National Living Treasures or Gawad Manlilikhang Bayan(GAMABA Flashcards
A person or group of artists recognized by the Government of the Philippines for their contributions to the country’s intangible cultural heritage
National Living Treasures or Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA)
The National Living Treasures or Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan (GAMABA) was institutionalized through
Republic Act No. 7355
The highest policy-making and coordinating body for culture and the arts of the State.
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Cultural Center of the Philippines
Benefits for the Individual Awardee of GAMABA Award:
The rank and title of Manlilikhang Bayan, as proclaimed by the President of the Philippines in accordance with Executive Order No. 236 or Honors Code of the Philippines;
The GAMABA gold-plated medallionminted by the BangkoSentral ng Pilipinas(BSP) and citation;
A lifetime emolument and material and physical benefits comparable in value to those received by the highest officers of the land such as:
1) a minimum cash award of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱200,000.00), net
of taxes;
2) a minimum lifetime personal monthly stipend of Fifty Thousand Pesos
3) a medical and hospitalization benefits not exceeding
P750,000 per year;
4) a state funeral, the arrangements for and the expenses of
which shall be borne by the Government, upon the death of
the Manlilikhang Bayan; and
5) a place of honor, in line with protocolar precedence, at
national state functions, and recognition at cultural events.
For group awardees:
The rank and title of Manlilikhang Bayan, as proclaimed by the President of the Philippines in accordance with Executive Order No. 236 or Honors Code of the Philippines;
The GAMABA plaque for the group;
A one-time award of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (200,000.00), net of taxes;
The group shall designate its leader who will represent and attend events and functions on behalf of the group. The said representative will also have a place of honor, in line with protocol precedence, in state functions, national commemoration ceremonies and all other cultural presentations.
The process
- The Panel
- The Nominations
- The Screening
A Kalinga of Lubuagan
He was awarded for his mastery of the Kalinga dance and the performing arts.
He was also recognized for his persistence to create and nurture a greater consciousness and appreciation of Kalinga culture among the Kalinga themselves and beyond their borders.
A Panay-Bukidnon of Calinog, Iloilo was awarded for his mastery of chanting the sugidanon, the epic tradition of Central Panay.
He ceaselessly worked for the documentation of the epics of his people together the elements of this oral tradition nearly lost.
He’s from Mamasapano, Maguindanao.
He was awarded for his outstanding artistry and dedication to his chosen instrument, the Maguindanao kutyapi.
Kutyapiis a two-stringed plucked lute, regarded as one of the most technically demanding and difficult to master among Filipino traditional instruments.
Of barangay Parang, Jolo Island, Sulu Province.
She has preserved the art of pissyabitweaving.
It is difficult art of tapestry weaving that creates the traditional squares used by the Tausugfor ornamentation.
Despite the conflict in Jolo, Sawabi’sdedication to her art enhanced the preservation of traditional Tausug designs.
A Yakanof Lamitan, Basilan was awarded for his dexterity in playing the Yakanmusical instruments such as the kwintangan, gabbang, agung, kwintangankayu, tuntungan, among others.
In spite of the dimming of his eyesight, he has devoted his life to the teaching of Yakanmusical traditions.
A TagabawaBagobo of Bansalan, Davao del Sur
She was awarded for fully demonstrating the creative and expressive as aspects of the Bagobo abaca ikat weaving called inabalat a time when such art is threatened with extinction.
A Pala’wanof Brookes Point, Palawan
He was awarded for his exemplary skills in basal or gong music ensemble.
He was also recognized for his versatility as musician, poet, epic chanter and storyteller of the kulilal and bagit traditions of the Palawan
She’s from UngosMatata, Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi
She is recognized as the master mat weaver among the Sama indigeneouscommunity of UngosMatata.
Her colorful mats with their complex geometric patterns exhibit her precise sense of design, proportion and symmetry and sensitivity to color.
A T’boliof Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, was awarded for weaving the abaca ikat cloth called t’nalak.
She has produced creations which remain faithful to the T’boli tradition as manifested in the complexity of her design, fineness of workmanship and quality of finish.
A Kapampangan from Central Luzon is recognized for reviving the Spanish colonial era craft of Plateria.
This self-taught master craftsman found his calling in producing religious secular art in silver, bronze and wood.
In doing so, and in pursuit of perfection for himself and his apprentices, he assures the continuity of this rich tradition.