Nationalism Flashcards
What are some common principles/ ideas behind nationalism?
Nations have some form of shared commonality, through birth, language, culture etc
Nationalism can be paired with any other ideology- Anthony Smith’s (historian) ‘Chameleon ideology’
Territory is not an essential requirement of a nation
Nations evolve, and aren’t created like states
What were Marcus Garvey’s views?
BLACK pride, PAN-AFRICANISM, all African people were one people, need to join together
Either argued as progressive or regressive (as he believed in a nation made of all black people, wanting to end imperial rule and unite this nation in a United States of Africa)
What were von Herder’s views?
Cultural and romantic Rejection of rational liberalism Commonality of language 'VOLKSGEIST' (national Spirit) Also used in modern liberal movements, eg Wales and Catalonia/ Spain
What were Maurras’ views?
Right wing
CHAUVINISTIC, xenophobic and militaristic, believed in the superiority of his nation, and other nations as a threat
Ultra-conservative, regressive, civic
Exclusive- takes a lot of time to become a part of the National lot more strict and less fluid
INTEGRAL- an intense form patriotism where the individual becomes absorbed into the nation
What were Mazzini’s views?
Liberal, progressive
ROMANTIC, what he believed united a nation was more emotional or ‘spiritual’
Action- rejected intellectualism and rationalism
CIVIC- support of nation-states and self-determination
NATIONHOOD- humans can express themselves only through their nation
What were Rousseau’s views?
CIVIC, liberal, rational
‘The GENERAL WILL’- the idea that the gov. should be based on collective interests of the community rather than absolute monarch
Popular sovereignty and self-determination, nation-states
What are contrasting types of nationalism you could use in your essay paragraphs?
Rational vs romantic Inclusive vs Exclusive Progressive vs Regressive Liberal vs Conservative Expansionist vs Nativism (prioritise's own people's interests) Also Anti and post-colonial Also internationalism/ globalisation
To what extent do anti-colonial and expansionist nationalists agree on the state?
Anti-colonial sees nation-state as only legit form of gov
eg Garvey
Expansionists use the state to dominate inferior nations
eg Maurras
To what extent do lib. and con. nationalists agree on the state?
Liberal emphasise rational self-determination
Eg Mazzini
Many are also internationalist
Con. suggests, especially chauvinistic nats., that only superior nations should benefit from nation-statehood
state unites nation and therefore encourages patriotism
Hostile to supra-national gov. eg Farage
To what extent do anti-colonial and expansionist nationalists agree on the economy?
Colonialism can be associated with economic exploitation or repression, leadings many anti-colonial movements to be socialists
Eg Garvey wanted economic empowerment
To what extent do lib. and con. nationalist views agree on society?
Liberalism is progressive, inclusive, tolerant and multi-cultural, supports diversity and pluralism
Support internationalism
Conservatives are regressive and monocultural
To what extent do liberal and conservative nationalists agree on the economy?
Conservatives are more in-ward looking
eg Make America Great Again
Nativism gives economic priority to indigenous members of the nation and is very exclusive
Protectionism- trade barriers to protect from international competition
Liberals are more progressive and outward looking, supporting globalisation, rational
To what extent do civic and cultural (/ ethnic/racial) nationalists agree on society?
Civic nat. is normally liberally and for self-determination
eg Rousseau and active participation creates healthy society, share society’s values
Cultural is usually patriotic, emotional, romantic and conservative- organic society
To what extent do civic and cultural (/ ethnic/racial) nationalists agree on human nature?
Civic is rational and logical, believing all members of nation must support its values and aims
Romantic nature of cultural means an emotional link is necessary and patriotism and shared experiences
eg Herder
Racialism- nature connected to race
To what extent do inc vs exc. nationalists agree on society?
Liberal and civic nationalists often support a progressive and inclusive society
Exc, can be hostile, exclusive, lack tolerance, be mono-cultural and chauvinistic
eg Maurras
To what extent do inc vs exc. nationalists agree on human nature?
Inc is tolerant, open, and accepting, encourage differing cultures and have a commonality regardless
Exc is more suspicious of human nature and doesn’t believe commonality is quickly developed or inherent.
Favour mono-culturalism and frequently hostile towards immigration
To what extent do self-determination and expansionist nationalists agree on human nature?
Mutual dependency to avoid conflict, tolerance and respect of other nations due to shared humanity
Expansionists may be chauvinistic, believing not in a shared human nature but commonality coming from birth and shared experience
What do all nationalists agree on concerning the state?
Nationalists agree on self-determination for their own state
Most nations want their own autonomy
What do all nationalists agree on concerning human nature?
Some form of emotional/ irrational connection that forms groups, as people naturally people feel connected to one group more than other
All nationalists feel a sense of patriotism
What do all nationalists agree on concerning society?
All nations and societies are to some extent formed emotionally, as people feel more connected to one group than another
All nationalists feel a sense of patriotism towards the society and its culture
Formed and bound by common values, experiences and even language
What do liberal nationalists seek?
Autonomous nation-states- SELF-DETERMINATION
What do conservative nationalists seek?
To forge a sense of COHESION and unity within society
What do anti/post-colonial nationalists seek?
Seek to have governance returned to the INDIGENOUS population, rejecting colonial rule
What do expansionist nationalists seek?
To REJECT the right of all other nations to self-determination, linking to CHAUVINISM
To what extent is nationalism progressive?
Agree- self-determination, mutual respect, libs., anti, cons
Disagree- liberal v cons., shared history forges nation, intense patriotism (even nostalgia) and nostalgia, progressive, civic views
Disagree- inclusive v exclusive, mono v multi, Herder, nations as ethnic entities, cannot be progressive, immigration, tolerance, evolving nations
To what extent does nationalism support self-determination?
Agree- self-determination for themselves, Cons state creates unity and social cohesion, anti/post and lib
Disagree- lib. v con. con more grey area, not all born equal
Disagree- expansionist v anti/post