the difference between primary precepts and secondary precepts?
For Aquinas, the primary precepts are fixed while the secondary precepts are more flexible and specific. They provide a needed flexibility as they show how the primary precepts apply in certain circumstances.
However, Catholics have made the secondary precepts fixed such as their rejection of contraception as it prevents reproduction. For Aquinas they are possible applications and NOT rules.
Define interior act and exterior act………
Interior act - motive of an action
Exterior act - the actual action
Name the 5 PRIMARY precepts
To create life To preserve life To live in an ordered society To be educated To worship God These are humans telos/purposes and if followed will make us happy.
What are the strengths of Natural Law
Clear and fixed principles - absolutist
Supports human rights
Flexible - double effect and secondary precepts
Rational and respects revelation - ability to reason AND revelation - the Divine law