Natural Hazards Keywords Flashcards
Primary effects
Effects resulting directly from an event.
Secondary effect
Effects that result from a primary effect.
Large ocean waves caused by an underwater earthquake.
Richter scale
The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake.
Smaller tremors which happen after an earthquake.
Earth’s crust
The solid, outer layer of the Earth.
Tectonic plates
Large segments of the Earth’s crust.
The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
Liquid rock below the Earth’s surface.
The loss of strength that can happen in the ground during the earthquake shaking.
The addition of new technology to older buildings.
The point of the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
Building code
Regulations which state how a building should be built in order for it to be safe.
Seismic activity
Movement in the Earth’s crust.
Movement of people away from a place of danger to a place of safety.
Storm surges
Abnormal rise of the sea along a shore as the result of a storm; sometimes called a tidal surge.
Situated in the area between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
The calm, clear area at the centre of a tropical storm.
TRS - Tropical Revolving Storm
Hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones.
The path taken by a tropical storm.
Mandatory evacuation
An evacuation that is ordered by authorities or the government.
Natural cycle
Series of events in nature that are repeated over and over again.
Physical effects
Those affecting natural and built materials.
Social effects
Those affecting people.
Economic effects
Those affecting money and business.