Natural Justice Flashcards
What is PNJ?
- According to Lord Esher, it is the Natural sense of what is right and what is wrong
- PNJ invests law with fairness to secure justice and to prevent miscarriage of justice.
PNJ in the Constitution
In Art 21 after the introduction of substantive and procedural due process, in Art 14 to prevent a claim of arbitrariness, in Art 22 to provide for procedure for arrest and detention of person, Art 311(2) to ensure that no person is dismissed or removed or reduced in rank except after inquiry etc.
Two types of PNJs
Right for fair hearing, Right against bias
Audi Alteram Partem. What are the components of a fair hearing
Right to Notice
Right to Appearance
Right to know adverse evidence
Right to present case
Right to present evidence
Right that evidence shall not be collected at his back
Right to rebut adverse evidence
Right to report of enquiry
Right to speaking order
S. L. Kapoor v. Jagmohan & Others
Right to notice
Contents of a notice are
Time place and nature of hearing
Legal Authority under which the hearing is held
Statement of specific charges
Keshav Mills Co. Ltd. v. Union of India
Dhakeshwari Cotton Mills Ltd. v. CIT
Right to know adverse evidence
Evidence to be used against a person must be brought to his notice.
It need not be original documents - Summary
of the contents is sufficient.
There is a right to inspect & take note.
Right to present case When is oral hearing required?
Reasonable opportunity to present the case can be through either medium: written/oral. Oral hearing is not an
integral part of fair hearing. The Effective defence test here is whether the case involves complex legal & technical
questions, in which case oral presentation is preferred
Case for Right That Evidence Shall Not Be Collected At His Back
Errington v. Minister of Health
Where legal representation is prohibited and restricted by the parent act, where will PNJ require it?
- Where the person is illiterate.
- Where the matter is very complicated and technical in nature.
- Where the expert evidence is on record.
- Where the matter is predominantly based on a question of law.
- Where the person is facing a trained prosecutor.
Are reasoned decisions a constitutional imperative?
It was held that any law which allows any administrative authority to take a
decision affecting the rights of the people without assigning any reason cannot be accepted as laying down a
procedure which is fair, just and reasonable, and hence would be violative of Articles 14 and 21