Natural Law Flashcards
Natural Law (general idea)
What is good or bad is inscribed in our Nature
ex: it is bad to torture someone because it goesagainst his natural biological functions
NL gives a picture of morality which:
* __
* __
* __
- is universal and objective
- can be known without appeal to religion
- is not arbitrary and contingent
Does NL it make it possible and meaningful to look for wtical truths with philosphical tools?
Hume’s Law
You cannot derive an ought from an is
(completley different kinds of consideration)
* just by describing how the world is you cannot derive an ethical conclusion about what should or ought to be done
In general:
(1) the world is so and so (description)
(C) therefore, the worldshould be so and so(prescription
Hume’s Law
Polygamy example
Argument 1:
(1) Polygamy has existed since the dawn of time (fact)
(C) therefore, polygamy ismorally good (or ought to be permitted)
Argument 2:
(1) Polygamy has existed in many human societies (fact) (C) therefore, polygamy is morally good (or ought to be permitted)
Argument 3:
(1) Polygamy exists inother animals (fact)
(C) therefore, polygamy is morally good (or ought tobe permitted)
Response: the notion of Nature
General idea: specific 🔍
the Nature of a thing is a description of that thing which makes it possible to say what is good or bad for that thing
Response: the notion of « Nature »
Example: nature of the tree, nature of the animal
* the leaves convert solar radiation into energy for thetree, via photosynthesis
→ the leaves ought to be able to do photosynthesis
* (otherwise the tree will not flourish)
* blood circulation brings oxygen from the lungs tothe other organs
→blood ought to be able to transmit oxygen efficiently
* (otherwise the animal will not flourish)
Response: the notion of « Nature »
Application to Ethics
Nature of the human being
- it is in the Nature of Human Beings to…
- therefore Human Beings ought to…
- (otherwise they will not flourish)
(human nature, not nature in general)
What is the Human n
What human beings are « made for », or the« meaning » of human life
= Anthropology
What is human nature?
Problem of human nature being Anthropolgy
There are many different anthropologies:
- Atheist naturalist anthropology
(evolutionary) - Christian anthropology
(created by God for eternal life, purpose of their life is to love God and others for eternity after natural death) - Atheist existentialist anthropology
(human beings can freely and arbitrarily invent their ownpurposes and consequently invent their own morality)
Can we do ethics without proposing a religion?
General lesson of Natural Law Ethics:
Ethics is inseparable from the conception you have of Human Beings and the meaning of their life in this world
- Philosophical anthropology
Human Beings are animals
→ importance and goodness of their biological flourishing (illness is bad)
… but not animals like others: their individual personality matters (not just the species)
→we should protect people with a handicap instead of eliminating them for natural selection
.. and they may have a life after death (cf. Socrates)
– therefore human life has a sacred dimension that transcends this world