National (T) Flashcards
When did Jallianwala Bagh massacre happen?Who killed all the peacefull protestors,,, Who gave that person permission to Kill?Which Supreme court judge visited the Jallianwala bagh recently to pay homage to the martyrs?
Jallianwala bagh happend on 13th april 1919,, 103 years ago.
General Reginald Dyer(the person who oredered the army to fire at the crowds)
Sir Michael O’dwyer as the person who gave Dyer the autonomy to do whatever he likes ,,(knowing the context and situation)
What were the incidents that led to the occurance of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?
- Britishers not granting self-governance to India after WW1
- Rowlatt act(black act) passed on March 10,1919.(allowing govt to imprison without trial(for seditious activity), restriction on movement,, Hindu-muslim not to be seen together)
- Prohibition of Gandhi’s entry to Punjab,,( he had called for satyagraha on april 7,1919)
- Arrest of Dr Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr satyapal(leaders) on april 9 for protesting against the rowlatt act in amritsar
- Open fire on protestors who marched into the deputy commisioners office,, demanding release of the 2 leaders
What had the crowd gathered for on april 13(jallianwala bagh)??How many were killed that day as per Dyer,, how many were killed as per Madan Mohan Malviya committee?
The crowd was celebrating Baisakhi
What was the name of the commission which was formed to take actions on the Jallianwala Bagh incident ?who is the chairman of the Jallianwala bagh national memorial trust?
Hunter commission.
PM modi
PM modi unviels ______ statue of lord________ in Gujarat’s Morbi district?
108ft statue of Lord Hanuman( 2out of 4)(west)
What is the #Hunumanji4 dham project?
The project amis to set up 4 statues of Hanuman ji in west, south, north and east India.
where was the first statue of Hanuman ji under #Hanumanji4dham project set up?where is the next project gonna be?When is Hanuman Jayanti?
South rameswaram.
Hanuman jayanti- april 16th
BRO to construct world’s highest tunnel at_________ to connect _______&______? at what altitude will the tunnel be built?What is the tunnel construction being called as?
Shinku La Pass
to connect– Himachal pradesh to Zanskar valley (ladakh)
Altitude- 16,580 feet,, tunnel to be completed by 2025.
BRO‘s Mission Yojak‘
When was BRO formed? under which ministry does it operate?is it part of Indian armed forces? It set a Guinness World Record in November 2021 for the ―highest altitude road‖ at ________
BRO-The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) -7 May 1960.
It operates under MoDefence (since 2015)
Umling la
who is the first CJI to visit Attari-wagah borger(IND-PAK)?
NV ramana,border near amritsar.
What is Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav(AKAM)?When will the celebrations of AKAM end?When did AKAM start?
A flagship initiative of the Central and State Governments, launched to commemorate 75 years of India‘s independence.
August 15, 2023
it started on 12th March, 2021
Centrer releases 10th and 11th edition of Status paper on ________?when did this annual status paper initiative begin?
govt debt→ it provides a detailed analysis of the overall debt position of GOI.
It enhances transparency by providing debt info years -2019-20 and 2020-21
first annual status paper of debt was released on 2010-11 year
_________ edition of India-France joint staff talks concluded in paris?purpose?
20th edition,,,The India-France Joint Staff talks is a forum established to enhance defence cooperation between the nations through regular talks at the strategic and operational levels
Cabinet approves continuation of __________ abhiyan till for achievement of SDG?Till when will the above mentioned scheme go on?Which committee approved this decision?
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan-untill 2025-26.
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
what is the total outlay of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan?What is the focus of the scheme?
5911 crore
focus will be towards capacitating the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions for Leadership Roles to develop an effective third tier of Government to enable them to deliver on localization of Sustainable Development Goals
When was the initial Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan scheme approved? till when would the initial phase go on?which is the agency which implemented the scheme?
approved in 2018 for the period of 2018-19 to 2021-22.
Implementing agency- Ministry of Panchayati Raj.(Union minister-Giriraj Singh)
_________ to have India’s largest Sewage treatement Plant?how much dirty water can it pump on a daily basis?
Okhla,Delhi; ,, 564 million litres of treated water.
main aim is to prevent dirty waste from chocking river Yamuna
2 other plants are also being constructed.
Amrit samagam,, 2day conference in delhi was inaugurated by _________?
Which ministry organised the conference as part of Azadi ka amrit mahatsov?
Amit shah.
Ministry of Culture(union minister G.kishan reddy)
Why was amrit samagam conducted?what were the six important themes discussed in the conference?
The goal of this conference is to discuss how far the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav has progressed so far and also how we remind people to celebrate this stupid thingh
policy framework, reforms for strengthening governance, making cooperatives vibrant economic entities, promoting social cooperatives, and the role of cooperatives in social security
Which portal was launched in Amrit samagam?who launched it?Why?
Utsav Portal website- launched by Minister of Culture G Kishan reddy
to showcase activities happening in different regions of the country inorder ton attract tourists
How many commonwealth nations are there?Who is the head of the common wealth?
54(former british territories)
Queen elizabeth II.( Charles, prince of wales wil be the next head)
Queen elizabeth II is the head of state of how many commonwealth realms?how were the common wealth nations formed
15; the common wealth nations were formed by the London declaration 1949
Modi inaugurated ______on 14th April(amedkar jayanti)?What was the cost of the museum?
Pm’s Museum or the The Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya(which has the achievements and contributions of every PM of independent India)
Rs 271 crores
Where was the The Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya built?
In Teer Murti Bhavan(delhi) Adjacent to Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
Teer Murti Bhavan was where nehru resided.