National Building Code Flashcards
Building code approved on ___ and took effect _____
Oct 29, 2004
May 1, 2005
The code shall apply to all private and public buildings and structures except ____ and those covered by _____ known as ____
Traditional indigenous family dwellings
Batas pambansa bilang 220
Economic and socialized housing projects
Any new construction which increases the ht of area of an existing bldg
Any of the various units of the govt including a dept, bureau, office, instrumentality, govt owned corporation
Agency of the government
Works in buildings involving changes in the materials, partitioning, location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does not increase the building ht and floor area
Preformatted prescribed application form accomplished and notarized by the respective design professional with validatiob matrices related to other bldg rules and regulations
Application forms
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, organization applying for the issuance of permits and certificates
Executive officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary
Building official
Document issued by the BO to an owner/applicant to proceed with construction or other work activity of a specific project/bldg
Building permit
All onsite work done from site preparation, excavation, foundation, assembly of all the components and installation of utilities abd equipment
Change in the use or occupancy of a bldg which has diff requirements
Systematic dismantling or destruction of a bldg
Executive officer of head of the nbcdo
Executive director
The transfer of any bldg or structure from its original location to another
OBO; office authorized to enforce the provisions of the Code
Office of the Building official
Applicable provisions of the various agencies and technical professional codes that are supplementary to the code
Referral code
Physical change made on a bldg to increase its value, utility, improve the aesthetic
Remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portions of a building to restore its original condition
Head or chief executive officer of dpwh
National building code development office
Qualifications of Bldg officials
A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his profession for not less than ___ endorsed by the accredited professional organization
5 yrs
Qualifications of Bldg officials
Has at least ___ of diversified and professional experience in bldg design and construction
5 yrs
Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and regulations, the bldg official shall retain not more than ___ of the income/collection derived from permit fees and other charges for the operating expense of the office. The remainder shall accrue to the general fund of the respective municipality
____ and ____ shall be exempt from paying bldg permit fees
Public bldgs
Traditional indigenous family dwellings
Traditional indigenous family dwellings = constructed of ____ such as bamboo, nipa, logs, lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed _____
Native materials
Building code
National building code of the philippines
PD 1096
Standards, rules and regulations shall take effect after their publication ___ for ___ in a newspaper of general circulation
Once a week
3 consecutive weeks
Secretary or authorized representative may prescribe and impose fines not exceeding ___ in cases enumerated, subject to terms and procedures
Penalty for change w/o permit in excavation for foundation
10% building permit fees
Penalty for change w/o permit in construction of foundation
25% of bldg permit fees
Penalty for change w/o permit in construction of superstructure up to 2M above established grade
50% of bldg permit fees
Penalty for change w/o permit in construction of superstructure above 2 M
100% of bldg permit fees
For failure to pay the annual inspection fee within ____ from prescribed date, a surcharge of ___ of the inspection fee shall be imposed
30 days
Penal provisions for violating any provision of the Code
Fine not more than P20,000 or by imprisonment of not more than 2 yrs
Those declared as such ir are structurally unsafe or not provided with safe egress, a fire hazard, dangerous to human life bec of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolence, abandonment, contribute to the pollution
Dangerous buildings
Fire code of the Philippines
PD 1185
Duly signed and sealed by the corresponding professionals, the plans and specs
Ancillary permit
Issued by the BO for accessory parts of the proj with very special functions or use which are indicated in the plans and specs that accompany the bldg permit application (swimming pools, vaults, towers, chimneys, tanks, kiosks, tombs, etc)
Accessory permit
Exemption from bldg permits (minor construction)
Sheds, children’s playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses not exceeding ___ provided they are completely detached from other bldgs and for private use
6 sqm in floor area
Exemption from bldg permits (minor construction)
Addition of open terraces resting directly on the ground not exceeding ___ for private use
20sqm in floor area
Exemption from bldg permits (minor construction)
Garden pools for culitvation of water plants/fish not exceeding ___ in depth and for private use
Exemption from bldg permits (minor construction)
Garden masonry wall other than party walls not exceeding __ in ht, footpaths, residential garden walks and driveways
1.2 m
When the application for bldg permit and plans and specs submitted conforms to the requirements of the Code, the BO shall within ___ from payment of the required fees by the applicant, issue the bldg permit
15 days
Engineer or architect who drew up the plans and specs for a bldg is liable for damages if within ___ from the completion, the same should collapse due to defect in the plans or specs or defects in the ground
15 yrs
The supervising architect/civil engineer shall keep at the jobsite at all times a ____ of daily construction activities wherein the actual daily progress of construction including tests conducted, weather condition and other pertinent data are to be recorded
Upon completion of the construction, the owner shall submit the ___ duly signed and sealed to the BO including ___ and other documents and shall also prepare and submit a ____ of the project stating that the construction of the bldg conform to the Code
Asbuilt plans
Certificate of Completion
No bldg shall be used until the BO has issued a ____ therefore as provided in the code
Certificate of Occupancy
When the construction is undertaken by contract, the work shall be done by a duly licensed and registered contractor pursuant to the provisions of the _____
Contractor’s license law (RA 4566)
The owner shall submit a duly accomplished prescribed ____ to the office of the BO prior to any construction
Notice of construction
The owner shall put up a ___ which complies with the prescribed dimensions and info, which shall remain posted on the construction site for the duration of the construction
Bldg permit sign
A bldg permit shall expire and become null and void if the bldg authorized therein is not commenced within a period of ___ after the issuance of the bldg permit, or is suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been commenced for a period of ___
1 yr
120 days
Within ___ from the date of receipt of advice of the non issuance, suspension or revocation of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal with the secretary who shall render his decision within ___ from the date of receipt of notice of appeal
15 days
The owner shall submit to the OBO an application of certificate of occupancy together with a duly notarized ___ together with the ___, ____ and ___ all signed by whoever is the contractor and signed and sealed by the owner’s licensed architect/ civil engr who undertook the full time inspection and supervision of the construction works
Certificate of completion
Construction logbook
Asbuilt plans and specs
Bldg inspection sheet
A notification to conduct final inspection shall be endorsed by the OBO to the City/Municipal Fire Marshall (C/MFM), Bureau of Fire protection (BFP), who shall issue a ____ within ___ if the fire safety requirement shall have been complied
Fire safety inspection certificate
5 working days
Type 1 construction
Wood construction
Type 2 construction
Wood construction with protective fire resistant matls and 1 hr fire resistivity
Type 3 construction shall be of __ construction. Structural elements may be any of the matls permitted by the Code, provided that the bldg shall be ___. Exterior walls shall be of ___
Masonry and wood construction
1 hr fire resistive througout
Incombustible fire resistive construction
Type 4 construction shall be ___ and walls, ceiling and permanent partitions shall be of ___, except that permanent nonbearing partitions of ___ may use fire retardant treated wood within the framing assembly
Steel, iron, concrete or Masonry construction
Incombustible fire resistive construction
1 hr fire resistive througout
Type 5 construction shall be ___ and the structural elements shall be of ___
4 hr fire resistive throughout
Steel, iron, concrete or Masonry construction
Exterior bearing and non bearing walls of types 2 & 3 constructions shall have a __ fire resistive ratingwhile those of types 4 & 5 shall have a ___ fire resistive rating
1 hr
4 hr
Interior bearing walls of types 2 & 3 & 4 constructions shall have a __ fire resistive ratingwhile those of types 5 shall have a ___ fire resistive rating and __ fireresistive rating for vertical openings, floors and roofs
1 hr
1 hr
Structural frames of types 2 & 3 constructions shall have a __ fire resistive rating while those of types 4 shall have a ___ fire resistive rating and type 5 shall have a ___ fire resistive rating
1 hr
2 hr
3 hr
Exterior doors and windows shall have __ fire resistive rating for all types
1 hr
Materials required to be flame spread proofed shall be treated with a flame retardant have a flame spread of ___ or less as determined by the ____
Tunnel test
Bldg which is located partly in 1 fire zone and partly in another shall be considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire zone when more than ___ of its total floor area is located in such zone
Areas where sitting of bldgs are permitted w/o fire resistivity measures often located in rural areas wherein dwellings are built of indigenous matls such as bamboo, sawali, nipa, cogon, palm leaves and wood up to types 1&2 constr.
Non fire restricted zone
Areas wherein sitting of bldgs are permitted within prescribed fire resistivity measures for exterior walls of at least 2 hr fire resistivity. Usual locations in suburban areas are permitted to be built with at least 1 hr fire resistivity throughout as types 2,3,4 constr
Fire restrictive zones
Areas wherein highly fire resistive or non combustible bldgs of no less than 3-4 hr fire resistive constr matls are used throughout, including exterior walls. Only Types 4&5 are permitted
Highly fire restrictive zone
Means the degree to which a material can withstand fire as determined by generally recognized and accepted testing methods
Fire resistive rating
The length of time a matl can withstand being burned which may be 1 hr, etc
Fire resistive time period
Mixed occupancy
Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than ___ of the area of any flr or bldg, nor more than ___ of the basic area permitted in the occupancy req, in which case, the major use of the bldg shall determine the occupancy classification
No bldg shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to a ___ on at least ___
Public space, yard or street
One of its sides
Eaves over required windows shall not be less than ___ from the side and rear property lines
750 mm
Dwellings shall occupy not more than __ of a corner lot and __ of an inside lot and subject to the provisions on easements of light and view of the civil code of the philippines, shall be at least __ from the property line
2 M
Footings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at least __ thk and __ below the surface of the ground
250 mm
600 mm
The live load of the 1st floor shall be atleast ___ and for the 2nd flr, at least ___
200 kg/sqm
150 kg/sqm
Wind load for roofs shall be at least ___ for vertical projection
120 kg/sqmr
Stairs shall be at least __ in clear width, with a rise of __ and a min run of __
Courts, yards and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills or steel fire escapes not exceeding __ in width
1.20 M
Habitable rooms with artificial ventilation shall have ceiling hts not less than __
2.4 M
For bldgs more than 1 story, min ceiling ht of the first story shall be ___
2.7 M
For bldgs more than 1 story, min ceiling ht of the second story shall be ___
2.40 M
For bldgs more than 1 story, min ceiling ht of the succeeding stories shall be ___
Rooms with natural ventilation shall have ceiling hts of not less than
2.7 M
Mezzanine flrs shall have a ceiling ht of not less than __ above and below
1.80 M
Min sizes of habitable room
6 sqm with least dim 2 m
Min size of kitchen
3 sqm with least dim 1.5 m
Min size of t&b
1.2 sqm with least dim of .90 m
Min air space of school rooms
3 cu. m with 1 sqm per person
Min air space of workshops, factories and offices
12 cu. m
Min air space of habitable rooms
14 cu. m
Rooms intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system, shall be provided with a window with a total free area of openings equal to at least __ of the floor area of the room provided that such opening shall be not less than __ sqm
1 sqm
Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch has a ceiling ht of not less than __
2.7 m
Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the porch has one of the longer sides at least __ open and unobstructed
Eaves, canopies and awnings over required windows shall not be less than __ from the side and rear property lines
Window openings must serve as emergency egress or access for rescue operations. The min clear opening shall have a width not less than __ and a ht of __. The bottom opening should not be more than __ from the floor
1 m
The clearance between the established grade of the street and sidewalk and the lowest under surface of a balcony shall not be less than __
3 m
The width of an arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street provided that in no case shall an arcade be less than __ above the established sidewalk grade
3 m
Arcaded pedestrian walkways shall have a clear ht of __
3 m
A permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by the bldg and projecting over a wall or sidewalk.
Canopy or Marquee
The horizontal clearance between the outermost edge of the marquee and the curb line shall not be less than __
The vertical clearance between the pavement or ground line and the undersurface of any part of the marquee shall not be less than __
3 m
Marquee shall be constructed of incombustible material of not less than __ fire resistive construction
2 hrs
A moveable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which can be retracted, folded or collapsed against the face of a supporting bldg
The horizontal clearance between the awning and the curb line shall not be less than __
300 mm
The vetical clearance between the undermost surface of the awning and the pavement or ground line shall not be less than __
2.4 m
Any material or structure temporarily occupying public property, including fence, canopies and walkways, shall be adequately lighted, from __ to __
No matls shall be piled or stacked higher than __ except in yards or sheds intended for storage. When piles exceed __ in ht, the matl shall be so arranged that the sides and ends of the piles ____
1.8 m
1.2 m
taper back
Number or exit/s for an occupant load of more than 10
Number or exit/s for an occupant load of 500-999
Number or exit/s for an occupant load of 1000 or more
4 exits