Native English Flashcards
The slave narrative, no less than the domestic novel, constitutes a literary genre
The autobiography, no less than a novel, should tell a powerful story
类似:both A and B are …
shed a new perspective on
a rationally required conclusion
is likened to
diametric contradiction
Complete contradiction
diametrically opposed
restrict the kinds of experiences from which philosophers may draw knowledge
Dont misread as “restrict … from …”
inasmuch as
- Since; 2. To the extent that
lead paint
have/get the facts straight
present facts in an accurate way;know and understand the facts
a successful concern
A relates X to B
A告诉B X
The passage contains support for which one of the following statements concerning those scholars who analyze works written in Latin during the Renaissance?
“Scholars” are current; works are in Renaissance
the introduction of a thought experiment whose results the author expects to vary widely among different people
anything but A
not A
No owl on Scrag Island is known to eat anything but frog on the island
Owl food -> frogs
Newly elected laws need a period of immunity during which they can be repealed only if circumstances are dire
Prove, put beyond doubt
the object of one‘s faithfulness
stiff competition
deep temperate lake
It isn’t that the school paid more for each computer than it was worth, but that the computers that were purchased were much more elaborate than they needed to be
It isn’t that X but that Y -> X is wrong or IRRELEVANT
A thorough study of the flight reports required of pilots for all commercial flights
reality of an alleged phenomenon