Native American Flute Traditions Flashcards
Wind instruments prevalent across the Western Hemisphere before human contact included…
panpipes and flutes.
How do the longevity of Western hemisphere wind instruments compare to each other?
(1) Panpipes: Vanished in North America by 1700
(2) Flutes: Continued to spread and evolve
The introduction of horses by Europeans in North America affected areas where flutes were played by…
broadening the areas.
courting flute
wooden block flute
The courting flute spread from…
origins in Great Plains outwards with the expansion of Native tribes known as “horses cultures”.
The spread of the courting flute resulted in…
its use for courtship across broader geographic location.
river cane flute
block flute
The river cane flute was primarily found in…
the American Southwest through the Southeast Woodlands.
River cane flute contrasts from the courting flute due to…
(1) Different material: Split/hollowed river cane
(2) Different construction
(3) dissociation with courtship; Separate cultural/ceremonial significance
The context of flutes across the North America included…
use in different ceremonial/cultural contexts depending on region and tribe that showcased versatility and overall cultural significance.
(1) Great Plains: Courtship
(2) Northeast: Curing rituals
(3) Eastern Woodlands: Signaled peaceful intentions when approaching unfamiliar town
Flutes were constructed by…
Splitting a stick/branch open, hollowing it out, then adding holes for airflow.
Flute were tuned based on…
maker’s measurements with no specific pitch matching required.
What were the two most common styles of flutes?
(1) Undecorated styles
(2) Bird’s Head
The symbolism of the Bird’s Head flute was…
to demonstrate male power or depict a waterfowl bird, which mate for life.
The practice of playing flute was culturally significant in Lakota society because…
(1) Culturally acceptable way for man to court a woman
(2) Utilized in complex courtship process where man had to win the heart of women and convince parents he could support her