National Income Flashcards
What does Market for factors of production mean ?
Households supply factors of production (labor,capital,land etc. ) to firms, for which they receive income (wage, salary, rent, profit etc.)
What does Market for Goods and Services mean?
Firms supply goods and services to households and in return, households’ expenditures on the goods and services become firms’ revenues.
In a simple Economy Total Income equals to
Total Expenditure = Total Output
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ?
GDP is the market value of
all final goods and services
produced in a country during a specific period of time usually taken to be a year.
GDP excludes what and includes what ?
- Excludes production abroad by domestic companies
- Includes the production undertaken in the domestic economy by foreign companies.
Anything produced within the borders is part of country’s GDP
How is Gross National Product (GNP) calculated ?
GNP is calculated by adding net factor income to GDP.
GNP= GDP+Net Factor Income
What is Net factor income ?
is the factor income (wages, profits, etc.) earned by the citizens of a country working abroad minus the factor income earned by foreign citizens operating in that country.
How many ways are there to Measure Economic Activity ?
There are two main ways of looking at economic activity a
- expenditure
- income approaches
What are main expenditures in an economy ?
- Consumption (C)
- Investment (I)
- Government Expenditure (G) (pending on roads, health, education, defense and the salaries of civil servants)
- Exports of Goods and Services (X)
- Imports of Goods and Services (IM)
How is GDP calculated in the expenditure approach ?
Y = C + I + G + X - IM
How is GDP calculated in Income Approach ?
GDP is measured by adding together
- all the incomes paid by firms to households for the services of the factors of production they hire
Net domestic income at factor cost
How Net domestic income at factor cost is calculated?
all the incomes paid by firms to households for the services of the factors of production they hire –
Sum of
- wages for labor,
- interest for capital,
- rent for land and profits
- paid for entrepreneurship.
What does Factor cost mean?
value of a good or service measured by adding together the costs of all the factors of production used to produce it.
Why the market price and factor cost values are not the same ?
Because of government taxes or subsidies
What is an indirect tax ?
tax paid by the consumers when they buy goods and services.
Value added tax (VAT) is a good example of an indirect tax.