National Income Accounting Flashcards
What is considered as national income and why?
Net National product at factor cost is considered as national income because,
a). It represents the total income earned by factors of production
b). Net is chosen because gross income includes the wear and tear of fixed assets which does not represent actual income available for distribution
c). National is chosen because it includes the income earned by nationals abroad but excludes the income earned by foreigners within the country
d). Factor cost was chosen because taxes and subsidies are not the payments for factors of production
What is the significance of NIA?
A. International Comparison
B. Business Decisions (shows relative contribution and potential of different sectors)
C. Policy Formulation (proper allocation of resources)
D. Policy Evaluation
E. Annual Budget
F. National Statistics
What is GDP?
It is the total market value of all the final goods and services produced in an economy in a given period of time.
What is Nominal GDP?
What is Real GDP?
Nominal GDP refers to the current year production of final goods and services valued at current year prices.
Real GDP refers to the current year production of g&s valued at base year prices.
What is GNP?
It is the measure of the value of output produced by the residents of the country irrespective of the geographical boundaries.
Relation and Difference between GDP and GNP
a). GNP = GDP + NFIA
b). (GDP - GNP) is directly proportional to Integration with and dependency on global economy i.e., The difference between GDP and GNP of a nation reflects how much the outside world is dependent on its products and how much it depends on the world for the same.
What it means if GDP > GNP?
It means that dependency on foreign investments, businesses or resources within the country.
What it means if, GDP < GNP?
It means that economic reliance on international markets or investments by nationals in foreign economies.
What is Net Factor Income from abroad (NFIA)?
NFIA = Citizen’s income in abroad - Foreigner’s income in country
Why GDP is the most acceptable indicator worldwide?
- GDP growth is the major contributor to welfare
- GDP corelates with several other measures of development like literacy and healthcare
- It has a clear methodology and is easy to calculate.
- It is objective because it is a monetary/mathematical/accounting calculation.
- Facilitated cross-country and over-time comparisons.
- Given its long history and standard methodology, it is reasonably well understood by policy makers
Different parts of NFIA are……..
- Net Compensation of Employees
- Net Income from Property and Entrepreneurship (Earning from foreign direct investments like, dividends, interests or portfolio investments)
- Net Retained Earning of Resident Companies Abroad (Eg : Retained earnings of a MNC’s foreign branches)
Why the concept of NDP and NNP are not used to compare different economies?
They are not used to compare different economies because the method of calculating the DEPRICIATION varies from nation to nation.
What are Transfer Payments?
These are the payments made by government to individuals for which there is no economic activity produced in return by these individuals.
They act as injections, potentially increasing national incomes. It is merely a transfer of right to spend, and not income, thus is not accounted in calculation of national income.
Eg : Old Age Pensions, Scholarships, Subsidies, Donations, Unemployment Benefits, Disaster Relief, Remittances, Bonuses, Direct Benefit Transfers (DBTs) etc.
What is Gross Investment and its parts?
It is the investment expenditure by firms.
It is divided into two parts: -
A. Net Investment
Expanding the production capacity (new
capital goods and machinery)
B. Depreciation
Maintaining the production capacity
(Replacing and maintenance of used up
capital goods)
Gross Investment
= Net Investment + Depreciation
= (Net Fixed Capital Formation + Change in Inventory + Residential Investment) + Depreciation
= (Gross Fixed Capital Formation + Change in Inventory) + Residential Investment (New units)
= Gross Capital Formation + Residential Investment (New Units)
What is Depreciation?
Depreciation is the deduction in the price of a tangible asset which reduces the asset’s monetary value due to a variety of reasons like wear and tear that is caused by a prolonged use of the asset.
What is Capital Consumption Allowance?
It represents the minimum investment amount required to maintain current productivity levels of fixed assets i.e., capital goods.
What is Personal Income?
It includes all income received by an individual in a year.
PI = National Income + Transfer Payments - Corporate retained earnings, Social Security Taxes
What is Disposable Personal Income?
Disposable Personal Income refers to the amount, which in actual is at the disposal of individuals to spend as they like.
DPI = PI - Direct Taxes
= Consumption + Savings
Give some factors affecting National Income
Factors of Production
Labour and Entrepreneur
Government (provide a favorable business environment)
Political Stability
What is Purchasing Power Parity?
It is an economic concept the relative value of currencies by measuring the price of purchasing the fixed basket of goods and services in different countries.
What are the limitations of doing GDP conversion using market determined exchange rates?
- They do not reflect the prices of non-tradeable goods and services that are produced and consumed domestically.
- The cost of domestically traded goods and services can be much lower than developed countries, but market exchange do not capture this price difference, leading to distorted calculations of GDP.
- It understates GDP of developing countries.
How PPP is better than GDP for comparing economies?
- It compares purchasing power of currencies.
- It measures how much of a common basket of goods and services can be purchased.
- It reflects the real cost of living.
- It accounts for both traded and non-traded goods.
- It provides a more accurate picture of economic output.
- It allows for a more realistic comparison of living standards and economic sizes between countries.