Nationalism Flashcards
What is the Volksgeist
This refers to the spirit that binds a people together. It can be variously based on language, culture, shared history or intellectual superiority.
Most associated with German Philosopher Johann Von Herder
What is Patriotism
This is a strong sense of attachment to pride in the state which one lives. Where the nation and the state are closely allied, it also refers to national pride
What is civic nationalism
This is a sense of shared national pride in the values of a nation. In most liberal democracies these are typically tolerance, love of liberty and equality between all groups and individuals
Liberal internationalism
This is the principle that each nation should respect the values and sovereignty of other nations provided they do not pose a direct threat to other nations.
What is Chauvinism
This exaggerated form of patriotism and national pride sees one nation as superior to all others
What is nativism
This is a form of nationalism or patriotism which distinguishes between the ‘native’ population of a country and immigrant groups who have arrived more recently
Used to curb immigration and introduce economic policies that ensure the economic well being of native groups.
What is Von Herder’s (1744 - 1803) book title
Treatise on the Origin of Language 1772
Von Herder context
German Philosopher forming part of a romantic reaction against the rational ideas of the enlightenment
Writing before the German unification, at the time Germany was divided into many separate states
What is Von Herders view on Human nature
Von herder believes that people are joined by common language, their cultural identity is based of the language which they speak.]
Believed in what he called the Volksgeist which comes from the word Volk meaning a Folk, this was a spirit amongst the people binding them together.
what does Von herder believe about the state
States can only be based upon common culture and linguistic heritage
What does Von herder believe about society
Society is based of common culture and national heritage
What does Von herder believe about the Economy
Made no special relationships between nation and economy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712 - 1782 book titles
The social contract 1762
Considerations on the government of Poland 1771-1772
Rousseau context
Writing before the French Revolution, was dead when it happened in 1789.
French philosopher in the enlightenment period.
Beleived there was a general will amongst the people which brought them together.
What is Rousseau’s view on the state
People are rational beings who desire their own freedom
What does Rousseau thing about the state
The state is there for self determination, a firm believer in democracy and had a massive influence of the thought of the nation state
What did Rousseau believe about society
Political society must be based on national self determination.
A nation state cold be created from the democracy, education and the psychology of people
What did Rousseau think about the economy
There was no particular relationship between nationalism and economic structures
Giuseppe Mazzini 1805 - 72 book titles
The duties of Man 1860
Mazzini context
His philosophy was combined with his heroic political and military action during the unification of italy
1831 started young italy which was determined to overthrow the herditary monarchies and unite Italy
What was Mazzini view on Human nature
He was a romantic nationalist, he saw the forces that bind people together as being spiritual in nature.
People seek liberty, but contained in the liberty of the people to which they belong
What did Mazzini think of the state
There should be a republican state.
The state is a romantic ideal, the ultimate expression of the unity of a people
How did Mazzini view Society
Whilst he did believe that society must allow personal freedom to flourish, he also thought that individual liberty should not interfere with the nations goal.
National interests over individual interest
how did Mazzini view the economy
Economic freedom is a natural result of general freedom enjoyed by nations and their peoples
CXharles Maurras 1868-1952 book titles
Action Francaise 1899 (journal)
Charles Maurras context
Prime example of right wing nationalism, his views can be found in modern day nativist thinking.
Pro monarchy, anti Semitic and anti democracy
Jewish people were responsible for the misfortunes of France and the introduction of decadent life styles (showoffy)
Maurras view on Human nature
He believed that ethnic identity is a key aspect of our consciousness,
The Jewish people were responsible in the decline in French fortunes
He opposed all 3 principles of the French Revolution
Fraternity - french people are now too close to inferior people
Liberty - lack of respect for the authority of the state
Equality - too punch power to the ignorant masses
What is Maurras’ view of the state
The state should be a hereditary monarchy rather than a democracy. Wanted a return to pre-revolutionary France
Church and State fused, and democracy had very limited scope
What was Marruas’ view on society
The interests and consciousness of individuals should be suppressed in favour of the collective identity
Society is based of ethnicity and some society it’s are superior due to their ethnicity
Admired fascism and the Germans attitude towards the Jewish people however not Germany itself as in his lifetime Germany invaded 3 times Franco Prussia 1870, WW1 1914 and ww2 1839
What was Mauras’ view on the economy
The superior culture of one nattily leads to the economic dominance of that nation over weaker nations.
Marcus Garvey 1887-1940 book titles
Message to the people 1937
Negro world - Journal to encourage black education
Marcus Garvey context
Jamaican politician, writer and entrepreneur (Jamaica was a British colony
Described as a black nationalist and a Pan-Africanist, one of the first people to propose the unification of the continent
Despite lack of success in his lifetime, Garvey had a profound influence on future black emancipation movements, notably Malcom X’s Nation of Islam.
Marcus Garvey view on Human nature
The African people were one single race who had been scattered by slavery and divided within Africa itself by colonial rule
By uniting all black peoples this would be capable of overthrowing colonial rule and creating a new free united Africa.
Garvey’s view on the state
States are artificial constructs, the products of white supremacy. the only meaningful state should be the united black peoples of the world.
Garvey identified Ethiopia as the origojnal breeding ground for human society, so that is where he wanted to start the pan African state and transport the African people in American to
Garvey’s thought on Society
Black society will be superior to white society once the colonial oppression of black people is defeated
Garvey’s thought on The economy.
He opposed both international capitalism which he though would lead to imperialism
He opposed communism which he thought leads to dictatorship.
Black peoples should set up their own form of capitalism which is in their best interest.