Nationalism Flashcards
When did nationalism first become a political movement?
Mid-19th century
Simplest definition of nationalism?
The idea that the nation is the most appropriate unit of government
What key theories are associated with nationalism?
The nation
Organic community
Identity politics
Describe the basic idea of ‘organic community’
- People are naturally divided into a collection of nations with distinctive characters and identities
- ‘Higher loyalty’ to the nation than to any other collective group
Describe the basic idea of ‘self-determination’
- A nation governing itself
- Nation isn’t just a natural community but also a political community
- Often expressed through independence however sometimes through federalism or devolution
Describe the basic idea of ‘identity politics’
- Andrew Haywood – “Nationalism tells people who they are”
- Cultural nationalism emphasises the nation as a distinctive civilisation rather than political community = less rational, traditional, romantic
- Ethnic nationalism emphasises loyalty to a particular population, group or geographical area and is seen as exclusive
What is a state?
A political term that refers to a geographical area that is organised and has a government
What are the 4 components of a state?
Territory, people, government, and sovereignty
What is a nation?
A population who share a similar culture and ideas that can be formed as a result of many factors including a common race, religion, language or history
Who are the main thinkers of nationalism?
Von Herder Rousseau Mazzini Maurras Garvey
Describe Von Herder:
- 18th century German writer
- Overarching conservative nationalism
- Linked to romantic and cultural nationalism = every nation different with own character
- Each nation possesses a ‘volksgeist’ – national spirit
- Importance of language “Has a nation anything dearer than the speech of its fathers”
- Regressive
Describe Rousseau:
- 18th century French philosopher
- Father of liberal nationalism
- Influenced the French Revolution
- Self-determination and popular sovereignty
- Civic nationalism – state is legitimate as it is based on active participation of citizens
- Will of people
- Liberal, progressive, rational, civic
Describe Mazzini:
- 19th century Italian writer
- Liberal nationalism and ideas of nationhood
- Patriotism = a duty
- Founded ‘Young Italy’ – revolutionary nationalist movement linked to self-determination to overthrow monarchies
- Romantic nationalism
- Republicanism – combination of nationalism and popular democracy
- Liberal, progressive, emotional, cultural
Describe Maurras:
- 19th/20th century right-wing French nationalist
- Restoring traditional values and being patriotic
- Xenophobic – blamed Jewish people for decline in French fortune
- Ultra-conservative nationalism
- Integral nationalism – intense and very emotional, demands complete obedience to ideals of the nation and can be linked to Fascism
- Militarism
- Interests of the nation should always be more important than narrow self-interest
Describe Garvey:
- 20th century Jamaican activist
- Equality
- Ultimate dream was a United States of Africa
- Wanted to end imperial rule
- Black nationalism and black pride
- Pan-Africanism
- Inspired Malcolm X and Nation of Islam
What did Anthony Smith describe nationalism as?
A chameleon ideology - due to its adaptable nature
CONSERVATIVE NATIONALISM: where has it developed?
In established nation-states rather than ones in the process of nation building
CONSERVATIVE NATIONALISM: what do they think of self-determination?
Less concerned with universal self-determination and more focused on patriotism and national unity
CONSERVATIVE NATIONALISM: how do they view society?
Society is organic and that nations develop from people’s preferences to live with those with same appearance and values as themselves
To have pride in one’s country and to encourage national unity through patriotism
CONSERVATIVE NATIONALISM: progressive or regressive?
Regressive as celebrates tradition by being nostalgic
CONSERVATIVE NATIONALISM: use of institutions?
Can be viewed as symbols of national identity such as the monarchy
Herder’s focus on ‘volksgeist’ shows irrationality as focus is on emotion not logic
An extreme form of conservative nationalism that is deemed as irrational, chauvinistic, militaristic
EXPANSIONIST NATIONALISM: what do they think of self-determination?
Rejects the rights of all nations to self-determination – linked to chauvinism (national superiority) and based on intense nationalist emotion
EXPANSIONIST NATIONALISM: what did Maurras call intense patriotism?
Integral nationalism – where the nation is more important than any individual or independent group
EXPANSIONIST NATIONALISM: what is it often accompanied by?
A world of autonomous, independent nation-states
Progressive, rational, tolerant
LIBERAL NATIONALISM: what do they think of self-determination?
Nations are equal so should be fully entitled to the right of self-determination
LIBERAL NATIONALISM: views on foreign domination?
Opposes all form of foreign domination and oppression
LIBERAL NATIONALISM: where is it found?
In nations that are part of a larger stat but wish to be independent eg. Scotland
LIBERAL NATIONALISM: example of a thinker?
Mazzini wanted Italy to become independent from the Austro-Hungarian empire
(Also, Rousseau)
LIBERAL NATIONALISM: views on supranational organisations?
Believe that powerful nation-states may try to dominate weaker states if left unchecked, so accept the need for governing bodies such as UN and NATO
Rejecting colonial rule and seeking to have governance returned to indigenous populations
ANTI-COLONIAL NATIONALISM: what is post-colonial nationalism?
The experiences of nations after their goal of independence has been achieved
ANTI-COLONIAL NATIONALISM: what type of democracy is it linked to?
- Autocratic regimes (dictatorships) because under a democratic system newly independent states could collapse
- Socialist movements to promote economic development eg. Cuba wanted to be free from US domination so rejected free market principles
Rejects western ideas and culture
ANTI-COLONIAL NATIONALISM: what other type of nationalism is it linked to?
Black Nationalism