Natalie Ackerman Flashcards
Death: jeez. I nearly broke my neck.
Nat: who are you?
Death: death.
Nat: who?
Death: death. Listen- can I sit down? I nearly broke my neck. I’m shaking like a leaf.
Nat: what ARE you?
Death: death. You got a glass of water?
Nat: death? What do you mean death?
Death: what is wrong with you? You see the black costume and the whitened face?
Nat: yeah.
Death: is it halloween?
Nat: no.
Death: then I’m death. Now can I get a glass of water- or a Fresca?
Nat: if this is some joke-
Death: what kind of joke? You’re 57? Nat Ackerman? 118 pacific street? Unless I blew it- where’s that call sheet?
Nat: what do you want with me?
Death: what do I want? What do you think I want?
Nat: you must be kidding, I’m in perfect health.
Death: uh-huh. This is a nice place. You do it yourself?
Nat: we had a decorator, but we worked with her.
Death: I love those kids with the big eyes.
Nat: I don’t wanna go yet.
Death: YOU don’t want to go? Please start in. As it is, I’m nauseous from the climb.
Nat: what climb?
Death: I climbed up the drainpipe. I was trying to make a dramatic entrance. I see the big windows and you’re awake reading. I figure it’s worth a shot. I’ll climb up and enter with a little you know- meanwhile, I get my heel caught on some vines, the drainpipe breaks, and I’m hanging by a thread. Then my cape begins to tear. Look, let’s just go. It’s been a rough night.
Nat: you broke my drainpipe?
Death: broke. It didn’t break. It’s a little bent. Didn’t you hear anything? I slammed into the ground.
Nat: I was reading.
Death: you must have been really engrossed. “Nab coeds in pot” can I borrow this?
Nat: why didn’t you just ring downstairs?
Death: I’m telling you, I could have, but how does it look? This way I get a little drama going. Something. Did you read faust?
Nat: what?
Death: and what if you had company? You’re sitting there with important people. I’m death- I should ring the bell and traipse right in the front? Where’s your thinking?
Nat: listen, mister, it’s very late.
Death: yeah. Well you want to go?
Nat: go where?